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0088 "Daniel Is Right" [12/1/06]

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:15 am
by calphilips
0088 "Daniel Is Right"

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:26 am
by khjq
There isn't anything to discuss about this vid...hopefully though Bree will end up going back to her house with Daniel instead of going to Jonas's house.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:30 am
by Somnia
Did Gemma seem 'off' in anyone else's opinion? Nervous. She kept pacing. And maybe her make-up was toned down, or her hair is greasy, or her clothes unusally unkempt - am I just imagining these things?

In any case, I KNOW this video will piss off the anti-Gemmers around here - pretty pointless video. Other than she's not scared of a personal Watcher anymore, we got nothing from this, though she did say what needed to be said (Listen to Daniel and don't go off to a complete stranger's, albeit hottie's, house).

EDIT: Compare her appearance with 'Horrid Flatmates' ( 68 ) - comparable, as she's wearing the same shirt. Her clothes hang differently, and you can see bra-straps, unusual for Gemma's usually-kempt appearance. And I'm convinced she's wearing less eye-make-up than usual, in addition to her hair, which after a second review, I think is definitely un-'done', as in not much time was spent on it, if not greasy. (<-- Run-on sentence. Forgive, it's almost 2 AM here on the Pacific Coast.)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:33 am
by easter
this whole jonas plot is annoying me, it's all just a bit too 'deus ex machina' for my tastes. i mean, how convenient, a pretty rich boy living alone. i know this has been said tonnes of times, but i just have to vent that this is a lame plot development. but in a way, i suppose the creators meant for a sort of 'choose your own adventure' feel for the fans, it's now become 'turn to page 132 if you want to go back home or page 666 if you want to stay with shady ole' jonas'.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:41 am
by Somnia
easter wrote:this whole jonas plot is annoying me, it's all just a bit too 'deus ex machina' for my tastes.
I have to say I agree - right now. We can only hope there's more to this plot development than first appears.
easter wrote: i suppose the creators meant for a sort of 'choose your own adventure' feel for the fans, it's now become 'turn to page 132 if you want to go back home or page 666 if you want to stay with shady ole' jonas'.
But the issue is that they CAN'T go both way - it's distictly one or the other. Also, plots are VERY linear in those books - they need to be. Within this medium, the Creators have tons of potential to make this innovative, interesting, and constantly surprising. Only time will time if they will or not.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:45 am
by lizi_2007
I dunno, personally I think it's probably a bad idea, still, to go back to her house. I mean, if they were so hell bent on catching them that they had someone follow them around and ransack their motel... what makes them think there aren't still people waiting around back home? Sometimes I kinda wonder what Gemma's intentions really are. She just seems like she's really pushing for them to go home. Maybe a trap?

Meh... Not that Jonas is all that much better... At least he's cute. 8)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:53 am
by khjq
The question that I have had is why Bree and Daniel are running in the first place? These watchers that have been following them appear only to be watching them, the watchers could of easily captured B&D at any time, but they haven't. So anywhere B&D go, they watchers will be watching, so Bree might as well go back to her house. The watchers might not even be part of the Order like some have said, they might just be like guardians and are just watching out for B&D or something, who knows though, I guess we will find out soon enough...I hope.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 5:17 am
by alysaface
pennywise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 me some pennywise.

sorry that was wayyyy offffff topiccccccc.

i just can't wait to see what happens, rawr. the suspense truly is dreadful. i want to know which one (jonas or gemma) are up to no good.

or maybe.. it's daniel that's up to no good!

the possibilities are endless.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 5:50 am
by Holden
Sooo Bree doesn't see OpAphid vids posted in the vid comments and the Watchers don't watch the vids that Bree, Daniel, Jonas and Gemma upload to this site, is that how it works?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 5:53 am
by alysaface
i'm pretty sure the order watches bree/gemma/jonas/daniel's vids.. but they don't watch the orders vids.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:07 am
by raindown
Once again, Gemma speaks for the forum.
Not very interesting. no clues to look for.
no theories to make.

she's looks pretty honest, though

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:17 am
by heybitch
Well, Im pretty sure this story is rapidly going nowhere.
Im bored.
Im getting so bored.
There are no longer clues to be followed in the vids (of the occult or otherwise). I, and I am sure many others, joined this forum to share their late night finds about Alestier Crowley and Egyptian Symbols and whatnot.
Now. We are left deciphering (which is really just guessing) whose a baddy and whose not.
Its like, right now I am thinking just tell me what is what and end it!

This video, it seems tells me absolutely nothing.
I have kinda lost that like for Bree.. or Daniel (Gemma was always just kinda bleh), and now its like.. Go to Jonas' that'd be different. We have seen your home, its not like the main character is going to die.. so lets just see. Kinda move Bree around and see what fits till we get it right. Because ive lost interest in the story as a "personal feelings wishy washy vlog"
Its just all like Gemma, Bleh.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:54 am
by silvermoon
If Gemma says to go home, I vote we all go to Jonas' house. :shock:


Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 6:56 am
by glowe126
The Order knows where the following people are:

1. Bree's parents (don't go home!)
2. Daniel
3. Gemma

The Order has not found:

4. JONAS!! (Go to Jonas, but be sneaky about it.) Post some fake videos of you going to Daniel's house and camping out and then really go to Jonas. Use this forum to throw them off, yeah!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 7:30 am
by Kasdeja
She should at least go home, even if not to stay to see if there's anything going on. You can't run forever when you have no way for your parents to contact you. Plus...she could keep Daniel with her there and at least be watched in the comfort of her own home. Jonas...bad idea. He's sketchy and a bit too pushy on the "trust me" issue. I dunno. I think she should go home. What could it hurt, they know where she is at all times, anyway.