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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:40 am
by saralynn
I think Daniel is trying to get used to the fact that -- at least in his mind -- Jonas is trying to get into Bree's pants and he can't do anything about it because he tried his best. C'mon, fish tacos? DUH. They're already starting to swear in videos, they might as well make vagina euphanisms too.
Anyway, I don't think Jonas has anything to do with the ceremony, like someone said. Unless the criteria for guys is WAY different than girls. He's obviously not as brainwashed as Bree was when it came to religion.
I'm still sort of mad they escaped in the first place.. but I'm getting over it.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:41 am
by Languorous Lass
megs229 wrote:Just to clear somethings up.... When driving into Mexico you do not need passports only when flying right now. You just need a picture ID and your birth certificate.
I also noticed this on the vid transcript in the notes section. So I just thought I would let everyone know
Megs, how recently have you been to Mexico? The State Department announced late in 2006 that the rules re: Mexico and Canada were changing and that passports would be required for everyone -- I forget the effective date, but I'm pretty sure the date is past by now.
The last time I drove to Mexico the photo-ID-birth-certificate rule was in effect, and that was several years ago.
Oh, and the Hollywood-teeth thing is that some of us think Yousef needs to get his teeth fixed -- straightened and whitened -- in order to make himself more marketable as an actor. He doesn't appear to have done it yet (at least not to the degree I think Hollywood demands these days).
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:41 am
by Sami
megs229 wrote:Just to clear somethings up.... When driving into Mexico you do not need passports only when flying right now. You just need a picture ID and your birth certificate.

Thanks for clearing that up. I was under the impression it was über strickt there
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:49 am
by megs229
Languorous Lass wrote:megs229 wrote:Just to clear somethings up.... When driving into Mexico you do not need passports only when flying right now. You just need a picture ID and your birth certificate.
I also noticed this on the vid transcript in the notes section. So I just thought I would let everyone know
Megs, how recently have you been to Mexico? The State Department announced late in 2006 that the rules re: Mexico and Canada were changing and that passports would be required for everyone -- I forget the effective date, but I'm pretty sure the date is past by now.
The last time I drove to Mexico the photo-ID-birth-certificate rule was in effect, and that was several years ago.
Oh, and the Hollywood-teeth thing is that some of us think Yousef needs to get his teeth fixed -- straightened and whitened -- in order to make himself more marketable as an actor. He doesn't appear to have done it yet (at least not to the degree I think Hollywood demands these days).
Thanks for clearing up the teeth thing

I thought that is what they were talking about but I wasn't really sure.
About the passport.... I don't have a passport but my mom is going out of the country and so I have been following up on the new rules. The State Department did make the new rule but it is not in effect until January 1, 2008 for land travelers, and I believe that they are trying to push that back even farther. For air travelors it is already effective and I believe that the cruise thing is the same as land, not sure. I also did a google search to make sure and i think the site was like or something like that but don't quote me on that site.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:51 am
by Sami

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 9:57 am
by Languorous Lass
I just checked the State Department website. Megs is right that the new passport requirement for Mexico and Canada
currently applies only to air travel. State and "Homeland Security" are deciding whether or not to extend that requirement to "land and sea travel," but the extension wouldn't go into effect until January 1, 2008. So the TAAG are okay -- for now --
if they just have birth certificates.
(EDITED TO ADD: Looks like Megs posted this same information while I was surfing the State Department website.)
Thinking about this whole issue, though, it occurs to me that at least Bree and Jonas probably do have passports already. After all, Bree lived in various countries -- England, Australia -- before she and her parents landed in California. And Jonas's parents certainly sound like they were the globetrotting sort, between the sailing and the money (and the connection with the Order, which appears to be an international group).
The only one I wouldn't necessarily expect to have a passport already, given what we know about his background, is DB.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:14 am
by megs229
Didn't think of the fact that B&J might already have passports. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for Beast to get his birth certificate if needed. But it might be on a minutes notice when they decided to follow alex across the border without getting left behind. I'm sure it is something that the creators just looked over. Unless Daniel travels to Mexico often and always carrys around his birth cerificate and B&J do the same with their passports..... I dunno I'm sure it was just looked over though
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:27 am
by The Great Silence
I was just there at the San Diego border. My cousin works border patrol. You don't need ANYTHING to get into Mexico if you are on the ground. It is getting back that you need your drivers license. They can run a check on you to see if you have any warrants out for your arrest and things like that. Check out the following link: ... Mexico.cfm
Although I would not take this too seriously with the story, but in theory, the Order could capture them at the verfication point on the return into the U.S. Assuming the Order is that connected to Border Patrol, etc.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 10:48 am
by Lurker
I liked this video. Good humor with the "MexicHo" thing (mainly because of Bree) and Daniel's line about breaking into places being all he knows how to do (reference to what we've said, no?). It was also really funny to see him say he was going to break into her house with a laugh and grin as though he were going for a walk.
It was also nice to see that he wasn't really bothered by Bree and Jonas going off together. I don't know if that means he's over it or if it means he's still holding out for Alex (or maybe some combination of the two), but it was still good to see. Even with Bree becoming more likable than she was in the past, I'd still like him to have someone better.
Cool that they went to Mexico too.
Alex's apparent confliction with serving the Order and not screwing over BD&J is a bit sudden considering how cold she seemed to be at the end of "Alex is..." but I guess it's possible. We hadn't seen her being consistently heartless, so it's not impossible, but it is unexpected. If it gives DB a chance to finally take his own woman out to try a taco, then I guess it's no big deal in the long run.
Confused about the video title, though.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:00 am
by sweetie55
The Great Silence wrote:I was just there at the San Diego border. My cousin works border patrol. You don't need ANYTHING to get into Mexico if you are on the ground. .
Yeah I didn't need to show anything to get into Mexico. The hard part is getting back, especially depending on which part you go through.

I'm thinking Alex leading them to Mexico may be a trap because I really don't think they brought their birth certificates or anything. This video was awesome with DB breaking and entering again! Looks as if the Jonas Bree relationship is whats going to happen soon. I also liked that I knew most of those locations since I lived in that area!

Hehe Mormon Temple was a nice touch to the vid. I passed it when I went to La Jolla beach or Tower Records. Good times..
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:15 am
by sarahsnotebook
Yup, if they went in by way of San Diego they shouldn't have trouble getting back in just using drivers licenses. As long as you don't try to be a joker when the border guards ask you which country you are from, no problem.
However, as far as I know our Bree doesn't have a drivers license, so if she has no ID that could be problematic. Plus the boys are over 18, so they are technically transporting a minor across the border. Border patrol is gonna LOVE that.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:28 am
by megs229
Completely off topic.... Sarah can you explain your avatar to me, I'm curious hehe
I wonder if this border patrol thing is something that is going to pan out, or if it is one of those things that we debate on and guess what will happen and then it is just forgot because nothing happens, sort of thing.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:28 am
by NikkiBowerReport
megs229 wrote:Just to clear somethings up.... When driving into Mexico you do not need passports only when flying right now. You just need a picture ID and your birth certificate.

Actually, all you need is an ID. No birth certificate required, unless you get into trouble or something. Okay, you caught me. I go to Mexico... a lot. I'm in a mariachi club and we go there for performances often. I love a man in a wide-brimmed hat! Anyway, since all you need is an ID, it seems totally plausible that B, D, & J would have these on them.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:59 am
by EternalConfusion
Hey, is that the real Nikki B? That's awesome!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:03 pm
by EternalConfusion
Oh yeah, did anyone notice they finally fixed Alex's make up? I'm finally not blinded anymore!
Maybe the Mexico air has something to do w/ it.