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Posting reply sends me back to Forum Index
Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:12 pm
by Luv2Skydive
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:36 pm
by Raspberry

It happens to me too, every single time i try to reply. So, a lot of times, i just give up. I'm sorry i don't know why it's doing it but I'd love to know the answer as well.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:49 am
by admin
I don't know. It is annoying. I'd reallly like to fix it... will try to work on it.
Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:42 pm
by actorderick
this happens to me too.
admin: try posting a message on the phpbb forums under support. it might be a common problem and there could be a patch you could install ont the forums.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 12:33 pm
by Languorous Lass
I've been having the same problem -- today it's happened multiple times. I'm amazed I've even been able to post this message.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:51 am
by twjaniak
I think I've fixed it. Please let me know if it works properly now.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:32 pm
by Languorous Lass
I haven't run into the problem yet tonight, and I've posted several messages. Thanks, TW!