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IG Questions

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 4:31 am
by ShardinsKitten
Well since I have been gone, I finally just got caught up and watched all of Jeromy's response vids to question. I think, and I think he is hinting at, we need to solve the puzzles that are left over, and I think it would help for the next chapter as well. So I took some clues from the vids of things he said would be great IG questions and discussions and made a list of them. (I didn't see this posted already). I haven't seen chat transcripts I'm sure there is more there, so anyone can feel free to add to this from the chats or PM them to me and i will add them to this first post. I thought it might be helpful to have them all in one spot and toss around ideas, before making a post for every single question.

Why the pigeon?
why maddison?
why dr suess?
why those drop locations?
why those dr suess poems?
How did they (the drops) get there (obviously IG not OOG)?
Who is Mr. Zipp?
Why would an assassin use a .22?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 4:35 am
by garnet_sunflowers
here is a great thread that already covers these same questions.


Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 11:31 pm
by trainer101
I'm consolidating all the questions here so we have a single thread to refer to. Any ideas?
giddeanx wrote:
deagol wrote:Don't ask "what, where, or when." Ask "why, how, and who."

Or something like that.
I would say that the questions would be like.

Who is Mr. Zipp?

Why did he pick Maddison?

How did he know all that he knew about Maddison?

Why a pigeon?

Why Dr. Seuss?

Why kids drawings? (Not what do they mean, why are they there?)

Why guitar tab?

Why, how did he put the pages at those locations?

Why the envelope?

Who is Maddison Atkins? (do we really know)

Why was she killed?

Why a .22?
garnet_sunflowers wrote:Why that trailer?

Who is Adams Uncle Joe? Where is he now?

Why was that dog watching Adam and Maddison get killed? Whos dog was it?

When did Maddison meet Adam? How well did they know each other? Where did they meet?

Where is Mr. Zipp now?

There are a million questions to answer.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 3:05 pm
by marlasinger
Again, Jeromy has stated that we should be focussing on "Who What Where" as opposed to "why"

Whys wont get us answers - we don't know why. But we can deduce who what how where in order to lead us to a plausible why.

know what i mean? Let's rephrase all those whys into alternate questions.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 4:03 pm
by deagol
I thought he said focus on the whys instead of the whats.

For example, "what are the doodles?" should be "why doodles?" A possible answer would be that they're Zipp's kid's doodles and he sent those hoping his kid would recognize them and thus a good way to get his/her attention.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 5:20 pm
by Samara
Why was she killed?
Was she even killed?

Somebody is supposed to think she and Adam are dead, but is everybody?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 5:24 pm
by trainer101
deagol wrote:I thought he said focus on the whys instead of the whats.

For example, "what are the doodles?" should be "why doodles?" A possible answer would be that they're Zipp's kid's doodles and he sent those hoping his kid would recognize them and thus a good way to get his/her attention.
You are correct. "WHY?" seems to be the big question.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:23 am
by ShardinsKitten
no he said that LGers focus too much on the WHAT's and not enough on the WHY's ect. (for example we ask, what is going to happen next, what happened, ect ect.) So they questions are phrased right.

I'm thinking:

Maybe Zipp was a musician. The guitar tab on the items, One of the drops was at a club where a lot of bands (local mostly I think) played. Not sure if there are any other connections.

if so I guess the next questions could be:
How did a musician get caught up in this mess?
Why a musician?
(I had another one lol)

I like Deagol's idea about the kids drawing. But how could you just happen to have the exact drawings for your kid laying around that would work in the puzzles given to us.

Maybe he was just in a hurry when making them. I think most of us, if we grabbed a box of crayons could draw similar to a kid.
However the puzzle that had the jeep driving away from the one legged man did not look like a child's drawing, other then being done with crayon. IMO. I think we should be asking Why were they done with crayon at all?

Dr. Seuss maybe was his kid's favorite baby time stories. Or maybe we need to do some research into Dr. Seuss's life to find the answer to that question.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 7:56 am
by Esteed
I think most parents that were unwillingly separated from their kid would keep as many of the kid's drawings/other stuff as possible. This is assuming that the parent(s) in question are the good kind, but I think if Zipp was willing to go through all this to save his kid, he qualifies for that.

I do think asking why is a good line of thought. If the doodles were meant to get the attention of his kid, and Maddison was supposed to be his microphone, then obviously his kid is someone Maddison could potentially be able to reach.

Another good question, as I've noted elsewhere, would have been to ask Maddison whether there were ever any other musicians in her life besides the one she had a crush on.

Another: Who are we supposed to be watching out for in the baddie department? We know Zipp is working against someone, but who is it? I think when we thought there was a bigger connection with LG, it was assumed that this question would be answered with, "The Order" but now that we know it's not really connected, it probably isn't the Order. So, who are we even working against?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:22 pm
by marlasinger
Sounds good - I think I sort of mixed things up in my head, as I was saying to deagol last night in irc chat:

For someone like me, and this is toooootally just personal, I've got to ask who what where how BEFORE I've asked why, then I ask why. I find it easier when I have all the facts first, know what I mean, to then find the motive.

As for asking what - I think it's important to still ask what, but to stop when we have the answer and move on to the next fact. We were doing a lot of finding the whats, and then just focussing on the answer to what, and no how who when why.

<3 So for me, I'll be fleshing out a fact sheet today, on my corkboard - with who what where how why questions and potential answers.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:44 pm
by kellylen
god I wish I could think and wasnt so burnt out from school so I could help :(

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 1:12 pm
by marlasinger
Just made my mother's day phone calls, all rounds complete, and so I'm free to work on this shizzle.

I feel like Maddison in her "war nuke" vid.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 1:12 pm
by ShardinsKitten
marlasinger wrote:Sounds good - I think I sort of mixed things up in my head, as I was saying to deagol last night in irc chat:

For someone like me, and this is toooootally just personal, I've got to ask who what where how BEFORE I've asked why, then I ask why. I find it easier when I have all the facts first, know what I mean, to then find the motive.

As for asking what - I think it's important to still ask what, but to stop when we have the answer and move on to the next fact. We were doing a lot of finding the whats, and then just focussing on the answer to what, and no how who when why.

<3 So for me, I'll be fleshing out a fact sheet today, on my corkboard - with who what where how why questions and potential answers.
marla I can tell you, you are not alone in this. Many many people think like this.

As for facts, Jeromy (I'm always worried I'm spelling his name wrong lol) has said we do have all the facts, especially to fully solve the puzzles, and I think once we do solve the old puzzles everything else will click and fill in. But I think it's great to do a little brainstorming too. Maybe something will click for someone on a puzzle by reading everyones thoughts/ideas.

I started research on Dr Seuss last night... holy moly there is a lot about him (just on wiki lol) I haven't found anything that really stuck out yet, but I'll post a summary of it all later in a new thread for everyone.

The only thing that is making me think is Seuss started using his middle name in college, so he could still work on a college paper with out the facility knowing, because he got restricted from any extra curricular activities for violation prohibition.

Maybe Zipp is a middle name too?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 1:24 pm
by nowherepixie
ShardinsKitten wrote:
The only thing that is making me think is Seuss started using his middle name in college, so he could still work on a college paper with out the facility knowing, because he got restricted from any extra curricular activities for violation prohibition.

Maybe Zipp is a middle name too?
That's a thought. And even if it turns out not to be relevant it's still interesting!

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 2:29 pm
by trainer101
Here are a couple of questions to ponder...

Was Maddy really the target or was Adam the target? After all, the assassin showed up at Adam's uncles house.

Remember the old LG discussions about Bree=Cassie? Are we seeing this concept manifested in 'Maddison Atkins'? Does either Maddy or Adam have another identity? See this thread.