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Little Too Much

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:46 pm
by charliebrown
Lonelygirl15 was created mostly for teenagers to watch and enjoy.
Thats why most thought CiW was fake because it showed too much for a younger audience. My only problem with this forum is some of the racy things people post. I have seen pictures that show a little more than I need to see and words that are offensive. I like this forum a lot and i am not trying to seem rude or anything, but I'm 13 and some of this stuff just is a little inapporite for me.
I'm sorry for any incovenice!

Re: Little Too Much

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:07 pm
by Broken Kid
charliebrown wrote:Lonelygirl15 was created mostly for teenagers to watch and enjoy.
Thats why most thought CiW was fake because it showed too much for a younger audience. My only problem with this forum is some of the racy things people post. I have seen pictures that show a little more than I need to see and words that are offensive. I like this forum a lot and i am not trying to seem rude or anything, but I'm 13 and some of this stuff just is a little inapporite for me.
I'm sorry for any incovenice!
The Creators have long said they're aiming for no more than a PG-13 kind of rating. If you have a particular post that you feel is out of line, please let me or another moderator know!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:09 pm
by iamcool
i haven't really seen anything that bad, apart from glowe's posts the rest seem to be pretty pg-13

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:20 pm
by Inigo
Wow Kid. Not that I don't believe you but a 13 year old usually never says that he's too young for certain material.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:30 pm
by charliebrown
im a girl and my mom and dad check the websites i go to.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:58 pm
by Killthesmiley
heres the thing about the pg13 rating...

Lonelygirl is obviously getting to be more of a pg15/r rating. and that is becoming more apparent as OpAphid progresses. the reason i say that is because of the latest development in the Tachyon/brother VoiceMail. there is cursing.
The story line, as some of you can tell, is oriented now. Like think about it ... how many PG13 media out there has an cult chasing a 17 year com'on.
I think it started out as a PG13, but because the audience seems to be more 16 and above there might be a move into the older catagories

I really don't know what to tell you charliebrown. honestly it seems that they are moving into a more mature area right now with OpAphid .. that is just my opinion. The admins and forum members do their best to avoid mature language. But its difficult.
My biggest suggestion is to stay out of the off the cuff forum and the get to know each other forums. just because a lot of the rules don't seem to have 100% application there and there is a bit more freedom.
other then that some of the story line seems to be moving into a more mature theme base.
Either discuss this with your parents and see what they say, as you are a fan. I mean you are 13 years old, its not that big of a deal if you hear the "f" word or the "s" word.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:24 pm
by Luv2Skydive
I wouldn't let a 13-year-old in a chat area at all. The moderators do what they can, but they can't approve every post/pic before they are put up. That's the parent's job to censor what their children read/see beforehand. A good website to visit is

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:47 pm
by covedweller
Killthesmiley wrote:heres the thing about the pg13 rating...

Lonelygirl is obviously getting to be more of a pg15/r rating. and that is becoming more apparent as OpAphid progresses. the reason i say that is because of the latest development in the Tachyon/brother VoiceMail. there is cursing.
The story line, as some of you can tell, is oriented now. Like think about it ... how many PG13 media out there has an cult chasing a 17 year com'on.
I think it started out as a PG13, but because the audience seems to be more 16 and above there might be a move into the older catagories

I really don't know what to tell you charliebrown. honestly it seems that they are moving into a more mature area right now with OpAphid .. that is just my opinion. The admins and forum members do their best to avoid mature language. But its difficult.
My biggest suggestion is to stay out of the off the cuff forum and the get to know each other forums. just because a lot of the rules don't seem to have 100% application there and there is a bit more freedom.
other then that some of the story line seems to be moving into a more mature theme base.
Either discuss this with your parents and see what they say, as you are a fan. I mean you are 13 years old, its not that big of a deal if you hear the "f" word or the "s" word.
PG-13 allows for one or two F words and a whole bunch of S ones.

Everything so far in the Breeniverse (including OpAphid and Tachyon) seems to have stayed within that guideline.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:50 pm
by Ennovi
Maybe they could make a special place in the forum for the little ones. :)

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:45 am
by livelongandprosper77
I see where you are coming from charliebrown. I have seen several unflattering avatars and a bit of cursing but nothing that is too out of control in my opinion. BrokenKid is right for sure though you need to contact a moderator if something seems to cross the line too far.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:27 am
by stuart2004
The hard and fast of it is simply this.....if you dont like the commentary or the imagery in this forum ....dont come into this forum..........Really if you find this to racey simply dont come here...............everything that you choose to read is within the control of you hands...........granted you cannot control what other members type.......the moderator can to some degree(without going NAZI) ,but really you are the person who has the power.......If your parents dislike the fact that some of the commentary on this forum is not up to their standards then they should not allow you to come into this room........... I dont think that a 13 yo should be allowed into a chat/ forum in any case (but hey I probably did it kids wont though)

and just a quick question...........

How many times did you use a word that was "inappropriate" today???

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:43 am
by AutoPilate
Well, the day's young. ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:44 am
by stuart2004
AutoPilate wrote:Well, the day's young. ;)
its gettin started early

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:16 am
by Kasdeja
I think the creators saw that a bulk of their fanbase wasn't the 13 and 14 year olds...but many of us are adults. Things change. Honestly, I don't think I'd let my kids go on forums and chats, but that's me. Yeah, can only control so much..

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:10 pm
by charliebrown
stuart2004 wrote:
and just a quick question...........

How many times did you use a word that was "inappropriate" today???
i think the worst thing i said today was Pms.