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Could this be all of it?
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:25 pm
by Joss
Ok.. I'm new but I swear by a holy cow that I'm not part of the crew!
Now.. The point.. I have the feeling this is taking too long.. Is has been many days since the last bree's video.. Daniel's last video seems out of place in the story sequence.. Like published as a last resort for they have nothing new to keep our interest on the the story.. Looks like they did not care about the details either (Goodfried's name on the filename of Daniel's pictures, The date on windows desktop, so on..) and that gives me that "It doesn't matters anymore so just put it there as it is" feeling..
Don't know about you people but I have a bad feeling about this, Could we living the last moments og LG15?
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 7:47 pm
by Kelly617
I'm almost convinced that the date on the computer screen is NOT a mistake.
As we all should know, to get that date to appear, the mouse pointer has to hover over the taskbar for a few seconds. If the creators managed to get that date to pop up, they must have done so intentionally.
Well, that...or the cursor just HAPPENED to be sitting in that exact spot due to pure coincidence when they filmed it...which I doubt.
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 8:08 pm
by stealtheshow
That's exactly what i was thinking Kelly.
I think it is all significant. And I've also heard that Bree may be around for another 6 months to a year, due to the contract?
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:08 am
by Hannahbee
stealtheshow wrote:That's exactly what i was thinking Kelly.
I think it is all significant. And I've also heard that Bree may be around for another 6 months to a year, due to the contract?
their contract goes to the end of this year. could be renewed, though.
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:27 am
by AshezB
I agree Kelly... Oh~ and we finally got a new video tonight! I hope this starts to heat up a little bit more. I would love to hear more from Cassie too... but Danielle posted, and now Bree... so let's hope that she is next to give us some clues!!! But I will def. be a fan till the final "episode".
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:08 am
by beavinator
Hannahbee wrote:their contract goes to the end of this year. could be renewed, though.
Oh man. How hard would it SUCK if nothing's been resolved by the time those contracts are up, and Jessica and Yousef get better offers from elsewhere and don't renew? After all, how much could they possibly be getting paid for this, especially considering the job requires slogging through the woods at night and operating the damn cameras themselves. Talk about a crappy acting gig...

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:43 pm
by Luv2Luvem
beavinator wrote: Talk about a crappy acting gig...

A crappy acting gig that just so happened to make them both famous.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 7:03 pm
by beavinator
Luv2Luvem wrote:beavinator wrote: Talk about a crappy acting gig...
A crappy acting gig that just so happened to make them both famous.

True. That was actually sort of my point. It would stink for all of us if this launches them to immediate fame and they leave us all in the lurch.