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quantum hippy conspriacy theory

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:00 pm
by Ruberic
commonjoe wrote:Sorry for double posting (I posted this in the videos thread by accident) but I was wondering if the favourite in the lonelygirl15 revver account is relevant. It was a user response to one of DBs, but thecreators have linked to it:

My apologies if this was brought up previously and I missed it.
Ok guys...we really need to take a very close look at this video. Honestly.

This guy is reading from a paper, and is quick to point out several key things. Images on the car, paper through the window...etc.

Also, Commonjoe suddenly logs on and drops us this hint...hmm

Finally, right before the end of the piece, if flashes a diagram (I can't pause fast enough to see the damn thing). Could this be a response TO Bree from someone that knows her father? OR, Op Aphid?

Please take a look, especially at the very end and tell me what you think.

EDIT: Also, mentions specific people by name that have never been mentioned prior to this, as if Bree is supposed to know them some how.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:10 pm
by brandoblues
i just watched it, and watched his other two videos as well...

lets play a game...

one of his videos, this feynman group person, is a voicemail call from the guy who wrote "coven". its on his revver page, so go check it out, later this might make more sense

ive seen that mockumentary on showtime or something years ago, was pretty trippy, but thats not the point.. ive seen that video clip before...

so i went to youtube to find that same exact clip ive seen before, and i found it.

well youll have to follow the trail.

start here...

watch this classic lg15 video, then in the video responses find the one labeled titohandyman and click on his video.

after you watch that video, you will notice he has one video response, go ahead and watch it. note the peace sign.

ok after you have watched that one, click on the guys username (jinro something) so you can see his page and you will notice he has one more video uploaded, click on it.

the order is everywhere.



Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:58 pm
by romanceismusic
ok so I followed the trail. Here is what I noticed in each:

the first vid is Brees 'my parents let us go hiking'.... Self explanitory.

The second vid is a response to Bree's vid. It is by a user with the name: titohandyman. In this video tito shows bree how to attract bees using honey, and then he seals the bees in a box. He states at the begining that there are many dangers in nature. especially at titos house.
(Tito returns with a video response to 'Boy Problems'. In this vid he puts out to much honey and the ants come instead of the bees. This can be viewed here:

the third video, is by jinro75x . He talks about Tito's bees and how they are educational yet entertaining. There is a peace sign on his video the entire time. weird, no?

He has another video titled: Message From The Dude Who Wrote Coven! It is literally a voicemail message from the dude who wrote Coven. He talks about how jesus told him there was something to live for and how Gerry was standing next to him and that he was alright. [Sister golden hair was Written by Gerry Beckley, ©1975] A weird image was flashed at the end (just for record is seen below)


In an attempt to figure out this picture, one of the members in IRC googled 'heart times coffee cup' and got this site: and

This also led to this video (it is a response RE:RE: Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids):
(RE:RE: Daniel Returns, and More interesting Factoids:

Finally a link to LG15: ... QigiMtry7c (Left as a comment to RE:RE: Daniel Returns, and More interesting Factoids)

Also, A favorite of this user is this video:
which features the coffee cup picture.

In this video you hear reverse audio which can be heard here:


This video, when pulled up on revver is linked to the 'Feynman Days Festival' video. It is footage from just that. Here is a screencap of the diagram flashed at the end of the vid [1:11] (though I don't understand it fully):


The Feynman Diagram:

This diagram has to do with Gluon Radiation. Not sure how it is relevent to anything.... But the key for this diagram as is follows:

The squiggly line that the arrows meet is a photon
straight line, arrow to the left is a positron
straight line, arrow to the right is an electron

e = electron
p = positron
g = gluon
y = virtual photon


the right two arrows meeting the squiggly line means: An electron and a positron meet and annihilate (disappear), producing a photon

the left two arrows meeting the squiggly line means: An electron and a positron meet and annihilate (disappear), producing a photon

So far I am pretty sure the basic equation of the diagram is as follows:
electron and positron meet, and the photon forms and a gluon is released somewhere
electron + positron ---> photon, THEN comes the quark/antiquark pair, and a gluon is spun off that
Keep in mind:

A tachyon is a hypothetical subatomic particle that always travels faster than the speed of light.

An electron is a stable subatomic particle in the lepton family having a rest mass of 9.1066 × 10-28 grams and a unit negative electric charge of approximately 1.602 × 10-19 coulombs

A positron is an elementary particle having the same mass and magnitude of charge as an electron but exhibiting a positive charge; a positive electron. Also called antielectron

A gluon is a hypothetical massless, neutral elementary particle believed to mediate the strong interaction that binds quarks together

EDIT: to add on about the Feynman Diagram

(A SIDE NOTE ON FEYNMAN DAYS: ... /news.html)

**thanks tech4u2hire, ladron121, brandoblues, ziz-lite (for mad googling skills), and unsaltedbeans for helping put this together. :)**

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 12:57 am
by deagol

electron, positron, photon, quark, anti-quark, up quark, strange quark, anti-strange quark, anti-bottom quark, anti-top quark, kaon, pion, W boson, gluon, fermion, proton, neutrino, antineutrino... so where the hell is the tachyon?
In addition to their value as a mathematical technology, Feynman diagrams provide deep physical insight to the nature of particle interactions. Particles interact in every way available; in fact, intermediate virtual particles are allowed to propagate faster than light.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:05 am
by romanceismusic
Deagol, You should really back up your argument a little more. Also, Don't use wiki for physics. I found this site very insightful.

EDIT: im *NOT* done with this.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:17 am
by Luv2Luvem
I said it in another thread, but I just thought I'd bring it up here as well. Bree mentions Feynman in her YT profile.

"I do know about lots of random things (since I read ALOT)... so if you want to talk about quantum physics I just read "Surely, You're Joking Mr. Feynman?" He's a complete nutjob but BRILLIANT!"

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:45 am
by brandoblues
luv, another coincidence.. the name of the song from brees hiking video i liked above is called Brilliant Days.

its awesome the way we tie things in ways, the creators must be proud

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:53 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Damn, we're getting into physics and biology shit! maybe they're chemically engineering Bree for the TRUE Ceremony... Like how we were thinking of preparing her for bloodletting, but, like 20 miles further...

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:27 am
by fuzzy_bunny85
Ok, so it doesn't seem like this Feynman guy has anything to do with bree, but he did particle theory, and I'm sure that everyone has read what a tachyon is, but I can't actually find a direct link between him and the idea of the tachyon.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:32 am
by romanceismusic
fuzzy bunny, I am not even done working on this. lol. Just pay attention to my ever changing post.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:48 am
by WonkaNerdsRule
Wow, the Feynman Diagram, the reverse audio message, Feynman Days... Could it be? :shock:

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:50 am
by Nodus
Damn hippies.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:10 am
by bethy
Ouch.... Math and science make my head hurt. :cry:

My grandfather is a rocket seriously....he was anyway, worked for JPL and NASA. I'll ask him this weekend about this diagram. I'm sure he'll understand it....shoot, I'm pretty sure he knew Feynman now that I think about it. My grandpa was involved in the Challenger investigation (he invented a rocket fuel or something like that) and apparently Feynman was as well.

Grandpa's a brilliant chemist...unfortunately, none of those science genes made it my way. I'm all literature and art...just like mom...and my grandma.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:19 am
by trainer101
Here are links to a couple of research papers discussing Feynman’s views on classical electrodynamics and the concept that electrons and positrons are the same particles undergoing time reversals. They demonstrate the transition of virtual particles from sub-luminal existence to super-luminal is theoretically (and mathematically) possible.

Caution: These are pdf files. Checked and virus free.

Massless Classical Electrodynamics ... ssical.pdf

Tachyons, Quanta and Chaos

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:19 am
by romanceismusic
haha a music person...i didnt know i could ever do quantum physics lol. I think i figured out the scientific part of the its just tying it in with the rest of the stuff.