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Lucy... Lucifer

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:00 pm
by CweetXPeez
Okay, this may sound dumb, but Lucy [the helper] think about it...


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:03 pm
by krosork
It could make sense.

Going back to the original story of the angel Lucifer, Lucifer was originally a moral and upstanding angel who refused to play his role in the creation, banishing from the heavens and into a diabolical state.

Similarly, Lucy may be unwilling to fulfill her role in the ceremony for whatever reason, and may even be cast out in a similar way.

or maybe Lucy is just a generic character name.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:04 pm
by CweetXPeez
Exactly, because I was just reading all these post about her, and I was like...

Hold on [thinking]


And you know how Lucifer was also the most beautiful angel? Lucy is pretty, pretty.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:11 pm
by Nora Volkova
I have moved this down to its appropriate Character forum.


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:39 pm
by heybitch
This may be the case.
But do not also link her to satan.
or just the biblical texts..
Lucifer does mean "I bring the light"
or something to that effect.
I was just watching a documentary on YouTube about crowley last night.
(There are two on YT one expresses crowley in a more positive light and the other in a more negative)
It said something about crowley having contact with someone/something he called "insert name here" which is (the egyptian name??) for Lucifer..

So it has a connection to Crowley.

Okay, sorry about the retarded facts.
but yer.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:03 pm
by Nora Volkova
D'oh, those facts weren't retarded at all, you silly.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:28 pm
by mousegirl
I think it is just a common name

Re: Hmm..

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:40 am
by JeesumCrowe
[quote="heybitch"]This may be the case.
But do not also link her to satan.
or just the biblical texts..
Lucifer does mean "I bring the light"
or something to that effect.
I was just watching a documentary on YouTube about crowley last night.
(There are two on YT one expresses crowley in a more positive light and the other in a more negative)
It said something about crowley having contact with someone/something he called "insert name here" which is (the egyptian name??) for Lucifer..

So it has a connection to Crowley.

Okay, sorry about the retarded facts.
but yer.[/quote]

Lucifer means 'bringer of light,' and some people believe the character of Lucifer in the Bible has nothing to do with Satan. Some go so far as to believe there was a mistranslation, and the name 'Lucifer' belongs, in part, to Jesus, as the bringer of light, or to an (arch)angel who still resides in Heaven.

Re: Hmm..

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:33 am
by Alee8386
heybitch wrote:This may be the case.
But do not also link her to satan.
or just the biblical texts..
Lucifer does mean "I bring the light"
or something to that effect.
I was just watching a documentary on YouTube about crowley last night.
(There are two on YT one expresses crowley in a more positive light and the other in a more negative)
It said something about crowley having contact with someone/something he called "insert name here" which is (the egyptian name??) for Lucifer..

So it has a connection to Crowley.

Okay, sorry about the retarded facts.
but yer.

Hey,I can't find that docu on YT! Do you are anyone have the URL for it?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:03 pm
by TheChessboardWoman
As far as I can tell if you search for Aleister Crowley, two come up --

Aleister Crowley : The Other Loch Ness Monster (which seems to be the 'good' one.)


Aleister Crowley : Masters of Darkness (which seems to be the 'bad' one.)

Edit - Yeah, 'The Other Loch Ness Monster' is definitely the good one. In fact - after watching it I no longer get a spooky, evil, someone-is-behind-me-with-an-ax feeling when I think about Crowley, heh.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:33 pm
by CweetXPeez
I agree with all of your comments, but I like heybitch's the most.

Lucifer means 'bringer of the light', and in the show's case, Lucy is 'the bringer of the light' according to Bree. But, also, Lucifer turned bad, or already was plotting a scheme to take over God's thrown. Maybe Bree is a chosen one, which is why she gets to take part in the ceremony, and Lucy wants to do it a second time around?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:21 pm
by TheChessboardWoman
CweetXPeez wrote:I agree with all of your comments, but I like heybitch's the most.

Lucifer means 'bringer of the light', and in the show's case, Lucy is 'the bringer of the light' according to Bree. But, also, Lucifer turned bad, or already was plotting a scheme to take over God's thrown. Maybe Bree is a chosen one, which is why she gets to take part in the ceremony, and Lucy wants to do it a second time around?
Actually, not necessarily true. Lucifer didn't 'turn bad.' He simply didn't agree with God at some point or another (some speculate that this is because God began to create such things as disease, war, and famine, and Lucifer objected to these things.) In any case, he was thrown from Heaven for rebelling, but it's not really clear which side is 'evil' in that case.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:44 pm
by Nora Volkova
In Jewish folklore, the ha'satan isn't an evil figure at all, but sort of a metaphysical P.E. coach who Ha'shem sics on various people and populations to make them sort of run spiritual laps, toughen them up, and check out their fortitude and see where they are in their spiritual growth. Sometimes the ha'satan appears in folklore as an actual figure (as in the Book of Job), and sometimes as one of the oppressor nations (as in Isaiah, where "son of light" or Lucifer was a way of referring to the Babylonian king, who worshipped the "false" rival goddess Ishtar, the morning star).

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:59 pm
by grlinterupted1
Satan and Lucifer are diffrent in theology...

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:31 pm
by TheChessboardWoman
grlinterupted1 wrote:Satan and Lucifer are diffrent in theology...
Depends on who you're talking to.