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0105 "Christmas Surprise" [12/25/06]
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:05 pm
by Cassie_xx
New video!
On YouTube it has 1 view. o.O
It's so adorable!
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:06 pm
by Virginia
Awwww, poor Bree.
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:11 pm
by alysaface
awwwwwww it was teh cutest video evar!! loved it.
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:16 pm
by Smelltheflowers
I was smiling like an idiot when Bree and Daniel were reuinted

It was just too romantic / sweet
Merry Christmas LG15 fans! What a great present this video was

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:20 pm
by twelfthofnever
I was wondering if Bree celebrated things like Christmas and Halloween.
That reindeer blood is potent stuff *hiccup*
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:21 pm
by islandlove
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:22 pm
by Steph1636
awwww I loved that video! Daniel is sooo sweet! He surprised Bree! And Jonas is so sweet too for planning this! It really makes you have a warm feeling inside.
So back to the mystery solving...Bree DOES NOT celebrate a traditional Christmas.
haha reindeer blood

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:31 pm
by PushedButton
Aww, that was cute. Merry Christmas Everyone

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:32 pm
by Maccaboy17
i loved this video
they are finally all together!
also for all you mystery solvers out there can you think f the significance of the national geographic magazines
especially eygpt? is she going to be learning egyptian again? will she find an artical on dendorah in the magazine?
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:36 pm
by TheFatLady
Is it sick and wrong that, on Christmas Day, I'm surfing eBay to see if I can find that exact issue of National Geographic? Here I am, hoping none of the rest of the family wakes up before I'm done with my LG15 fix . . .
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:40 pm
by watermelonhead
yo, bree's mom and dad are still in danger
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:41 pm
by Maccaboy17
TheFatLady wrote:Is it sick and wrong that, on Christmas Day, I'm surfing eBay to see if I can find that exact issue of National Geographic? Here I am, hoping none of the rest of the family wakes up before I'm done with my LG15 fix . . .
yeah thats a litle sick
i at least hav ethe excuse that it 5 over here in Britian
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:43 pm
by canadas_baby
Awwww that was too cute. The look on Bree's face when she saw Daniel, and the way she screamed his name, it was just to adorable. I totally melted ..
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:55 pm
by jobee13
Maccaboy17 wrote: i at least hav ethe excuse that it 5 over here in Britian
Same teehee
And I loved how that video was feel-good for Christmas Day. Really nice to see everyone back together...
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:00 pm
by xrockette19x
eeeeeeeeeee so cute

!!! i was really hoping there would be a vid today for me and my fellow jews who do nothing but go to the movies and eat chinese food on christmas!! hehehe merry christmas to everyone who celebrates it