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Ive given up on bree
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:38 pm
by blade8r
well it's been one month since bree has been gone by her own accord. she wants to be in the order. she willingly left with lucy in the begining to do the ceremony for whatever reason. propably to save jules or whatever but i realized now.. i've given up on her.
if i put myself in daniel position, and I see he's having his own troubles in life. he's having a realtionship problem with sarah, he has 0 clues about the whereabout of bree. living and mooching of his friend. no direction in life but to find the cultist bree. he quit this job, left school, left home (not that this is a big thing for him), but he litterally fucked himself of any planing of his future of his life for bree.
Sarah is in the same boat, as she mentioned in the video "Dude back off". she's in the same situation as daniel. she accepts the fact that her life isnt the best and just wants happyness carefree.
Jonas of all i see is getting the short end of the straw. he see a couple people in need and decided to help them. little does he know his life and history was is very much tied into the whole situation with the order. his parents were involved as well. his own aunt is a memeber of an orginizaiton that he himself opposes. the only family is his friends now. and along the way he developed feelings for bree. they had a brief moment togeather. and she left. no words no closure she up and left. the saden jonas decided to leave and escape and clear his mind. with another friend in the great distance place known only as texas.
Taylor, the only thing taylor has a problem with is her mom, dad and sister. woopty doo, everyone has that problem. but now she is taking care of jonas and well it's emo stuff she personally doesnt need.
Spencer. well this guy is screwed. trying not to get involved will eventually and inevitablly end up becoming invloved. there is no escaping the life changing outcomes the order has brought about. he's fucked.
and that leads me to a paradigm
give up. think about yourself before others. in the end the only thing taking care of you is yourself. if i were any character in this series... i'd give up.
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:43 pm
by galatea024
I really would love to know the direction that this is going as far as with bree... even just info on WHAT the plan... i find myself a enjoying the videos, but I do so wish know more on their thoughts of bree and what to do... maybe i just want 20 videos in one day so I can have a LG15-gasm...
the taylor being almost emo thing is slightly frustrating, i have to agree...
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:36 pm
by suze900
and that leads me to a paradigm
give up. think about yourself before others. in the end the only thing taking care of you is yourself. if i were any character in this series... i'd give up.
In what ways would the characters be better off if they were all on their own?
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:49 pm
by consideration
Bree reminds me of a deciduous tree.
I have no idea what that means.
She does seem happy back with the Hymn of One, though. I wonder what she thinks about her dad and everything that happened with him.
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:57 pm
by blade8r
suze900 wrote:and that leads me to a paradigm
give up. think about yourself before others. in the end the only thing taking care of you is yourself. if i were any character in this series... i'd give up.
In what ways would the characters be better off if they were all on their own?
daniel can be better focused himself and get a job. start earning his keep. he can get his own apartment or rent a room. he can be able to go back to school start his higher education.
he'll be able to do things he hasn't been able to do. like buying food. i dont know about you guys. but i've been broke before and when i was mooching IT WAS THE WORST TIME IN MY LIFE. i felt very useless.
the day i got a good job and a steady working habit i ended up very proud of myself. to do things like paying my rent was one of the most gratifying things i ever did for myself. even more so was when i got out of debt. all the money i paid off.. wow... so happy. we cant just say it's okay to mooch of your buddy family's money. we can't. even if it's okay with the friend. it's not.
in honest reality im think about the DB. i think i can most relate the the guy.
jonas i can see is trying to relive his stress level. and just trying to take it eazy. but he stuck on bree emotionally. and his family is Very involved. and finding bree is finding this family. There is nothing more important then family. it's the only character i belive that shouldn't not stop this quest. but i still think he's scewed. if he quits.. he loses alot.
i belive sarah doesnt want to get involved but is only involved for DB. and taylor.. i don't know why she invloves herself. but she shouldn't involve herself.
aside the plotless story line. everything i see is just a way to align the story. everything is there for a reason. even if most of the clip isnt about anything. there is still a 1 line or two that pushes the plot some place else.
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:00 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
I liked an idea someone mentioned in the IC threads that Bree should vlog from where she is. It's not like the Order stopped her earlier on, and she was in the HoO then. I would love for her to move back home with her mom or something. A video from Bree's bedroom would make me pee myself.
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:28 am
by suze900
blade8r wrote:suze900 wrote:and that leads me to a paradigm
give up. think about yourself before others. in the end the only thing taking care of you is yourself. if i were any character in this series... i'd give up.
In what ways would the characters be better off if they were all on their own?
. . . he'll be able to do things he hasn't been able to do. like buying food. i dont know about you guys. but i've been broke before and when i was mooching IT WAS THE WORST TIME IN MY LIFE. i felt very useless.
the day i got a good job and a steady working habit i ended up very proud of myself. to do things like paying my rent was one of the most gratifying things i ever did for myself. even more so was when i got out of debt. all the money i paid off.. wow... so happy. we cant just say it's okay to mooch of your buddy family's money. we can't. even if it's okay with the friend. it's not. . . .
Good points.
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:50 am
by blade8r
another thing i like to point out.
Bree accepted the HoO as her Religion. she belives it to a high conviction as we all see. she belives herself to be Absolutely certain. there isn't anything more dangerous then a person who belives to be Absolutely certain.
"I am just a religious man and ill do anything you tell me." is what one religous man said to a religous leader.
if somehow in the future Taag were to possibly get bree again. how are they going to convince her to disregarding her religion?
take example:
if i was your really close friend and i came to and said, (insert religion) IS A FAKE Religion. it's not real. Seriously! you need to stop this. there is no GOD! THERE IS NO ALLAH, Hasan is Make belive. it's all just false story. its made there to control you.
Why would you honestly believe me?
we are so quick to belive the first things we are told and stick with it for the rest of our life. not only does it lay unexamen but any attempt to challenge is taken as a grievous insult.
so if you ask me, do i wish for our bree will return? yes, but i don't think she will willingly do it. because she is locked away in a drug of Absolute certainty. but maybe that's okay with bree, maybe she fine with it because maybe she doesnt want to know the truth, maybe she perfer dreams. maybe she wants her head to go to that place where the order controls every aspect of her life and kills those that get in the way. Absolute certainty is The ultimate drug. she no longer in control you can see it in her eye's. the drug has taken over. and you don't want to be around that stuff and if you hooked on it an keep taking it. and one day you may one day wake up with so full of rightousness that suddenly the only thing that makes sense is to join the order and have blood on your own hands too.
my bree is gone.. i've given up.. when will you?
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:17 am
by mugglemagsUK
galatea024 wrote:I really would love to know the direction that this is going as far as with bree... even just info on WHAT the plan... i find myself a enjoying the videos, but I do so wish know more on their thoughts of bree and what to do... maybe i just want 20 videos in one day so I can have a LG15-gasm...
the taylor being almost emo thing is slightly frustrating, i have to agree...
Totally agree with this. I AM still enjoying the vids, look forward to a new one, but I am ended up more disappointed each time. We need more substantial plot, with a LITTLE bit more direction please!
Got that off my chest lol.
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:26 am
by New voice of reason
I am just someone who doesn`t give up that easily.
OK, Dan is in a relationship crisis. And guess what helped ME most when I was? To care for other people who have more problems than I have. Just as Bree has.
We don`t know how much free will is left in Bree. We all have seen that video where Bree, Dan and Jonas were under drugs and where that strange voice in the backround gave strange orders. So, in my huble opinion, Bree has been brainwashed and has no time to think really what she wants. Actually, Bree needs professional help. Dan and Jonas really shoud re-consider their mind about that problem.
Of course, Dan can try to go back to his job. But do you really think the HoO will leave him alone, after all he knows? No way. He is in it because of his knowledge, and to back off does not save him A BIT!
I guess Jonas has a special interest to do everything to spoil the attentions of the HoO. His parents died because of them, or at least are hidden because of them! They had been fighting them for a long time. I guess if I were Jonas, the heritage would be an obligation to fight the HoO as well.
Taylor and Sarah - yes, I would understand if they backed off. I mean, they have not such a big personal relationship towards Bree, and they haven`t seen any killing and besides, they have enough problems at home. But maybe, for them, to concentrate on something else than these problems is also a relief, as strange as it sounds.
So, I can understand why they all don`t give up Bree. I haven`t either, by the way. After all, this series is called "lonelygirl 15" and we know who that is, don`t we? Without Bree, the series doesn`t make sense anymore.
New voice of reason
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 4:23 am
by Taig
New voice of reason wrote:Hi!
So, I can understand why they all don`t give up Bree. I haven`t either, by the way. After all, this series is called "lonelygirl 15" and we know who that is, don`t we? Without Bree, the series doesn`t make sense anymore.
New voice of reason
Hate to be the bearer of bad news...or to burst anyones bubble but the series doesn't make sense and hasn't made sense since Bree and Daniel "hit the road"
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:23 am
by RoseCrowley
All we have to do is send Bree a
Huge box of Choclate and she will be back with us in no time (Remember she likes choclate chip cookies....back from the taste testing vid)

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:02 pm
by bree_is_awesome
RoseCrowley wrote:All we have to do is send Bree a
Huge box of Choclate and she will be back with us in no time (Remember she likes choclate chip cookies....back from the taste testing vid)

We should send her one of those 10 lb Hersey bar's, then she would get kicked out for sure!
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:31 pm
by mugglemagsUK
bree_is_awesome wrote:RoseCrowley wrote:All we have to do is send Bree a
Huge box of Choclate and she will be back with us in no time (Remember she likes choclate chip cookies....back from the taste testing vid)

We should send her one of those 10 lb Hersey bar's, then she would get kicked out for sure!
I wouldn't say no either lol. I think it would definitely make a difference to poor Bree especially if they are not allowed in the HoO!
In Nikki B's last vid, she didn't mention whether she'd even seen Bree there (Or did I miss something?).
Where is Bree?
Lonelygirl 15 just isn't, without her.
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:35 pm
by blade8r
i agree lg15 isnt lonelygirl15 without bree. and she's not here.. so it's like this isnt lonelygirl15. but rather Missinggirl15
instead we are watching drama with daniel and sarah. and check out the geeky spencer dude. (lets start a fan club even though he only posted 1 video). things like... wow look jonas nice bod. blah blah blah sarah is in the order. everything that didnt involve bree is only fillers. everything else just fills the void in what is happenig around the scene of bree. bree isnt there anymore.
i remember the last time I thought i saw the old bree. the same one that we first saw in the vids a year ago was when she was sitting in the shopping kart and jonas was pushing her around. daniel got jelous if i recall correctly.. that day.
the day she was to mexico and took care of jonas and daniel when they were drunk too was another one of those days if i recall aswell.