Taylor it's Eagle

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Taylor it's Eagle

Post by HeartofSorrow »

Taylor it's me. I might have an idea where Spencer Gillman his but I'm not as computer savy as you. Do what you can to find Spencer Gillman in Los Angelas, (I just know I spelt it wrong) California. Unfourtnately I'm running in to a brickwall but I'll keep trying. Hopefully you can have better luck then myself.
I don't mind being called by my username, but I wish for you to call me by my true name Eagle Who Flies On Golden Wings.
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Post by marlasinger »

dude this kid graduated from high school at the age of 16. ess em ar tee like you taylor!
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Post by garnet »

His Myspace http://www.myspace.com/la_labrat says he works at Neutrogena in Los Angeles. Here's their address and stuff http://macraesbluebook.com/search/compa ... any=323538
Rosencrantz: Another curious scientific phenomenon is the fact that the fingernails grow after death, as does the beard.
Guildenstern: What?
Rosencrantz: Beard. . . The toenails, on the other hand, never grow at all.
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