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Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:52 pm
by Moonpies
Couldn't resist the silly "First" comment, but is this forum really virgin soil? How come more people aren't talking about the Gemma character here?
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:05 pm
by elli0t
because it's a brand spanking new forum! woot second!!!!!!! omg second I think we should win something!!!
oh and hello Gemma!
note: I am not to be taken seriously
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:13 pm
by HyeMew
This forum was not christened correctly!
This is how you do it:
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:13 pm
by Kasdeja
Dang, calm down
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:13 pm
by Broken Kid
HyeMew wrote:This forum was not christened correctly!
This is how you do it:
Yay Gemma! I think she's cute! I wanna see more! More squirrel Gemma!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:53 pm
by Brianna
Aw, I like Gemma! She's so fun and energetic.. execpt when she's being all "You neeed to be serious about this ceremony, not your choice to make.. BLAH BLAH BLAH!" Seriously .
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:54 pm
by noseybree
Just putting my twopennorth in (an English expression) - as a resident of London she doesn't sound English AT ALL. She has a hint of an American accent and a teeny bit of Kiwi too - which might be intentional.(ie she's been in the same places as Bree) Though if she's supposed to have lived in Nottingham she's got no hint of a midlands accent.
I think she's an american actress who is nearly, but not quite as good as Gwyneth Paltrow in putting on an English accent.
And if she's in London - can we SEE some of it?
I'm an actor - shame I'm not 18 years younger and I could have played "Gemma"
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:52 pm
by Charlotte Eve
noseybree wrote:
And if she's in London - can we SEE some of it?
Where exactly IS she filming that? I know my halls at uni were nowhere NEAR as smart or contemporary as that, and I know for sure that most of the Unis in London have pretty much the same kind of prison-cell halls. don't try kid us creators... It looks like a posh cafe. Obviously it's not in the UK. Or she is a very rich lil lady with a
very posh student pad.
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:54 pm
by Midd
I wonder if it is taped in Bree's room.

They probablly put that lil poster over her wall and did it right there.
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:08 pm
by HyeMew
Nahh, I remember in at least one you can hear traffic outside pretty consistently. Bree's room is in a quieter neighborhood it seems.
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:37 am
by sillybree
HyeMew wrote:Nahh, I remember in at least one you can hear traffic outside pretty consistently. Bree's room is in a quieter neighborhood it seems.
...because there's no way they added that sound in, right?

::rolls eyes::
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:13 pm
by Midd
sillybree wrote:HyeMew wrote:Nahh, I remember in at least one you can hear traffic outside pretty consistently. Bree's room is in a quieter neighborhood it seems.
...because there's no way they added that sound in, right?

::rolls eyes::

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:50 pm
by HyeMew
sillybree wrote:HyeMew wrote:Nahh, I remember in at least one you can hear traffic outside pretty consistently. Bree's room is in a quieter neighborhood it seems.
...because there's no way they added that sound in, right?

::rolls eyes::
That's double-sarcasm right? Because there's no way you're implying they inserted the sounds of trucks and stuff just for kicks. I mean seriously, what's the point of doing that?
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:43 am
by heybitch
HyeMew wrote:
That's double-sarcasm right? Because there's no way you're implying they inserted the sounds of trucks and stuff just for kicks. I mean seriously, what's the point of doing that?
Double Sarcasm?
What the hell is that?
Thats just plain ol' sarcasm.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:02 am
by HyeMew
And what is the reason about getting so sarcastic about something as obscure as the contention that the creators actually inserted traffic noise to Gemma's videos for reasons unknown?