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Are Bree and Cassie the same person?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:52 pm
by HenrySugar
I'm certain this has been discussed before, but if it's been discussed in depth on these forums, I can't seem to find it.

My beliefs that Cassie is an alter ego of Bree's comes from several 'clues' I've picked up on by watching the videos.

Bree went to high school for a short while, where she met Daniel and Cassie. Her and Daniel have remained friends for the two years following
while Cassie 'disappeared' after Bree went back to homeschooling.

Apparently the girls were friends. Brought together by the commonality of isolation. They were both loners. They were both picked on by other students. They walked the track together...yet, Bree can't even remember what Cassie looks like.

Daniel doesn't remember anyone named Cassie at all. As we know, Daniel has the hots for Bree. He's considered their outing as a date and he's kissed her, expressed feelings of 'like' etc.

Bree, back when she was responding to the earlier YT videos tells someone that Daniel likes someone in his class. She won't tell the name because Daniel might get mad. This may be in the YT response section under #4 The Danielbeast, I'm not sure.

Why was Bree put back into home schooling? Is it overly religious parents or is it concern for a mentally ill daughter?

Did 'Cassie' have a fling with Bree's 'star' teacher? Bree may not be the virgin she thinks she is. Could this little detail destroy whatever ceremony is coming up?

In the Park video, Bree wasn't herself. I'm thinking we may have been watching Cassie in this one.

And Lucy...the helper. Perhaps Lucy is a psychiatrist helping Bree past her delusions. Perhaps she is a member of the Order and is helping Bree incubate her other self. Either way, thoughts of Cassie emerged after Bree's introduction to her. Also, it appears that something from the Swimming video triggered her memory as well.

In the Thelema philosophy, there is a belief in the 'secret self' or higher self which acts as a guardian angel for the regular 'self'. It was actually (or so he claimed) Crowley's secret self (Aiwass) that wrote the Book of the Law.

So there it is. HenrySugar's theory on the Lonelygirl15 saga. If anyone would like to add to or discredit, I'd be obliged to listen ;-)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:55 pm
by shrugsareforthugs
I really love this theory. I don't know if it's "too deep" for the storyline, though. People tend to bring up some heavy plot development things.

Here's to hoping.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:02 pm
by coconeedles
This theory might also explain her new look...the hair, clothing and the unkempt bedroom. Maybe she has actually made one or two or more of her videos as Cassie (ie the park one and how her parents met).

Just my 2 cents...

Re: Are Bree and Cassie the same person?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:22 am
by TheChessboardWoman
HenrySugar wrote:In the Park video, Bree wasn't herself. I'm thinking we may have been watching Cassie in this one.
That's all too creepy, doesn't Cassieiswatching's latest video go up to the spot where 'Bree' was standing and say 'I am here?'
In the Thelema philosophy, there is a belief in the 'secret self' or higher self which acts as a guardian angel for the regular 'self'. It was actually (or so he claimed) Crowley's secret self (Aiwass) that wrote the Book of the Law.
I was just reading about this, which is why I came to this part of the forum. Terribly interesting.

"Of course I wrote them, ink on paper, in the material sense; but they are not My words, unless Aiwaz be taken to be no more than my subconscious self, or some part of it: in that case, my conscious self being ignorant of the Truth in the Book and hostile to most of the ethics and philosophy of the Book, Aiwaz is a severely suppressed part of me. Such a theory would further imply that I am, unknown to myself, possessed of all sorts of praeternatural knowledge and power."

- Aleister Crowley

Fourth paragraph under II.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:36 pm
by HenrySugar
I don't really think the cassieiswatching vids are canon, but even if they were, this theory might still fit.
The voice is a female whisper. Could just as well be Bree's voice.

Since I don't want to turn this into a cassieiswatching thread, I'll leave it at that.

I realize folks have this uncanny ability to read deep into mysteries. I've seen folks combing Beatles records looking for clues to Paul's 'death' and I've seen them find secret hidden messages where there are none.

Here as well, folks are looking for meaning in yield signs, dirty feet, and puppets laying face down etc. If you strip away all the symbolic clues (that may or may not have been planted there on purpose), and watch the vids at face value, it appears that this is just the story of a girl who isn't all there.
The first song she ever played for us is called, Crazy...

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:49 pm
by TheChessboardWoman
HenrySugar wrote:Here as well, folks are looking for meaning in yield signs, dirty feet, and puppets laying face down etc. If you strip away all the symbolic clues (that may or may not have been planted there on purpose), and watch the vids at face value, it appears that this is just the story of a girl who isn't all there.
The first song she ever played for us is called, Crazy...
Well, a girl who isn't all there must be filled in at blank times with someone else, wouldn't they be?

Have a little fun with it! It's interesting to see how many insane theories people can come up with with limited resources.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:05 pm
by Clueless
I'm glad you mentioned this, because it was on my mind. I can't figure out how Bree could have forgotten what a friend or even an acquaintance looks like. I searched my own mind to try and come up with a person, anyone, who I know the name of yet can't describe even in basic terms. If she walked with Cassie she should have at least remembered who is taller, the color of her hair, something. After saying she didn't remember what Cassie looks like Bree gets visibly uncomfortable and wants to go home.

So do we have people in our lives who we can't describe?

Friends on the internet; generally even internet friends let you see a picture after a while, but sometimes they don't. If Bree knows Cassie from the net, then it explains the presence of Cassieiswatching. It explains Cassie in her room, but not walking with her on the track.

Pretend friend; Bree has been alone for the majority of her life, so a fictional friend really does make sense. Then Cassieiswatching must be fake.

Brainwashed by her parents into thinking she has a friend named Cassie (that doesn't really make sense).

She's a supernatural friend that only Bree can see? that doesn't make sense either.

Maybe Cassie was in a ceremony and was magically erased from everyone's memory (this is fiction after all)

I really don't know what to make of her forgetting what her friend looks like, it makes no logical sense except if Bree is hallucinating.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:34 pm
by mousegirl
love the theory, but it kind of makes this whole thing WAY more creepy!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:26 pm
by kilgoretroutlovesyou
I think Bree forgetting what Cassie (who she walked with, and had over in her room) even looked like, seems sketchy.

But I think things got a little too personal for Bree's taste and she evaded the conversation. Remember, she asked about going home right after that line.

I think Dan was lying about knowing who Cassie was... And I think Bree was lying about how much she remembered Cassie too. But between the two, I think we'll learn most about Cassie through Danielbeast posts.


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:22 am
by HenrySugar
So, in the newest video, Bree talks about her meeting with Daniel. She describes her time in school as being...well...lonely. She 'didn't exist'. The kids didn't even have the decency to pick on her.
She was alone when Daniel approachs.
Okay, so in video #30, 'I want to take Bree to a party,' it seems the whole intention of this video was (A to advance the plot so Bree would get grounded, and (B to tell us how much the kids picked on her in school. He went to some detail in explaining how and why they teased her and why he approached her.
Two totally different stories and in order to fit my little theory (and yes, I am delusional thank you very much), we have to dip a little deeper.
Bree didn't recognize herself as being teased at all. What she saw (and stated in the Swimming vid) was Cassie being teased. This may have been the birth of Cassie. The 'guardian angel' that protected Bree and took the teasing instead.
Of course, Daniel claims he doesn't know who Cassie is. I believe him. I also believe he saw Bree getting picked on and intervened.
When Bree was taken out of public school, she no longer had a need for Cassie...until now (Bwahahaha).
Certainly this is a stretch, and I'm pretty sure, at this point I could turn anything around to fit my theory, but hey...ya can't say I'm wrong until it's over... :P

Edited: Because I'm an idiot...

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:33 pm
by nakita
Somewhere in this forum someone posted part of a chat they supposedly had with Cassie, in which Cassie said that Bree is only dangerous "when she sleeps" (if anyone can point me in the direction of that thread, i'll be very thankful :) ). Anyway, I think this is an argument for Bree having another personality. After all, two personalities can't "be" in the same mind at the same time, so one has to sleep, or something, right?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:55 pm
by cup o' noodles
i love this theory. but (and i know this is probably not true for this story, but it's true in my life) whenever i'm asked what someone looks like , even when asked what my mom looks like, the first thing that pops in my head to say is "i don't know," as well as all of my friends who suck at describing people. even when friends on the phone ask what i look like (it happens often, because i haven't seen a lot of my good friends in years) i say "i don't know," simly because i don't know or think of how to describe myself. i know the meaning of this situation in the videos MUST have more meaning, i just thought i would add this. just my addition to the topic. but as i said before, your theory is great, HenrySugar, i have thought of that myself.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:05 am
by jenlight
I love this theory, however, I think we need to remember that Daniel is real and therefore the religion is real. The religion has to be a factor or it wouldn't be so prominant.

As someone already said, this is fiction, and I'm suspecting they aren't afraid of bringing in some fantasy, so... I thought, what if Bree invented Cassie and when she let her go Cassie continued to exist outside of Bree's mind?

I know, I know, wacky theory.

I'm new to this.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:48 am
by HenrySugar
Aye, jenlight, her religion does play a part in this.
As I said earlier, the Thelemic philosophy believes in a second self/higher self/angelic self etc. This is what I think Cassie might be.
Furthermore (and I'm just speculating here), I think that Bree's Cassie-self had a fling with her teacher which caused her to leave public school.
Of course, if this were true, whatever 'fling' she may have had could very well break her purity bond and most certainly shock everyone involved with the ceremony.
Wow, wouldn't that be fun to watch...

Nakita, I'd like to find that post too...

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:31 pm
by jenlight
HenrySugar wrote:Aye, jenlight, her religion does play a part in this.
As I said earlier, the Thelemic philosophy believes in a second self/higher self/angelic self etc. This is what I think Cassie might be.
Furthermore (and I'm just speculating here), I think that Bree's Cassie-self had a fling with her teacher which caused her to leave public school.
Of course, if this were true, whatever 'fling' she may have had could very well break her purity bond and most certainly shock everyone involved with the ceremony..
Perhaps I should do my homework before posting :oops:

Still, I hope the plot becomes more sinister than simply she slept with her teacher and it will make her parents and 'church' mad. I suspect it will especially since there is some absolutely sinister charactor barely developed as of yet :)

Thanks for the info clearing that up for me!

*EDIT because something just was brought to my attention

If Cassie is not the creation of the official LG15 (is LG15 official?) people, why do we care? :lol: