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3 new videos
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:15 pm
by NancyC820
Had to post this. Apparently lord whatever the hell his name is the new guest speaker. Couldn't really watch all the videos through.......he um has um a problem um with public um speaking um. Just AWFUL.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:49 pm
by gogo
Oh Nancy, you're so funny!

I like your "negative-Nelly" persona/character. Lg15 (and this forum, I guess) has provided a great outlet for people to create some neat characters

. I also happen to think it's neat when people choose to express themselves. I'm glad LordGreystoke422 is a part of HSA. Lg15 and its community members don't discriminate, I guess.
I think it's also kind of interesting that the creators of lg15 have encouraged so many people to try new things and beome involved in this world of online vlogs. I guess it's easy to judge (and I sure have as lg15 fan -oh have I ever complained when I wanted the story to go in another direction or when I was confused about a character's motivation, as well as so many other complaints-- I have often acted like the creators' vision was a personal story just for me.

As Ms. Kelly, I have certainly changed my tune now, and accept what I see or what I choose not to watch, as someone's creativity and hard work. We should all be so lucky to be able to express ourselves and put it out there for whoever would like to watch it.
It's all good (as the kids say)

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:05 pm
by NancyC820
Sorry Ms. Kelly
I didn't want to offend anyone. It was a visceral reaction to my own particular pet peeve. I am also a teacher (Special Education) knowing that you are an English teacher (my undergraduate is in English as well) I would assume that you understand the "UM" in public speaking. Hey listen, my own principal does it EVERY morning during her morning PA message, and it really gets my goat.
Once again, I am sorry if my post was mean spirited, I had a gutteral reaction to this guy from all of his videos.
Thanks for the interesting assignments, and sorry I didn't get to finish most of them. I was transported back to my English 400 courses and I didn't have another thesis in me

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:06 pm
by missthemystery
I was secretly hoping Josh would be our final speaker.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:07 pm
by blair
lol, me too!
Oh no!
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:23 pm
by gogo
Josh is moving, so he won't be around for a week or two.
Oh Nancy, I can't believe I was so Ms. Kelly then.Sorry

(The Ms. Kelly in me is overprotective I guess.) I'm going to have to watch this. Actually, when I asked twj to be our guestspeaker and people thought he was Ms. Kelly, I asked a few popular and well-known lg15 video responders to be speakers (just to mess with everyone's minds and have HSA be perceived as the "school of choice" for lg15 fans). Dr. Immant said he would give us a video, but then he had all that OTO logo stuff, and couldn't get to it in time. (He was going to make a recruiting video-I can only imagine the responses from students.)
And I can only imagine what Josh would say. It would be frustrating to Ms. Kelly, but probably quite funny to me.
I promise not to be Ms. Kelly anymore. She has finished her final work for the class about an hour ago. Now I will re-emerge as gogo the casual observer who is forever using the

smilie. By the way, this is the second time that I have posted in this HSA section. Feels good to speak and not just lurk like an obsessive stalker.
Again, I promise not to pull a Ms. Kelly on people.
Re: 3 new videos
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:13 pm
by lordgreystoke422
NancyC820 wrote:Had to post this. Apparently lord whatever the hell his name is the new guest speaker. Couldn't really watch all the videos through.......he um has um a problem um with public um speaking um. Just AWFUL.

You didn't even stick around until the I took my clothes off..
ummmm... But seriously..
You should be ashamed of yourself. Honestly.. You have No clue what you just did. I am well aware I am not the best public speaker..however seeing as part 1 is corrupted and my guess is that you listened to about 40 seconds of an 18 minute speech, more than likely. If you had listened to the whole thing..I think I said Um 13 times in the first 6 minutes and somewhere around 7 times in the other 12 minutes. I understand that the 40 seconds were probably more than a closed minded elitist English snob like yourself is able to muster and to each his/her own taste. The part you should be ashamed of was that you very likely squelched the potential creativity of who knows how many other people with your comment to me. People that maybe look at my video and think "I wish I had the guts to speak in front of people like that...I would like to..but I am not even as good as Greystoke, as bad as he is and people are knocking him for saying UM." Very likely many of these people in fact, if they got over their initial fear of speaking, would be immensely better speakers than I could ever hope to be, no matter how much I worked at it. Yet your little elitist English snob comments just put another nail into the coffin that is their fear. Your poor principal probably has SOO many things on her mind every morning that she probably has a struggle just to get through the announcements without sobbing, and there you sit in your classroom rolling your eyes everytime she says Umm.
Nancy..I can appreciate that you don't like me..but I must say that you are exactly the sort of person that scares me to death. The fact that someone with elitist attitudes like you is in charge of special ed says to me that more than likely based on your response to me..someone that is very likely ADD and ADHD,you're mantra is probably "MEDICATE THEM!". That seems to be the pervasive opinion from educators that insist on squeezing square pegs into round holes instead of recognizing that people with brain activity of the sort like I have are inherently better than others in some situations and worse in others...instead the Trees all get hatchet..axe..and saw.
GooGoo on the other hand is the sort that inspires those problem children to actually stay on task becase she recognizes their unique strengths and does not try to force them into the round hole. In turn the students recognize her acceptance and though unable to perfectly fit in the round hole..they try and do so as much as is comfortable for them because they know that it will be accepted and appreciated. When you push someone..they resist.
I very likely will do a response video to Renneto soon, as I disagree with his recent vlog on ADHD and now you have gotten my ire up again on the topic. I'll more than likely talk about the hypocrisy that is our education system that is the biggest drug pusher in Amercia.
Let me once again reiterate..I understand not fact a LOT of someone's don't like me or my Vlogs. Voicing dislike is fine, my problem with it is that what you have done Nancy is not to intimidate me..because honestly I view elitists like you with contempt and your chances of intimidating me are virtually non-existant. My problem is that you have just intimidated who knows HOW many others back into their shell that maybe they were on the verge of trying to step out of. You fail to recognize that this website was created with the intention of fostering creativity and participation. It's a shame that more people don't see that.
In closing..let me ask you, what have YOU contributed to the creativity that is this website? Since you are such a wonderful public speaker why not start doing Vlogs in response and show us rank morons how it's done. Maybe you have a few too many feathers for that..or..your nose is too filled with clouds. So go have another cup of coffee and catch a viewing of "Death of a President". I am sure it's right up your elitist alley to see the staged mock murder of a man that says Umm in front of more people than anyone alive..
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:11 pm
by blair
not to interrupt the yelling or anything, but i just wanted to say thanks for joining in the game, lord. i especially enjoyed the last bit of your graduation video.
i think it's really cool that hsao brought in several of the fan video stories.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:19 pm
by NancyC820
You poor disenchanted, unloved child. Actually the type of students that I work with run the spectrum from severely, physically disabled, mentally retarded AND severely emotionally disturbed. I have worked with autistic students and with teenage gang members. Most of my students have psychologicals LONGER than the longest book you have ever read. And yes, I do agree that (for some cases) medication is what they need. Apparently, when you are born addicted to crack and watch your mother whore herself on a corner and your father is in prison....ADHD is the least of your problems. Lord G, I love my students, and have been offered to work in some very well preserved and fancy schools. Yet, I stay and work in the 9th most dangerous school in New York City, believe me I am far from being elitist. I also teach ABA to severely, autistic children as an early intervention for children 3-6 years old. Watch the documentary "Autism is a World", to see how people like us "force square pegs into round holes"
I cannot believe that my one sentence post could elicit such a tirade of a response from you. I simply said (as I responded to gogo) that it was a gutteral response from someone who has a specific pet peeve. I did see the whole post.....actually all 3 of them and you are did not say UM many more times. Kudos
I did, however, get frightened when you started to take off your I did not know when you would stop. As I am sure if you went any would really "bake my noodle."
A few more comments......first off, if you are going to quote a Rush song why not make it a good one? Instead of the dorkiest one created. One where kids smoke pot, listen to it and think "Yeah man this is freaking deep." Second, statistics show (I will post them if you want, I did a graduate paper on it) those who are ADD and ADHD and receive the proper, perscribed medication are more likely NOT to take recreational drugs in an attempt to self-medicate their hyperactivity. Third, Ms. Kelly's name is GoGo.....not GooGoo. The GooGoo (dolls) are a band, Gogo is a character in Waiting for Godot. Lastly, I do not create vlogs or videos for YouTube because I understand my own shortcomings, I am a much better writer (and educational speaker). And more honestly, I have no such desire.
As for Death of a President. I am pretty much a staunch Republican. I happen to like this president (albeit he does say UM a lot). I find the idea of showing a fake documentary showing the incumbent president getting killed (regardless of what ANYONE thinks of him) appalling.
As for my profession, I am well loved by my students and have taught many non-readers to read, many gang members to think before they act, and many students to stand in front of a room and speak to others in a manner that elicits respect and UM interest. I have also dealt with students that have such low self esteem that just a simple comment could throw them into a tirade (sound familliar?)
My thoughts and well wishes are with you, too bad you didn't get the help you needed when you were younger.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:27 pm
by taiya
Oh wow, this is kind of fun to watch. But I have to say that I thought Lord Greystoke was an appropriate graduation speaker and I have actually grown to quite enjoy his video's. But then again, Geddy Lee was one of my heros when I was growing up. I think I've mellowed since though.
Josh would have been fun too!
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:28 pm
by twjaniak
Please let this argument be finished. You have both made your points.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:42 pm
by gogo
I promise not to be Ms. Kelly anymore. She has finished her final work for the class about an hour ago. Now I will re-emerge as gogo the casual observer who is forever using the smilie. By the way, this is the second time that I have posted in this HSA section. Feels good to speak and not just lurk like an obsessive stalker.
Again, I promise not to pull a Ms. Kelly on people.
Sorry, just once more:
Date: 10/30 3:40 a.m.
I thought I made it clear that everyone was supposed to be good at graduation. And now you've done it --twjaniak had to speak with you. I have a good mind to issue detention slips, but school is out now.
Ms. Kelly

(*edited to add my best wishes *waves to everyone as they leave to go to graduation parties*)
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:26 pm
by JoannaChildsface
I can't believe it's over!
Im going to have to agree that the naked thing was super awkward for me...thank god for fast foward. But cheers to LG422 for giving such a rousing final address.
Im excited to see the yearbook. I think it'll be pretty sweet.
And thanks to Ms. Kelly/gogo for giving us something fun, introspective and (relatively) anagram-free to do in here!
I can't go back to lg15 after all of this interactivity...anybody know what OpAphid is up to? hehe...he...
ps- TWJ, you crack me up. See y'all around the forums!
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:59 am
by lordgreystoke422
Here is the uncorrupted version. I think the first part that Ms Kelly has posted is corrupted(Ok...don't go there..TW has said to play nice<g>) in that it only plays for a minute and 10 seconds after which it abruptly ends and cuts off about 5 minutes of the it is on Revver if anyone is interested. ... iate/28541
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:22 pm
by sparkybennett
I go away for the weekend and it's over? I dont believe it!
And what has happened to the nice, peaceful, HSA forum?
I have to get caught up.