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Human Tracking Device!
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:37 am
by Rhiannon
I hope no one has posted on this topic yet, but I thought of something interesting while watching the new episode "Homeless."
What if the tracking device isn't in their car, as the video suggested, but rather implanted into Bree's arm during one of her injections?
Human implantable microchips can be implanted through the arm or hip with a syringe-like device, and are apparently painless.
I found this link which gives a little information about the chips, with a few pictures: ... 1jul03.htm
You never know!!! Perhaps ditching the car is not such a good idea after all....

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:43 am
by nobackspacebutton
I duno about all that..
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:29 pm
by Massif
I was thinking something similar. However, I thought it might be in one of her stuffed animals. They know that Bree would never leave those behind.
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:37 pm
by cup o' noodles
Ooh, I like that idea!

That makes their demise so delightfully....inevitable.
Sorry, that theory kinda appeals to my Tim Burton, Stephen King-esque side.
*Happy place, happy place, happ-* Ok, I'm back to how I usually am...*HUGGLES!!!*
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:49 pm
by Lurker
Massif wrote:I was thinking something similar. However, I thought it might be in one of her stuffed animals. They know that Bree would never leave those behind.
I still think putting them in the stuffed toys would be a horrible idea. They can't know for sure that Bree would never leave them behind or lose them -- or that Daniel wouldn't get rid of them.
The plushies could be ditched a lot more easily than Daniel's car -- and now they've gotten rid of his car. If they're just relying on bugs in the toys at this point (especially with Daniel ready to strangle the things), they made a huge tactical error.
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:56 pm
by ascend
I just saw the new James Bond movie, and it totally reminds me of that.
I think it could be a legitimate guess.
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:02 pm
by Rhiannon

I am SO a Stephen King and Tim Burton fan....maybe that explains why I immediately came up with theory.
I had thought of the stuffed animal idea for awhile, but it just seems too easy. I think the Order is too clever for this....she can't escape if the chip is actually in her.
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:04 pm
by cup o' noodles
Rhiannon wrote:
I am SO a Stephen King and Tim Burton fan....maybe that explains why I immediately came up with theory.
I had thought of the stuffed animal idea for awhile, but it just seems too easy. I think the Order is too clever for this....she can't escape if the chip is actually in her.
Ooh, this could turn into a major motion picture. Co-Directed by Tim Burton and Stephen King. Eep, throw a few clips of Vincent Price and Bela Lugosi in there, and it's creepy gold! GOLD I SAY, GOLD!!!!!!
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:59 pm
by rachelalexis
Lurker wrote:I still think putting them in the stuffed toys would be a horrible idea. They can't know for sure that Bree would never leave them behind or lose them -- or that Daniel wouldn't get rid of them.
The plushies could be ditched a lot more easily than Daniel's car -- and now they've gotten rid of his car. If they're just relying on bugs in the toys at this point (especially with Daniel ready to strangle the things), they made a huge tactical error.
I think that her talks with Lucy let the Order know how important these dolls were to her. And with the removal of her parents, they would be able to reasonably guess that she wouldn't be able to leave her house without the things that made her feel comfortable, namely her "friends." And Lucy encouraging that (which many of us thought was wierd at the time) was kind of implanting into her head that it's not bizarre to want them around you all the time.
Daniel knows that the toys have been there even when he wasn't, and probably wouldn't be able to seperate her from them even if he wanted to. Especially not without a good reason. Which he just may have if they continue to be able to track them now that they have little else besides their bags of clothes and the toys.
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 5:10 pm
by sldsm
rachelalexis wrote:Lurker wrote:I still think putting them in the stuffed toys would be a horrible idea. They can't know for sure that Bree would never leave them behind or lose them -- or that Daniel wouldn't get rid of them.
The plushies could be ditched a lot more easily than Daniel's car -- and now they've gotten rid of his car. If they're just relying on bugs in the toys at this point (especially with Daniel ready to strangle the things), they made a huge tactical error.
I think that her talks with Lucy let the Order know how important these dolls were to her. And with the removal of her parents, they would be able to reasonably guess that she wouldn't be able to leave her house without the things that made her feel comfortable, namely her "friends." And Lucy encouraging that (which many of us thought was wierd at the time) was kind of implanting into her head that it's not bizarre to want them around you all the time.
Daniel knows that the toys have been there even when he wasn't, and probably wouldn't be able to seperate her from them even if he wanted to. Especially not without a good reason. Which he just may have if they continue to be able to track them now that they have little else besides their bags of clothes and the toys.
Nicely put.
I know this seems really far fetched, but I was also thinking that perhaps there's some sort of...microphone or recording device in P. Monkey so the Watchers or the Order can listen to Bree confide to P. Monkey.
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 5:13 pm
by trainer101
sldsm wrote:I know this seems really far fetched, but I was also thinking that perhaps there's some sort of...microphone or recording device in P. Monkey so the Watchers or the Order can listen to Bree confide to P. Monkey.
It's not far-fetched at all and has been discussed in several threads. Many people would agree with your assesment.
Re: Human Tracking Device!
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:38 pm
by Pi
Rhiannon wrote:I hope no one has posted on this topic yet, but I thought of something interesting while watching the new episode "Homeless."
What if the tracking device isn't in their car, as the video suggested, but rather implanted into Bree's arm during one of her injections?
Human implantable microchips can be implanted through the arm or hip with a syringe-like device, and are apparently painless.
I found this link which gives a little information about the chips, with a few pictures: ... 1jul03.htm
You never know!!! Perhaps ditching the car is not such a good idea after all....

I'm not crazy about the idea, but at the same time it might explain why Gemma (assuming she's trying to be helpful and the Watchers are bad) told Bree to get in the pool. I don't think the GPS signal travels underwater... you need something more. Although, since Bree and the stuffies are interchangable Gemma could've been hinting that it's the puppets that need a drowning.
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:09 pm
by pimp monkette
yeah i think it was kinda dumb to ditch the car. and i know this has been said before because i read it, but bree does say that owen was hurt. maybe he had a little hole in him or something.. where they stuck a locating chip... bumbumBUM...
highly doubt its in bree. back then they didnt know she would be running away, and they did the injections, like, weekly. i don't think locating devices die out in a week and need to be replaced.
Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:34 am
by theshadowed1
here is what I think.
I think the stuffed animal Idea is very plausible and here is why. Bree has been totally indoctrinated by these people. she has been chased out of her home by those in charge of the faith that she still seems to follow or at least she hasn't made mention of losing faith in her religion since this all went down so that's my assumption....anyway.
that kind of...i will use the term brainwashing...sticks. she has also been isolated with home school (which could have been a matter of her religion) those stuffed animals have been her only friends and they know fact they could have been expecting that from the start. "The Order" seems to be a very secretive really think they let there younger more unstable converts go around un hinged? they have tracking devices in pill form...that you ingest and they cling to the intestinal wall...just another thought (because she had to take vitamins before)
also...could be a guess....but they COULD be tracking the IP number from wherever they happen to be posting videos...maybe Daniel and bree need to learn how to cover there digital tracks better.
oh yeah....and this is my first post I caught up on this stuff and am enamored with the story lol
much love
Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 3:01 am
by Cherie_Sotta
I think purple monkey is how Tachyon communicates with Bree.