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Maddy - Communications Major

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 4:05 am
by kellylen
maddy is a communications major.

and in her first video she was doing a newcast type thing.

zipp (>:O) wanted her to be his microphone.

do you think a reason she was chosen was before of her major?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:46 am
by sparkybennett
I think that may be part of it, but I think there would be something more.
There would be alot of communications majors to choose from, something had to make Maddy stand out.
and the Mr Zipp quote "we were intended to never meet" keeps popping up in my head , makes me think there is a personal connection between Maddy and Mr Zipp.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:06 pm
by Lurker
Good thinking, Kelly.

Maybe Mr. Zipp was a professor at her school? Or someone else in the communications department? Maybe he got access to her university e-mail and that's how we was able to guess what kind of passwords she would use. Jeromy did say that Zipp's identity should be kind of obvious ...

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:33 pm
by LesterG
did maddy ever mention any of her ''idols?''

not like american idols =P but more who she admired and how she came about becoming a communications major?

maybe there was someone that influenced her decision to follow that path?

I'm throwing leaves in the wind aren't I? :P

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:35 pm
by kellylen
sparkybennett wrote:I think that may be part of it, but I think there would be something more.
There would be alot of communications majors to choose from, something had to make Maddy stand out.
and the Mr Zipp quote "we were intended to never meet" keeps popping up in my head , makes me think there is a personal connection between Maddy and Mr Zipp.
that line keeps making me think that he's been watching her for awhile. kind of like a stalker.

and not that I know of. I don't think we ever asked her any of her idols.

although i guess looking at her profiles may provide something

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:48 pm
by LesterG
heh, after I posted I noticed a maddison's interest's - clues thread :oops:

seems her interest were actually pretty interesting

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 2:23 pm
by ShardinsKitten
Did maddy ever talk about her family?

At first I was thinking that they were directly related... but the "we were intended to never meet" kinda throws off that maybe Mr. Zipp was her dad. But maybe he was like an Uncle, or married into the family or something and for whatever reason her parents didn't want her getting involved with him?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:06 pm
by immortal1
In my vid response Jeromy said:
Jeromy wrote: ...
Pigeon vs letter. This is a good exploration In Game and not Out.

Why Maddison. Another good exploration InGame and not Out.

To be honest, you don't seem to be following the plot closely. For instance, why a pigeon is used has been discussed by the community and I've read a few VERY good reasons why Mr.Zipp opts for pigeons over more traditional forms of communication.
I'm having alot of trouble reconciling in game and out of game. How can we unknow what we learned out of game?

He later said in regard to robtomorrow's post about homing pigeons being released from a remote location and returning home:
Jeromy wrote:So Rob. If this is the science behind homing pigeons then that leads you to what conclusion? I think if you start to look at "plot holes" as clues, then some blanks will be filled in.

Done. Moment of weakness over.
I think why pigeons? and why maddy? may be connected. If someone trained pigeon's to use Maddy's front door as home base wouldn't it be logical that Maddy know that person? I mean how do you train a pigeon to do that without being seen? A personal connection whoud explain Why Maddy? Look, if you wanted to blow the lid off some diabolical plot would you go to a college communications major?

Ah! I just confused myself! Need more info...

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:20 pm
by sparkybennett
I thought Mr Zipp dropped the pigeons off at Maddy's and Adam's place with notes so that they had a method to communicate back to him.

The last communication was tied to the doorknob without a pigeon because this was his last communication with her. hence the "mute" part of the message.

It cracks me up that Jeromy thinks that Mr Zipps identity should be easy for us to figure out.... :smt043

plot holes=clues ...I have to think about that some more.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:25 pm
by LesterG
Mr. Zipp is a fan of Harry Potter, but uses pigeons instead of owls to not get sued? :shock:

jk only thing I can think about using pigeon msg carrier is from the CGI movie "Valiant"

they used messenger pigeons extensively during WW2 and also that a Dickin Medal was awarded 54 times between 1943 and 1949, to 32 pigeons, 18 dogs, 3 horses and 1 cat, to acknowledge actions during the Second World War, after which the medal was officially replaced with the PDSA's non-military Silver Medal.

more info on the medal and what animals won it for what

more info about msnger pigeons

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:23 pm
by TheeBerean
immortal1 wrote:I think why pigeons? and why maddy? may be connected. If someone trained pigeon's to use Maddy's front door as home base wouldn't it be logical that Maddy know that person? I mean how do you train a pigeon to do that without being seen? A personal connection whoud explain Why Maddy? Look, if you wanted to blow the lid off some diabolical plot would you go to a college communications major?

Ah! I just confused myself! Need more info...
Good post, Imm1... do keep in mind though that there are only TWO pigeons... one was waiting for Maddison outside of her door at home, the other was placed at Adam's door while Maddy was there... someone knew where she was... or at least where she was supposed to be at a particular time... There is no evidence that the pigeons were homed to either of those locations. I think Maddy answered this herself... the pigeons were left at each location for a reason... but why and by whom?


Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:42 pm
by LesterG
as per ''Why'' the pigeons are used, wouldn't it be a nice inconspicious way of leaving a secret msg as opposed to leaving a note/envelope on the screen door?

just curious

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:02 pm
by immortal1
TheeBerean wrote:
immortal1 wrote:I think why pigeons? and why maddy? may be connected. If someone trained pigeon's to use Maddy's front door as home base wouldn't it be logical that Maddy know that person? I mean how do you train a pigeon to do that without being seen? A personal connection whoud explain Why Maddy? Look, if you wanted to blow the lid off some diabolical plot would you go to a college communications major?

Ah! I just confused myself! Need more info...
Good post, Imm1... do keep in mind though that there are only TWO pigeons... one was waiting for Maddison outside of her door at home, the other was placed at Adam's door while Maddy was there... someone knew where she was... or at least where she was supposed to be at a particular time... There is no evidence that the pigeons were homed to either of those locations. I think Maddy answered this herself... the pigeons were left at each location for a reason... but why and by whom?

Ok that makes more sense. In that scenario it would seem they were homed to go back to Zipp. They could have been dropped off by a third party.
LesterG wrote:as per ''Why'' the pigeons are used, wouldn't it be a nice inconspicious way of leaving a secret msg as opposed to leaving a note/envelope on the screen door?

just curious
I don't think dropping pigeons off would be as inconspicuous as sliding a note under a door. What the pigeons would provide is an untraceable means of two way communication- but they weren't used that way. Unless that form of communication was conditional upon something and that's why he stopped using them.

And so now I don't know if the pigeons connect, why Maddy? The third party who dropped off the pigeons could be anyone with an excuse to be there. Although finding that third party may provide some information about Zipp.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:28 pm
by LesterG
immortal1 wrote:
LesterG wrote:as per ''Why'' the pigeons are used, wouldn't it be a nice inconspicious way of leaving a secret msg as opposed to leaving a note/envelope on the screen door?

just curious
I don't think dropping pigeons off would be as inconspicuous as sliding a note under a door. What the pigeons would provide is an untraceable means of two way communication- but they weren't used that way. Unless that form of communication was conditional upon something and that's why he stopped using them.

And so now I don't know if the pigeons connect, why Maddy? The third party who dropped off the pigeons could be anyone with an excuse to be there. Although finding that third party may provide some information about Zipp.
ahhh that's right, it's not as if they sent the pigeon back with a note... otherwise why not just try to trace the bird to it's sender, on the other hand... as Maddy and Adam recieved their "msgs", wouldn't adam just throw the pigeon back out the door afterwards? Then the pigeon would prolly fly back to it's owner ''w/o'' the msg passively saying msg recieved?

I just thought of something... it's a bit of an oddball "horror flick" theory, but what if Mr. Zipp was that killer in the trailer and he had been baiting them all along just to kill them...creepy, but not likely =P that would make sense that zipp's identity was obvious when we saw him kill them at the end huh? :P

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:44 pm
by garnet_sunflowers
Maddy did send a note back with a pigeon.

4/21: Maddison sends HTMLvis back to Zipp with the return message.

4/21: Final Check. Pigeon Launch (April 21st)