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28 Days - Theory
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:47 am
by October12Fiasco
A lot of people have been referencing Frank from Donnie Darko in collaboration with the new YouTube Cassie videos, which mention that "Frank is waiting." Well, I thought of this theory last night.
In the movie Donnie Darko, the world will end in 28 days, which was a warning from Frank.
If you look back on when MTV News broke the Lonelygirl15 videos as fiction and had an interview with Jessica Rose, it was on September 14.
Something big is going to happen on October 12.
October 12 and September 14 are 28 days away from eachother.
If, in Donnie Darko, the world ends in 28 days, is there something we are all missing?
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:25 am
by October12Fiasco
Also, note these things that strengthen the Donnie Darko theory :
* Frank in DD is only seen by Donnie and tells him what to do, much in the way our "Frank" now sees only Cassie and is being told what to do.
* The book "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking is seen in Bree's bookcase and is mentioned extensively in DD
* Frank appeared on October 1st in DD and Cassie came back at the beginning of October this year
* Donnie was 16 in the movie, and Bree is 16 (fact check that one)
* In DD, October 12th was a crucial day... for anybody who has seen the movie, they know that Jim Cunningham would have killed himself on that day if the events of the movie had never happened. Is that foreshadowing?
* Donnie frequently sneaks out at night. So does Bree.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:07 pm
by cup o' noodles
wow....very convincing. that would be cool if this is related to donnie darko in some way. now whenever i think of cassie or frank, i'm gonna think of some random person in a bunny mask, though....oh well.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:15 pm
by mousegirl
A lot of people mention this DD thing, but I don't think that DD has anything to do with LG15.
I mean you make some good points, but if I were a ceator, I would want my idea to be orinigal, to be compared to DD ALL the time would piss me off.
I think the 28 thing was just totally random.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:19 pm
by Flautapantera
Random or not, that's a neat way to think about it. I, of course, can't have any input because I haven't seen Donny Darko, but it's awesome that you were able to make connections between the two.
It makes it all the more fascinating.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:21 pm
by mousegirl
Flautapantera wrote:Random or not, that's a neat way to think about it. I, of course, can't have any input because I haven't seen Donny Darko, but it's awesome that you were able to make connections between the two.
It makes it all the more fascinating.
so random but --- you should rent it or something, it is an awesome movie.
TOTALLY mind blowing.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:14 pm
by asenath
I don't really think that's that fascinating. I mean, MTV News wasn't even the first outlet to "break" the story. They probably mentioned it a few days after it was actually proven to be fiction. So, really, it's probably more like 29 or 30 days, or something like that.
P.S. I've never seen Donnie Darko, even though we own it (husband bought it). I've always wanted to, but I just haven't sat down to watch it yet, for some reason.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:26 pm
by jill2009
LG15's first video, with the song from Donnie Darko.
Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:33 pm
by mousegirl
Yeah, but the song wasn't made for DD was it?
It is a popular song, picked at random maybe?
and asenath, That is what I think also.
and the movie is pretty good. I did the same thing until my brother sat me down and forced me to watch it. I liked it.
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:15 pm
by Nicole
Even though
neither of the Cassie MySpace accounts are legit, I think it's funny that CassieIsWatching's friend named Cassie "loved loved loved Donnie Darko"

That's funny...
Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 2:57 pm
by Keevy06
mousegirl wrote:A lot of people mention this DD thing, but I don't think that DD has anything to do with LG15.
I mean you make some good points, but if I were a ceator, I would want my idea to be orinigal, to be compared to DD ALL the time would piss me off.
I think the 28 thing was just totally random.
Agreed. completely.
PS. Donnie Darko is an amazing film. I think that anyone who hasn't seen it should watch it.. then watch it again, and again, and again. Everytime you watch that movie it creeps its way into your head a little further. Tres awesome! My fav movie ever...

Alternate meaning for 28 days
Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:13 pm
by losh14
A lunar month (upon which the zodiac is based) is 28 days.
The original Hebrew calendar was lunar and 28 days, as was customary in semitic agrarian and pre-agrarian societies (ie, those that were used by fertility cults). Does anyone know if Crowley carried this 28-day calendar over in Thelema?
Donnie Darko: II
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:16 am
by glowe126
I hope this is all leading up to a Donnie Darko sequel. Yes! Gretchen Ross come back!
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:49 pm
by guywiththegun
October12Fiasco wrote:* The book "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking is seen in Bree's bookcase and is mentioned extensively in DD
Technically, since the movie took place in the early eighties, this book hadn't even been written yet. So no, you're thinking of "The Philosophy of Time Travel" which was written by one of the Donnie Darko characters.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:11 pm
by dVant
For those who haven't seen Donnie Darko, it has a similar theme as The Butterfly Effect, but the character doesn't realize his effect on events until the end of the film. It was an dark and brooding movie, very provocative, but not at all related to either LG15 or CiW.