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Lonelygirl's religion - a twist?
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:35 am
by tannhaus
I've been watching the comments on the videos, as well as noticing the general attitude of some people who come in here for the first time..and something occured to me:
Ok, someone said they noticed that a lot of people want to save Bree from her religion. I agree. It seems like people are afraid of Bree's religion because it's different and are rooting for Daniel..but, think of this:
I'd say at least a majority (more than 50%) of the people wanting to save Bree from her religion and thinking bad things about it without researching are fundamentalists. But, if you look at Bree's lifestyle: Very strict parents who shun her boyfriend because he doesn't go for their religion... homeschooling their kid...etc. What religious movement does that seem to fit? Fundamentalist Christian...
Then we look at Daniel. Daniel is rejecting her religion and trying to save her from it...while at the same time admitting he doesn't know anything about it. So, that seems to identify with the same group of people rooting for him, right?
But, Daniel is stalking Bree. She's told him to leave her alone. Instead, he's following her, etc. He's actually committing a crime.
So, what if the creators are using people's bigotry against them? By adding Aleister Crowley and Thelema to the mix, he's certainly put in a religion that is often misunderstood, slandered, etc. with people really not even researching into it...just believing lies. It seems many are ready to continue that tradition.
So, what if the videos take a twist in the end...Daniel tries to harm Bree..or acts in a more intrusive way. Perhaps she has to call the police in. On top of that, we find out that Bree's religion is safe, nurturing, and is really quite a wonderful thing for her.
Then, doesn't it tell the people who were on the "wrong side" so to speak something about themselves, their bigotry, and their actions? By allowing people to care about Bree, but fear her religion...root for Daniel, but overlook his criminality....they could be laying a trap...where at the end, the consequences of Daniel's actions come home to roost.
I also thought about this Egyptian astrology thing. Bree went into detail in the video about the astrology..part of her religion. She said Sopthis was important, but most websites seem to agree on that....that Sopthis was the most important figure in the Denderah Zodiac. So, maybe that's not a clue about her religion.
But...maybe this is.... she said it caused quite a stir among the intellectual elite of the time. It caused so much of a stir, they had the zodiac removed and brought to them. They ENVIED that aspect of her religion. So, that may set up a little twist where at one point people accepted and envied parts of her religion....and now, when we've supposedly progressed and become more intellectual, we know less and fear everything we don't understand. They didn't understand they immediate began to study it. We don't understand we fear and shun it.
This would mean that maybe...just maybe...her religion isn't all of the story...maybe it's OUR reactions today to her religion. Maybe we're playing right into the plot as a whole.
I think if this happens....I will be forced to love this video series

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:46 am
by exastra
excellent point. that would be awesome if this happened, whether this is or will be the creators' intention or not. i think the stage is set for this kind of revelation/ slap in the face to happen regardless of a plan.
behold, your bigotry laid bare.
others, like myself, have mentioned the folly of our rushing to judgment based on scant "evidence" and assumption. apparently those engaging in fundamentalism-- as you say-- either don't care or didn't read those posts, because they continue to jump to conclusions based on ignorance and supposition. they assume Bree's religion is bad because it is "weird".
i have no problem with Bree's religion, as such, as yet, since I/WE don't know the specifics. we don't know her background and the circumstances of her situation, so how can we be certain anything sinister or harmful is happening or will happen? Satanic? Devil worship? virgin sacrifices? where the hell did this addlepated notion come from?! i think this says more about the mentality of those who project such lunacy than LG15's actual plot.
my only concern with her religion and her parents is their capacity to brainwash her and denying her free will.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:20 am
by LC
exastra wrote:excellent point. that would be awesome if this happened, whether this is or will be the creators' intention or not. i think the stage is set for this kind of revelation/ slap in the face to happen regardless of a plan.
behold, your bigotry laid bare.
others, like myself, have mentioned the folly of our rushing to judgment based on scant "evidence" and assumption. apparently those engaging in fundamentalism-- as you say-- either don't care or didn't read those posts, because they continue to jump to conclusions based on ignorance and supposition. they assume Bree's religion is bad because it is "weird".
i have no problem with Bree's religion, as such, as yet, since I/WE don't know the specifics. we don't know her background and the circumstances of her situation, so how can we be certain anything sinister or harmful is happening or will happen? Satanic? Devil worship? virgin sacrifices? where the hell did this addlepated notion come from?! i think this says more about the mentality of those who project such lunacy than LG15's actual plot.
my only concern with her religion and her parents is their capacity to brainwash her and denying her free will.
Hey there, not wanting to sound defensive here, but you can't assume that all fundamentalists are jumping to conclusions just because one freaked out fundamentalist posted on here. I think most of you would consider me to be a fundamentalist Christian (even though I'm not republican and don't go to church).... but I am interested in understanding her religion and figuring out the mystery and how Daniel will react/intervene as much as you are. Not all Christians are closed minded or quick to judge or belittle

I hope I'm never like that. I'm just interested in religion and wierd cult sects in general and research it for fun so LG15 is particularly interesting to me for that reason, even though I believe that the beliefs I already have are true (or else I wouldn't believe them). I hope in my posts that my genuine interest shows because I'm only really interested in researching the info and posting it in order to get feedback so we can either keep it as potential answers or throw it out... neve meaning to preach or make fun of anyone's beliefs.. Just wanted to throw that in.
But yeah I think/hope you're right Tannhaus, that there will be some kind of twist to the outcome of the ceremony.. just as long as it's not too moralizing (like an after school special kind of thing)
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:23 am
by Kasdeja
LC, I've never seen you be anything but polite and inquisitive (sp?) so no worries on that, in case some of the posts lately have made you wonder. But, there have been some...well, you've seen them...some people make things worse, lol.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:24 am
by cymatic
"Addlepated!" Damn, I keep learning new words. Just encountered "euchered" for the first time the other day. Keep 'em coming, people...
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:39 am
by Lost
I like that idea, I mentioned something similar to it last night. Looking at the LG15 saga with new eyes and an open mind, I hope that this is the direction (more of less) that the creators are going in.
A different religion does not equate to an evil religion.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:47 am
by tannhaus
LC wrote:Hey there, not wanting to sound defensive here, but you can't assume that all fundamentalists are jumping to conclusions just because one freaked out fundamentalist posted on here. I think most of you would consider me to be a fundamentalist Christian (even though I'm not republican and don't go to church).... but I am interested in understanding her religion and figuring out the mystery and how Daniel will react/intervene as much as you are. Not all Christians are closed minded or quick to judge or belittle

Sorry...I use fundamentalist christian much the same way I use fundamentalist muslim. Those, to me, are extreme subsects of the religion. They're very religious...very observant....believe literal translations...very hardcore and self-righteous. The fact you said you don't go to church counts you out many times over in the subsect I'm talking about.
But, I apologize if you thought I was dissing you.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:12 pm
by thinkitthrough
To tannhaus
This is my first post, though I have been to this site a lot. I am a fundamentalist Christian and I attend church every Sunday, I consider my self a Republican though, I don't always vote for them. I am not going to attack your thoughts or degrade your beliefs, that is the problem with my religion today, many confessing Christians lack in the part that matters most to Christ, LOVE. LOVE for all even if they have a religion that directly impedes our own. This however, is not just a Christian problem but, is the problem with American culture today. All these negative thoughts on LG15's fate becuase of her religion is of course because people them selves are negative. I don't think it is fundamentalists that are attacking LG15 religion (maybe some ignorant ones). I think it is just people who know very little about The Bible and choose to comment based upon their inanity. However, Halloween does feed a lot of the theories and Friday the 13th is approaching around the suspected time of the ceromony, that in tradition helps to create these negative theories. I believe like you that this is all just to show people how close minded they can be. I have learned a lot my self from this series about religions that are in the (for lack of a better term) minority. I will always believe in my views and what I consider truth. But that is what makes America great, that we are all allowed to pursue happiness however we choose (as long as it doesn't break the law). I guess I just commented to defend fundalmentalist Christians because lately we have been perscuted for the actions of others who call themselves Christians yet do not act as such.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:04 pm
by tannhaus
thinkitthrough wrote:I guess I just commented to defend fundalmentalist Christians because lately we have been perscuted for the actions of others who call themselves Christians yet do not act as such.
Understood...and I agree with most of your points. But, I think the majority of fundamentalism would disagree with you. I'm not going to get into my whole background, but I grew up in a fundamentalist family. Even when our pastors preached "God is Love" they seemed to do it in a way that denied other people.
For instance:
"These atheists think they love. They don't love. GOD is love. Without God, you cannot love".
And that was almost 20 years ago. You still see them with Falwell, Robertson, etc. It's a definite movement.
Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:20 pm
by tannhaus
I've heard that "Jesus Camp" is supposed to be a good movie about the fundamentalist movement and the indoctrination of children. I haven't seen it yet, but I really really want to.
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:20 am
by Sfonzarelli
Hey, I agree with you! This is my hunch too. I only hope it's correct.
Probably so, since the Creators are probably clever enough.
There is the whole Daniel being named "Beast" thing, though.
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:28 am
by Penny
In the beginning I was defending Bree's religion since I am a member of a religion that is considered extreame by a lot of people. I know what it is like to be ridiculed for my beliefs. I know what it is like to keep your religion a secret so people will not make fun of it. I felt that people were really jumping to conclusions about her religion. Now I don't know how I feel since Bree's last vlog brought up a lot of things that aren't just weird but wrong. Maybe it's just me and my "fundimental" beliefs but being encouraged to give up real friendships for imaginary ones, just doesn't seem right. Bree seems to be running everything past Lucy, which also doesn't seem right. Bree still not knowing what is going to happen in the ceremony...pretty strange. Being given a last supper (the cookies and milk that she had to abstain from before), a little weird.
This thread made me think of something I posted in another thread a while back. I went back and reread it. It basicly said all things are relative...what's weird to me is normal to you...etc...the thing is, where do we draw the line? When is wrong just plain wrong no matter what? Well off the top of my head there is a list of things that pop up...wife beating, child molestation, child abuse...etc...etc...but there are some things that are protected because our freedom of religion that are a toss up. <i>IS</i> Bree really being brainwashed? If so, is that right? It's in the name of religion tell me. What about the people who don't agree with modern medicine so they let their children die instead of get any medical help since it is GODS WILL (that's what they believe...not I, so long as there is something that can be done to save them) that their child die?
Anyway, here is my post from a while back...just thought I would post it here since it has more relevence in this discussion.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:06 pm
I know I am not going to be popular when I say this but why does everyone get up in arms about Daniel's use of the word CULT? Based on what we know of Bree's religion it seems to fit the definition of a cult. So what? Not all cults are evil or bad so long as the leader isn't asking the followers to drink poison punch or something else along those lines.
And I don't blame Daniel for thinking Bree's religion is's not one of the mainstream's very unfamiliar and strange. She is very secretive about her religion and that is why Daniel knows jack about it. Most people fear what they don't understand. It doesn't mean that Daniel's fear is justified but it is understandable.
Daniel hasn't started any sort of inqusision (sp?)and he isn't persecuting her. He is afraid for the girl he LOVES. Following her was wrong but we all know that was done so we could see what is going on with Bree (it's not like Bree is giving us any info).
Honestly I am beginning to think one of the purposes for LG15 is to help us ask the question, "who is right?" not just in the story but in real life (ie: Republicans vs. Democrats. Both sides are convinced they are right and more enlightened then the other side but who knows which side is really right? Everyones answer is different based on how they were raised, their beliefs, values and education).
I suppose I am reading too far into all this but this video has raised some interesting questions.
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:24 am
by Kasdeja
Penny, the idea of "who is right", I think is very valid when contemplating what the point of the LG15 saga is, in my opinion. Just looking through these threads is like a sociology project.
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:34 pm
by sweetie55
After reading many many pages of people's arguments of what her religion is, the only conclusion I can make is that it's everyone's religion. This is because every(and I mean every) religion has something another religion agrees on. So they pretty much took elements from a bunch of religions and stuck it all together. Prove me wrong. Even though it may have an overtone of a
particular religion, who's to say that that religion is HER RELIGION, especially if it doesn't add up to it? I know people here have probably said this stuff over and over, but just had to get that out.
It's usually
people controlling the religion who make it seem awful, not the religion itself.
That's why I believe in something, but not one in particular.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:36 pm
by Kasdeja
sweetie55 wrote:After reading many many pages of people's arguments of what her religion is, the only conclusion I can make is that it's everyone's religion. This is because every(and I mean every) religion has something another religion agrees on. So they pretty much took elements from a bunch of religions and stuck it all together. Prove me wrong. Even though it may have an overtone of a
particular religion, who's to say that that religion is HER RELIGION, especially if it doesn't add up to it? I know people here have probably said this stuff over and over, but just had to get that out.
It's usually
people controlling the religion who make it seem awful, not the religion itself.
That's why I believe in something, but not one in particular.

I've thought that for awhile, now.