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[Update][YTPM][Spec] Identity of Tachyon
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:57 pm
by shifty
Ok, I sent this theory to Aphid, she responded back saying I was onto something and gave more information, that I can not speak of (sorry), and said I could share the confirmation with you all. So, here was my theory:
It seems to me like when she says 'i' she is refering to the Tachyon that you in the organization know, the fake one - the 'i' that is working under-cover in an attempt to gather information.
When she says 'I', she is refering to her trueself, the person working for another organization with the intent of bringing down yours; Or at least gathering some information about it.
For example, this line in Tachyon's third video helps explain it better:
"I anticipate that i will only be here another day, maybe?"
From this, we can see that her true-self anticipates that the fake Tachyon will only be at your facilities for another day. Her messages are her way of making contact to her organization, letting them know what is going on.
Aphid told me it would be easier to understand if you plugged in a name for the "i"'s - the name that she is known by at Aphid's Organization.
For example (And this name has nothing to do with anything):
"I anticipate that 'Julie' will only be here another day, maybe?"
Hope this helps.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:04 pm
by hagbard celine
edited for the theory...
URGENT: For My Helper (Transcript)
Julie thinks it might be time that I thought things over.
Julie might have too much order in her life, to the point
I can’t make sense of it!
I feel like Julie is just waiting.
Waiting around for all of the things I want to happen.
Things Julie needs to happen.
Waiting for something…
I wait, Julie waits, I wait.
It’s like I am waiting for you to just tell me what Julie should be doing.
Waiting for Mom and Dad to make sense of the order for me,
To help me see the meaning in it all.
Even though I feel invisible lately.
[in every facet of my life, actually]
I have nightmares that none of you even care anymore.
And Julie can’t help but let it get to her.
Am I cut off?
Julie has just been sitting still.
[it feels weird]
in light of that…
I am going to figure out what conclusions I have come to.
Julie doesn't have access to all the answers. It feels like I’ve only had access
to a lot of questions.
I am too confused to try to figure it out on my own.
Maybe once we sit down, look at it all, and talk about it…
Maybe then we will be able to make sense of it!
I think that sounds like a good idea, don’t you?
So can I please come home now?
Pretty please?
I know you’ve all been busy.
I haven’t heard from you in ages.
And I haven’t been able to get ahold of any of you either.
So I am going to use the calling card you gave me for
situations like this.
And I hope that you can make the arrangements for me.
Please remember:
I wouldn’t ask if Julie had any other way to get home!
I am counting on your help here.
Julie has just been dealing with so much that I can’t handle it all anymore.
I really fear that I have been losing my mind for a while now.
None of us want that. Right?
In my heart,
I know that I am making the right choice in regards to my difficult decision.
With that in mind:
I anticipate that Julie will only be here another day, maybe?
Julie will have a few goodbyes, which are important since she should try to leave
on a pleasant note.
She can handle that, I am sure.
Before the sun rises today, I will gather all that Julie can.
There’s a lot to pack. Julie will leave with more than I came
here with.
I might have a few souvenirs to grab as well.
Julie cannot carry much, so I’d prefer to courier the bulk of it.
Once you receive this message, can you immediately send
a courier over to retrieve it all?
Once the plan is in motion, I’ll use the calling card.
I just need to overcome a few restrictions I’m dealing with.
But they shouldn’t be a problem.
Hopefully I will see you soon!
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:05 pm
by MaxZyrix
OMG! That's a whole new way to see this. Would you want to try it to the actual texts? We have them transcripted and separated by 'I' sentences and 'i' sentences. I could do it, but I want you confirmation to do so. It's just a test after all.
Re: The True Tachyon
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:07 pm
by ixlr8
shifty wrote:Ok, I sent this theory to Aphid, she responded back saying I was onto something and gave more information, that I can not speak of (sorry), and said I could share the confirmation with you all. So, here was my theory:
It seems to me like when she says 'i' she is refering to the Tachyon that you in the organization know, the fake one - the 'i' that is working under-cover in an attempt to gather information.
When she says 'I', she is refering to her trueself, the person working for another organization with the intent of bringing down yours; Or at least gathering some information about it.
For example, this line in Tachyon's third video helps explain it better:
"I anticipate that i will only be here another day, maybe?"
From this, we can see that her true-self anticipates that the fake Tachyon will only be at your facilities for another day. Her messages are her way of making contact to her organization, letting them know what is going on.
Aphid told me it would be easier to understand if you plugged in a name for the "i"'s - the name that she is known by at the Organization.
For example (And this name has nothign to do with anything):
"I anticipate that 'Julia' will only be here another day, maybe?"
Hope this helps.
Good work Shifty! I was thinking something along those lines, especially after seeing the profile change that Op had. The question now, is what is each Tach trying to say? Does what the "fake" Tach is saying, really matter? Or perhaps each of these versions are two different clues for each of the diverging "sides" that we'll have to choose. For lack of a better term, I'll call them "Op" and "Not Op."
Figure out what Not Op is trying to do, and stop it
Gather the information from the Op side of the posts
Not Op
Figure out what Op is trying to do to stop you and stop them
Gather the information from the Not Op side of the posts
Or something like that. I'm at work right now, so I'm just blowing through a few posts on my lunch hour. I'll rethink this and repost and/or edit when I get home.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:09 pm
by MaxZyrix
I see you beat me to it, hagbard celine. Just reminding, let's try to keep specific transcripts analysis on their own threads. The forum will make much more sense that way.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:10 pm
by covedweller
Looking at this information, I think that choosing a side isn't what matters right now.
The same information will get out there, whether we choose one side or the other. The information seems to help both sides to various extents.
Maybe the choice is an endgame thing that will effect the resolution?
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:11 pm
by Luv2Luvem
Wow, I would never have thought of inserting a name, That makes it much easier to comprehend.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:28 pm
by ixlr8
covedweller wrote:Looking at this information, I think that choosing a side isn't what matters right now.
The same information will get out there, whether we choose one side or the other. The information seems to help both sides to various extents.
Maybe the choice is an endgame thing that will effect the resolution?
I think we're going to have to choose a side much sooner than you think, IMHO. How we intrepert this information, and how we act upon it, will be mission critical to whichever side we find ourselves on.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:34 pm
by tigerlilylynn
ixlr8 wrote:covedweller wrote:Looking at this information, I think that choosing a side isn't what matters right now.
The same information will get out there, whether we choose one side or the other. The information seems to help both sides to various extents.
Maybe the choice is an endgame thing that will effect the resolution?
I think we're going to have to choose a side much sooner than you think, IMHO. How we intrepert this information, and how we act upon it, will be mission critical to whichever side we find ourselves on.
This is strange to me. In the other games I've watched there are two competing sides and each player's in game persona must pick a side but the players still all get together and share info since we are all on
our side.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:42 pm
by covedweller
this has been semi-unique so far. i can't imagine what actual competition coudl come of two sides though.
what are we gonna do, have a face-off and rumble?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:47 pm
by tigerlilylynn
covedweller wrote:this has been semi-unique so far. i can't imagine what actual competition coudl come of two sides though.
what are we gonna do, have a face-off and rumble?

For reals. It would be a logistic nightmare for the PM to boot. Password locked message boards for a starts but even then they'd have to take us at our word that we wouldn't go to a third location and be double agents.
Then again, the bug has trusted us to keep secrets in character that we also have kept ooc. -shrug-
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:10 pm
by shifty
The second video with "Julie" plugged in. Thanks surrealisticpill.
I've been out of touch.
Yes, Julie’s been busy.
Julie's been so busy trying to keep up
with the order in her life.
Julie hasn't been able to do everything I had hoped.
I learned my lesson:
Maintaining order is very time consuming. It keeps
you on your toes.
With any luck, Julie might be closer to
accomplishing my goals.
Even though things have unfolded in a
rather unpredictable way.
And it is taking A LOT longer than I
thought it would take.
Julie is having a hard time working in these surroundings...
...even after all this time.
I've thought it over a lot.
My only explanation?
I haven't fully embraced my situation.
Not as much as Julie should have.
It just seems like such a long
time has passed!
Didn't we originally think that the
curtain would have fallen by
I now have this sinking suspicion
that Julie will be here a few more weeks.
Maybe even until the end of the year.
I worry about how insignificant Julie
feel in the order of things. I'm not
sure how much value Julie has.
I think Julie is well-linked by some.
And Julie is being given priveleges,
which I appreciate!
For instance, Julie has had more access
to television recently than I
suspected Julie would.
At least that bodes well for the
chance I'll be able to watch the
World Series on TV!
But there were events I'd hoped to
actually attend earlier this month.
Unfortunately, Julie was unable to.
Television is a good distraction.
That "Grief Counseling" episode of
The Office? Good stuff.
But still, it's not what I had hoped
to watch that night.
I was surprised thought: The things
I missed were actually
Someone else with a similar interest posted a video onto the
The quality was poor, but it made
up for the access Julie lacked.
I wasn't sure what to make of it, actually.
It was a bit of a letdown!
Even thought I probably built it up way too much in my head.
Now I am thinking that maybe it
wasn't what I had predicted.
Since it's the internet, the video could've easily been a
staged hoax of some sort.
In fact, maybe that event has yet
to take place?
I don't know what to think from
what Julie has seen in the time
Because strangely, little has
changed. Maybe it's just that my
day to day is pretty much the
same, but there was no major shift
from my perspective.
Julie is living the same life Julie has
been. I really thought Julie would have
a different viewpoint on things.
But it's all just the same.
Except Julie has had her computer
access limited in recent weeks.
Severely limited.
It seems other operations are
given priority over what Julie is
working on,
and I am not even sure if Julie can see what those are exactly.
Julie is not allowed to participate in
the operations of interest, only
smaller projects.
I find it dull, but at least Julie am not being scrutinized much.
I still do not see the clear
Julie can't see the full picture yet.
Please tell Mom and Dad that I am
sorry for not calling.
Julie lost my cell phone, and it had their phone number on it.
That's one of the main
reasons why Julie hasn't been
able to check in with you all.
(and I sincerely apologize)
But I hope you're still
watching for these.
Even thought Julie has been so busy
that I haven't written as often as
I had promised to.
That cell phone was the only
place that Julie had their
number, actually.
Yours as well.
Julie is not quite sure where Julie lost it.
no one here has given me any indication that they found it.
I'm 99% certain that everything on
there is secure.
But I apologize if you've gotten any strange phone calls as a
If that happens, please find a way
to let me know, okay?
Like, immediately!
I'm sure there's no need to worry.
In the event of the worst-case scenario, I am sure Julie will figure
something out!
I miss you all!
With any luck, I will see you sooner rather than
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:19 pm
by shifty
The first video with Julie plugged in. Thanks once again surrealisticpill.
so I haven't updated this in awhile
and I removed all of my old videos.
(long story, but Julie learned my/her lesson)
it's nice to have fallen into a gig
that'll keep me nested in a somewhat familiar habitat...
...but I fear that is just an illusion.
at least I keep telling myself that.
but how long can Julie keep observing
an illusion as real before my/her mind
accepts it as reality?
thankfully, the weather is nice.
plenty of nature to explore. every
week I learn about new places to
go hiking or swimming...
...if and when Julie gets that rare free
moment, I hope to have the energy
left to actually prioritize that!
(double optimism)
all summer, the momentum of my
day-to-day demands has kept me
feeling like I am trapped in a state
of exhausted motion
[irony noted]
at least it's helping me ignore just
how surreal I should find all of this,
and Julie is ignoring it quite well.
Julie is trying to approach it as my/her
ability to keep up with these
demands directly reflects qualities
of my/her inner self...
...and my/her inner self has a fierce
determination to be able to watch
the World Series this year.
right now, nothing sounds better
than an actual game. I could use an
excuse to try out some obscene
gestures Julie's acquired
but given that I was so
overwhelmed with busy work
yesterday that Julie had to be reminded
that it was already the Fall Equinox...
I am going to try and keep my
expectations realistic. Believe me,
I know that the closest Julie may get is
watching it on live TV.
I am glad at least that I found the
time to write a little tonight.
Julie should remind myself to do it
more often.
I've had a long day, so Julie is off to let
my/her mind focus on a fantasy that
actually might show even greater
optimism on my part...
[and believe me, if Julie could help
make it happen I would]
but I'd love it if the Dodgers and the
Angels faced off next month.
but given my track record as of
late, Julie haven't been so hot with
most of my predictions.
[I most sincerely hope I'm due]
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:01 pm
by boo
Doesn't anyone think that possibly "Julie" is the new body that Cassie inhabited after Frank? I mean, that would make sense why she hasn't been online, since "Julie's internet access has been severly limited" and her cell phone went missing and you might recieve strange phone calls. Julie is a member of OpAphid's group and Cassie possessed her or whatever and was using Julie to hopefully do her bidding.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:21 pm
by horcruxes
boo wrote:Doesn't anyone think that possibly "Julie" is the new body that Cassie inhabited after Frank? I mean, that would make sense why she hasn't been online, since "Julie's internet access has been severly limited" and her cell phone went missing and you might recieve strange phone calls. Julie is a member of OpAphid's group and Cassie possessed her or whatever and was using Julie to hopefully do her bidding.
Tachy hasn't really given any connection to Cassie like Op did.
she hasn't mentioned cassie, and i don't think she's used it as a tag.
for now, i don't think anyone thinks she was possessed by cassie.
and i hope she's not because that'd be a total bummer.