1. Significator card: Six of Staffs. Your present position is conquest, triumph or gain.
2. Crossing card: The Knight of Swords. The existing obstacle is surrounding cards influence the knightly pursuit.
3. Crowning card: The Chariot. Within your present frame of reference is overcome conflict or struggle to become a stronger person.
4. Base of the Matter card: The Six of Cups. The distant past foundation is memories or a reminder.
5. Past Influences card: The Knight of Staffs. Recent past events are a departure or absence.
6. Forthcoming Influences card: The Seven of Cups. Your forthcoming influence is wishful thinking or foolish whims.
7. Where One Finds Oneself card: The Moon. You in a proper perspective are unable to avoid traps or dangers.
8. Views of Others card: The Three of Cups. Viewed by others you are a time of emotional fulfillment.
9. Hopes and Fears card: Death/Change. Your secret fears or wants are an unexpected occurance, illness or change.
10. Final Outcome card: The Five of Cups. The culmination of the events before will be end of pleasurable experience.
Doesn't look good for Bree and Daniel