Words of Wisdom and Thanks
Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 10:25 pm
I had the privelige to be one of the few people able to stay til the end of the final Jeromy chat. It ended about 11:03 EST. I do want to say a special thanks to Jeromy, Vicki, Faye, Jason Z, Jason M, Whiskey and HTMLvis... and all of the drop volunteers (like ZakeOx & Jess). The last week has been awesome. I am honored to have been able to participate in Maddison Atkins and the fellowship with Jeromy and Co. that followed.
Here are a few things that I gleaned from the chat as far as "where to go from here" that I thought should be shared with everyone. Jeromy reiterated not to ask what but (as Marla chimed in) "Who, Where, Why?". He added though, to not worry about specifics yet... just generalize at first. He mentioned that "VERY" few have speculated in the right direction yet. He said, generalize first, specifics will follow... when we finally get the answer we will simply know and it will "click" in hindsight.
He did say that while we were resourceful, one of our stumbling blocks was a lack of specific leadership. It was suggested by Immortal1 that this was in part due to many of us (myself included!!) were new to ARG's and not heavily experienced. Jeromy noted that had the group been able to really "hunker down" and concentrate more on solving the drop puzzles that a "very different" ending for MA was prepared.
In closing, I asked him in his opinion, what puzzle would be best for us as a group to concentrate on first in order to restart the ARG. After thinking, his response was that he thought concentrating on the "second letter from Zipp" (later clarified to be the one left on the door knob) might bring us the most headway, but that he couldn't be sure. After that, he felt he may have said too much and apologized. Though honestly, I appreciate his opinion. I feel like it gives us a direction and purpose to refocus our efforts.
It was also asked why he decided to step out from behind the curtain... he replied that he thought he had to; that "the attachment for Maddison was just too great". He felt it was the right thing to do and he did it. I, personally, am very appreciative of his time and concern in doing this. Jeromy is a a very authentic and genuine person. (Vicki rocks too!)
I feel like this experience--both in and out of game--has been enriching.
I also would like to mention that "DoktorBob" is leaving Saturday to go to Iraq for a 6 month tour of duty with the Air Force. I (as I am sure many of you as well) would like to personally thank him for his service on my behalf as an American. My prayers go with you and your brothers (and sisters) in arms.
Guys, its been an awesome pleasure interacting with ya'll on the MA Forum. I hope more good times are to come.
Godspeed & In Sincerity,
~Dave (aka TheeBerean)
**PLEASE NOTE: The above is my summary of the chat. I in no way want it to be taken as trying to speak for Jeromy; this is simply what impacted me the most from the chat.
Here are a few things that I gleaned from the chat as far as "where to go from here" that I thought should be shared with everyone. Jeromy reiterated not to ask what but (as Marla chimed in) "Who, Where, Why?". He added though, to not worry about specifics yet... just generalize at first. He mentioned that "VERY" few have speculated in the right direction yet. He said, generalize first, specifics will follow... when we finally get the answer we will simply know and it will "click" in hindsight.
He did say that while we were resourceful, one of our stumbling blocks was a lack of specific leadership. It was suggested by Immortal1 that this was in part due to many of us (myself included!!) were new to ARG's and not heavily experienced. Jeromy noted that had the group been able to really "hunker down" and concentrate more on solving the drop puzzles that a "very different" ending for MA was prepared.
In closing, I asked him in his opinion, what puzzle would be best for us as a group to concentrate on first in order to restart the ARG. After thinking, his response was that he thought concentrating on the "second letter from Zipp" (later clarified to be the one left on the door knob) might bring us the most headway, but that he couldn't be sure. After that, he felt he may have said too much and apologized. Though honestly, I appreciate his opinion. I feel like it gives us a direction and purpose to refocus our efforts.
It was also asked why he decided to step out from behind the curtain... he replied that he thought he had to; that "the attachment for Maddison was just too great". He felt it was the right thing to do and he did it. I, personally, am very appreciative of his time and concern in doing this. Jeromy is a a very authentic and genuine person. (Vicki rocks too!)
I feel like this experience--both in and out of game--has been enriching.
I also would like to mention that "DoktorBob" is leaving Saturday to go to Iraq for a 6 month tour of duty with the Air Force. I (as I am sure many of you as well) would like to personally thank him for his service on my behalf as an American. My prayers go with you and your brothers (and sisters) in arms.
Guys, its been an awesome pleasure interacting with ya'll on the MA Forum. I hope more good times are to come.
Godspeed & In Sincerity,
~Dave (aka TheeBerean)
**PLEASE NOTE: The above is my summary of the chat. I in no way want it to be taken as trying to speak for Jeromy; this is simply what impacted me the most from the chat.