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Daniel's "Alien" Line (Illuminati)

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:57 pm
by Luv2Skydive
"Ever see that movie, Alien? I feel like Ripley."

Daniel could have chosen from a huge list of movies but he chose Alien.

So I tried to figure out why and I found a few things......

Alien was about an alien impregnating a human.....which is the basis for the Illuminati existance.

In the movie, while the crew think that they have finally reached Earth, Dallas learns that they have been woken up to discover the source of a radio signal, originating from a nearby planet in the Zeta Reticuli

Here is a quote about the Zeta:

"Besides the Zeta Illuminati forces, we also have the Annunaki Illuminati forces. And while they are at odds with each other, they both want Earth and to get rid of most of us." Found here: ... read=69876

Dan O'Bannon (who had collaborated with John Carpenter on the cult sci-fi film Dark Star) wrote the original screenplay as a script titled Star Beast (just had to throw the word "Beast" in there again)

Soooo.....Alien = Zeta = Nibiru (planet aka Wormwood) = Illuminati

Did I say Wormwood? Remember Chartreuse as a tag? What's it made out of?

quote from Strange Tags:

"Went back and looked at tags last night and came up with chartreuse, the original and secret recipe liquer, like absinthe, contained thujone, from Wormwood" which us very psychoactive."

More about Wormwood:

"Undistilled wormwood essential oil contains a substance called thujone, which is a convulsant and can cause renal failure in extremely high doses, and the supposed ill effects of the drink were blamed on that substance in 19th century studies. Many of these studies were flawed, such as a study by Dr. Magnan in 1864 that exposed a guinea pig to large doses of pure wormwood oil vapor and another to alcohol vapors. The guinea pig exposed to wormwood had seizures while the other did not"

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:13 pm
by Slainte
and yes..of course, wormwood was the ORIGINAL ingredient in Absinthe...things seem to be getting VERY interesting!

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:24 pm
by Luv2Skydive
I try to build my case around the evidence and not the evidence around the case, but sometimes it's really hard. :lol:

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:45 am
by aideen
That's a very well researched case. Imprrrressive

Re: Daniel's "Alien" Line (Illuminati)

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:20 am
by Pi
Luv2Skydive wrote:"Ever see that movie, Alien? I feel like Ripley."

Daniel could have chosen from a huge list of movies but he chose Alien.

So I tried to figure out why and I found a few things......

Alien was about an alien impregnating a human.....which is the basis for the Illuminati existance.

In the movie, while the crew think that they have finally reached Earth, Dallas learns that they have been woken up to discover the source of a radio signal, originating from a nearby planet in the Zeta Reticuli

Here is a quote about the Zeta:

"Besides the Zeta Illuminati forces, we also have the Annunaki Illuminati forces. And while they are at odds with each other, they both want Earth and to get rid of most of us." Found here: ... read=69876

Dan O'Bannon (who had collaborated with John Carpenter on the cult sci-fi film Dark Star) wrote the original screenplay as a script titled Star Beast (just had to throw the word "Beast" in there again)

Soooo.....Alien = Zeta = Nibiru (planet aka Wormwood) = Illuminati

Did I say Wormwood? Remember Chartreuse as a tag? What's it made out of?

quote from Strange Tags:

"Went back and looked at tags last night and came up with chartreuse, the original and secret recipe liquer, like absinthe, contained thujone, from Wormwood" which us very psychoactive."

More about Wormwood:

"Undistilled wormwood essential oil contains a substance called thujone, which is a convulsant and can cause renal failure in extremely high doses, and the supposed ill effects of the drink were blamed on that substance in 19th century studies. Many of these studies were flawed, such as a study by Dr. Magnan in 1864 that exposed a guinea pig to large doses of pure wormwood oil vapor and another to alcohol vapors. The guinea pig exposed to wormwood had seizures while the other did not"
Nice. So, are you suggesting that if the ceremony includes drinking absinthe it might be helpful to have some cerebyx nearby?


Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 12:08 pm
by Killthesmiley
Slainte wrote:and yes..of course, wormwood was the ORIGINAL ingredient in Absinthe...things seem to be getting VERY interesting!

it's still used in european absinthe, and some canadian brews, depending on the province.

you know this is getting really really REALLY scary as we were joking around i nthe chat that OpAphid is really an absinthe factory....

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:21 pm
by Luv2Skydive
I still don't have any idea about the ceremony.....but yeah, if the thujone can cause seizures, then have Cerebyx nearby would be helpful. :)


Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:14 pm
by scrappyliketonyaharding
Well this is kind of obvious but the renal failure would be controlled by the epogen and I guess the cerebyx would help with the seizures from the wormwood/epogen combo.

This is so interesting... Are you a plant?

Re: yeah

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:27 pm
by Luv2Skydive
scrappyliketonyaharding wrote:Well this is kind of obvious but the renal failure would be controlled by the epogen and I guess the cerebyx would help with the seizures from the wormwood/epogen combo.

This is so interesting... Are you a plant?
Hehehe....I wish. Then maybe I'd know what the heck was going on. I'm probably so far off base the Creators are laughing at me, but it's interesting stuff anyway. :)

I tried to tie everything together but I go back and read my posts sometimes and think WTH? :lol:

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 2:41 pm
by lonelyelendi
mmmm absinthe....

No but seriously...That case does include the evidence, and kudos for your methodology luv2skydive, but building a case is more than just taking the evidence and piecing it together...

It requires one to build both the case around the evidence and the evidence around the case...a gun is just a gun until you put decide it was in someone's hand...and until you make that decision you don't have a case!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:46 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
okay i'm lost. sorry if i sound totally stupid.

what is absynthe?

and when did daniel say that? where did this all come from? lol

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:49 pm
by Killthesmiley
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:okay i'm lost. sorry if i sound totally stupid.

what is absynthe?

and when did daniel say that? where did this all come from? lol
absinthe is a alcholic drink, which has a high alcohol level.
It is also known as the "Green FAiry" as sometimes, the more potent versions of it, cause people to hallucinate.
It is illegal in the USA, but legal in some canadian provinces and most european countries.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:52 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Killthesmiley wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:okay i'm lost. sorry if i sound totally stupid.

what is absynthe?

and when did daniel say that? where did this all come from? lol
absinthe is a alcholic drink, which has a high alcohol level.
It is also known as the "Green FAiry" as sometimes, the more potent versions of it, cause people to hallucinate.
It is illegal in the USA, but legal in some canadian provinces and most european countries.
lol thank you for explaining. :)

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:54 pm
by Killthesmiley
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:okay i'm lost. sorry if i sound totally stupid.

what is absynthe?

and when did daniel say that? where did this all come from? lol
absinthe is a alcholic drink, which has a high alcohol level.
It is also known as the "Green FAiry" as sometimes, the more potent versions of it, cause people to hallucinate.
It is illegal in the USA, but legal in some canadian provinces and most european countries.
lol thank you for explaining. :)
it also lives in my cupboard!!!!
want some lol????????

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:58 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Killthesmiley wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote: absinthe is a alcholic drink, which has a high alcohol level.
It is also known as the "Green FAiry" as sometimes, the more potent versions of it, cause people to hallucinate.
It is illegal in the USA, but legal in some canadian provinces and most european countries.
lol thank you for explaining. :)
it also lives in my cupboard!!!!
want some lol????????
ooh yes PLEASE. while i read what it was i was thinking "hmm.. maybe i should go to europe or canada and get my hands on some of this.." :twisted: