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newO's posts in the guestbook
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:04 pm
by -- -.-- ... - . .-. .. --
new0's posts in the guestbook are the ones to look at.
before new0 said something like "You are solving the wrong problems" and I asked what questions we should be looking at or solving
this was just posted a bit ago by new0:
the fiRe, yoU Need to ask Now whO started it and Why they want sO many new RegistEred studeNts aDmitted UP for the new semester Locally and worldwIde freaKy Huh? wEll moRe later!!
Look at the capital letters in that phrase:
Run now or end up like her? Lyn?
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:07 pm
by rachelalexis
Nice catch *scampers over to guestbook*
Re: newO's posts in the guestbook
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:46 pm
by Charlotte Eve
-- -.-- ... - . .-. .. -- wrote:
Look at the capital letters in that phrase:
Run now or end up like her? Lyn?
you missed the "H"
and it's kinda like
run now or end up like her..
Is that a warning huhuhuhuh?
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:12 pm
by toadlguy
newO's not scarin' me away - i wanna learn flosophy
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:31 pm
by exastra
in verse 82 of The Gospel of Thomas: Jesus said, "Whoever is near me is near the fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the kingdom."
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:43 pm
by corinthian
newO = Owen backwards, its even capitalized properly
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:57 pm
by iamcool
i think corinthian is wenO

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:15 pm
by sparkybennett
Ms. Kelly's latest: who is Josh?
"Please be patient. I don't need your email addresses or any other personal information yet. You will not be able to log in to your account right away. These things take time. Be patient. Trust us. This is your first test. Don't worry. Everything will become clear soon. We want you to be happy.
Incidentally, I am not sure who newO is, but obviously he or she has little better to do than leave these silly entries here. I will leave up newO's comments because I have nothing to hide. Perhaps newO could take an interest in reading, rock collecting or dressage. These occupations would lead to less idle time, newO.
(p.s. Josh, why are you pretending to be Ms. Kelly?)
REMINDER: If you have filled out the registration form on our homepage, you should begin solving the problem. Review the registration video for everything you need. "
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:12 am
by BubbleYum211
Long time lurker and first time poster.... lol... This stuff is so exciting... In newO's latest post once again there are capitalized letters spelling out RUN... I think that the blog ya'll found of lyn's is going to be important later on and that newO is gonna be like "the black sheep". Sorry if this is something that was already known or too obvious for any one to post but like I said, Im new and all this is interesting and fun to me!