Bree & Jonas never had sex / Their tricky plan
Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 8:56 am
My thoughts are that: Bree and Jonas never had sex. ALL of them had a plan to make it seem like they did, so that Bree's "purity bond" would seem tarnished. They CAN'T make her trait negative, but they do know there was talk about purity.
So, Jonas leaves a sappy video saying "oh, boo hoo she ran away!" and a fake "ohh NOOOOO, what ever will I do?" Meanwhile, he actually helped her run away.
Sarah makes a video with the repetitive words "sex is fun, sex is fun" reemphasizing that they had sex, (just in case "the morning after" wasn't clear enough), and also it's a play on words, "the hymn of one is fun".
Then Jonas writes an email to EVERYONE (but mostly Taylor, since she's good at code) pretty much stating: This phase of our plan is done, we need to contact Bree. His message is basically saying "Taylor, look under your elbows.. this is a coded message." CALLOUS... written large on Taylor's wall... = CALL US, Bree. He also states that the cellphone triangulation didn't work, but he is obviously just trying to throw off HoO, reemphasizing that they are helpless, cannot find her, and she actually wants to go with them.
Then Bree makes a fake video saying "oohhh find me Hymn of One"... truthfully knowing, they no longer want her (or maybe testing them, to see if they will still seek her out), but also disclosing her location to Daniel, Jonas, and Sarah.
All the meanwhile... Jonas is chopping wood so that Bree, who has to stake out in the woods for a few nights, has something to make fire with.
So, Jonas leaves a sappy video saying "oh, boo hoo she ran away!" and a fake "ohh NOOOOO, what ever will I do?" Meanwhile, he actually helped her run away.
Sarah makes a video with the repetitive words "sex is fun, sex is fun" reemphasizing that they had sex, (just in case "the morning after" wasn't clear enough), and also it's a play on words, "the hymn of one is fun".
Then Jonas writes an email to EVERYONE (but mostly Taylor, since she's good at code) pretty much stating: This phase of our plan is done, we need to contact Bree. His message is basically saying "Taylor, look under your elbows.. this is a coded message." CALLOUS... written large on Taylor's wall... = CALL US, Bree. He also states that the cellphone triangulation didn't work, but he is obviously just trying to throw off HoO, reemphasizing that they are helpless, cannot find her, and she actually wants to go with them.
Then Bree makes a fake video saying "oohhh find me Hymn of One"... truthfully knowing, they no longer want her (or maybe testing them, to see if they will still seek her out), but also disclosing her location to Daniel, Jonas, and Sarah.
All the meanwhile... Jonas is chopping wood so that Bree, who has to stake out in the woods for a few nights, has something to make fire with.