Running out of Time...

Have advice for Daniel that doesn't involve criminal activity? Share it.

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Running out of Time...

Post by Spades »

Dan, the ceremony might be this Thursday.

Thursday is the summer solstice, and and there was an e-mail from the Hymn of One that said something about a celebration under or for the Summer Sun or something.

Whatever you are going to do, do it fast. The smarter of us (which definitely does not include me) will try to get a location for you guys. I think. I hope. Please God let us.

P.S Kudos to those who helped make this connection, I forget who you are, just say, "I'm the one who find that out, not you!"
I like music, a lot. And yea, that's it.

Oh ****, forgot about beer.

And I listened to that song, and it sucked. No offense.
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Post by longlostposter »

We've said this about every solstice/equinox since we learned about Crowley, and if I were you, I wouldn't count on it.

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Post by Charles Phoenix »

they have a fully prepared( meaning drugged and brainwashed) bree now... it can happen thursday
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Post by Shaneener »

Not gonna happen.
Introducing a character that is supposed to find a way to 'cure' Bree three days after Bree does the ceremony?
Sorry, what's that I hear?

That's the Hymn of One,
singing for you to be happy.
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