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Dear Bree...Dear Miss Hymn of One

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:22 pm
by GenocideInMyMind
Hey Bree, I've been watching the Hymn of One vlogs lately, as well as the vlogs your friends have been posting. It seems that both sides really care about you a lot, and I know that you have a tough decision on your shoulders at the moment. On one hand, you have Daniel, Jonas, Taylor and Sarah- many people whom hardly know anything about you or your life- whom are willing to risk their own beings to save you from what they think is such an 'unjust' organization - The Order, and they've even began to bring in the big guns. Now, they are inevitably sucking in this poor, unsuspecting scientist. His name is Spencer, and he was just minding his own business. Unfortunately for him; his father just happens to have known and worked with Drew, your father. These two men were trying to make you trait negative, as I am sure you are aware. Anyways, with help from someone 'inside' the Order, your friends have accumulated many important documents that may 'help' you if you'd like to call it that. Right now, you are living with this false hope. The Hymn of One, as you said, is just a front for The Order. We know, and you know that this Order, despite what they say, are up to no good. What they are trying to do, I don't know, and I'm not really sure if I can say you'd know or not. But, sincerely, weigh your options. Just because you've joined the 'dark' side does not mean that your TRUE friends are going to give up on you that easily. They are here, and they are not going anywhere. Yes, they know they can probably have normal lives if they just let you go, but unlike what you may be used to; these people have souls and they all have a conscience that just won't look away, and will not let you down. It's not about protecting either- the other girls have made their own choice. Despite what you'd like to happen, Jules will follow her own path regardless if it is good or bad. I know many have said that you've been brainwashed; that the Order has been giving you medications and what not; but I know that you can look through it. Just remember who you are stargirl.

P.S. I know what it means to feel lost and I know that the Hymn of One is a good place to find yourself; but this goes much deeper than just that.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:56 pm
by sanguine105
Bree, I am also curious about one thing - the thought that had you doubting the HoO to begin with...

do you even know what the ceremony entails?

you know they were injecting you with something...did they ever explain that to you either?

I really hope you come to your senses soon. I, for one, miss you being on the side of truth.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:24 am
by New voice of reason
Hi Bree,

well, it is up to you to decide, now that you can have learnt the facts.. Apart from the fact that the HoO might control you in your usage of the net.

Do you want to serve the purpose of the HoO, whatever purpose this might be? Do you want to escape the HoO forever with the serum that Isaac Gilman was planning to produce?

Do you still need time to decide and a free head?

If I were you, I guess I would. But that would be a reason for me to try to escape the HoO somehow. They will not let you decide freely what you want. We all will take care that you can.

Can you still think for yourself, Bree or are you not free to do so?

We care... And we don`t give you up.

New Voice of reason

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:06 am
by rupaZer0
Miss Hymn of One ... I didn't know you won a beauty pageant! Congratulations!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:24 pm
by Lady_Kathryn_
Nice attempt guys but I doubt she goes on the internet when she's with The Hymn of One. And if she does then she's still brainwashed. It makes me wonder though...maybe it's all just an act so she can find out more about them or so she can save the other girls or something. But from what I've seen from the videos that's not the case. She's not herself anymore. What she needs I think is not comforting words from her friends but a good slap of reality. If only someone could go into the Order and try to talk some sense into her, a girl of about the same age would probably be best. I'd do it if I didn't live so far away, I'm from good old Canada where the winters are nice and freezing. And yes we do have penguins as pets.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:27 pm
by cittiecait
kathryn, you really do want a new female character dont you!!! lol. i doubt they will add any new characters so close to the season finale and with any luck the ceremony will have been completed/intervened with by august 3rd!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:56 pm
by Aponi
cittiecait wrote:kathryn, you really do want a new female character dont you!!! lol. i doubt they will add any new characters so close to the season finale and with any luck the ceremony will have been completed/intervened with by august 3rd!
In Character please!
Bree doesn't know anything about characters or Creators or a Season Finale.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:37 am
by New voice of reason
Hi LadyKathryn,

believe me, I mean even "though I am not a girl out of her age group, I tried to "write her some sense"... And she didn`t write back. I doubt that she is even allowed to read our comments here, no matter what the people of the HoO say. In my view, she is still brain-washed.. And the mole is doing what he or she is doing without her knowledge.

Or is it different, Bree? Tell me if it is (at least if you can read our comments here!)

New voice of reason