There's been much discussion as to where the plot is going...will Bree be sacrificed, will Daniel be sacrificed, will one kill the other, etc.
Has any thought been given to the idea that even the writers do not yet have an ending written? In interviews with the actors and creators, it has been freely admitted that major plot devices have been changed by the influence of the fans. Daniel and Bree were supposedly never to have a romantic linkage, and yet fan input made it so. When I first started viewing the Lonelygirl videos, I thought that they'd been all filmed well in advance--now it comes out that filming occurs at least once, sometimes several times a week. Thus inputs from fans are easily incorporated into the plot. Thus, the observer truly may influence the experiment simply by the act of observing.

The conjecture is interesting, but it seems increasingly apparent to me that the conjecture may indeed be shaping the story....