Explain Tachyon please

Cassie. Lucy. Bree's parents. Who are they, and how do they fit in?

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Explain Tachyon please

Post by Ixlikexchalk »

I'm sorry, but although I've been watching the videos for a long time, I watched them mainly on youtube until a few months ago and I'm very confused as to where Tachyon comes into the story and what happened to her. I read about her on LGpedia but people keeps saying she's dead and I don't recall that anywhere.
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Post by Aerrow »


There is a link to her vids, and if you have seen all of the Bree/Daniel/Jonas vids Tachyon came in and helped rescue Daniel when he was taken.. And she also exposed Gemma by following her and recording her with Lucy.. And of course Brother killed Gemma in the last vid, but they were only here with OpAphid, now that there is no more Aphid vids there is no more Tachyon.. Also Bree went and trained with Tachyon for a little bit..
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