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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:52 am
by longlostposter
BTStars wrote:I know what is going to happen!!
Bree is going to go back to the house and then tie Jonas's aunt up in a chair and leave her a plate of shaved almonds and an orange slurpie. Then, she will tell the boys that Alex is EVIL and she sent Alex away. After that, she will make Jonas and Daniel leave the house and she will have both boys wrapped around her fingers again!!!
Hee hee

Yep, sounds like Bree.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:59 am
by kwicherbichen
newworldview wrote:"I know you like her . . . but this is serious."
Daniel is going to be convinced that Bree is just jealous, and with good reason. The "but this is serious" is so parental: "I know you think you have these feelings, but somethings grown up have to deal with real issues before their childish instincts." Bree did the same thing to Daniel when he liked her - she acted completely unaware of his feelings, or refused to validate them as something deserving of though or compassion. I know this is a bit of a teen drama, but when you're running from a huge organization that has killed your parents and could kill you or your friends, I think it is time to grow up and treat one another like adults - with adult feelings - rather than dismissing one another in a silly powerplay (at least that what it feels like to me).
Bree did seem more in control and logical in this video, which was refreshing, I just don't understand why she has to put others down in order to be empowered.
Perhaps I am making too much out of this . . . and perhaps I should write my thesis instead of posting!! eek! :S
I don't understand what you are talking about? If Daniel gets with Alex and she is part of the order, things can turn bad! I don't see how she is putting anyone down. She's being logical. Is that wrong?
Also, I wonder what the order really is going to do. They had plenty of opportunities to kill these guys.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:00 pm
by longlostposter
mellie3204 wrote:
But, of all the probs I have with Bree, most of them are around her being self-centered which is part personality and prob part upbringing. Stringing the boys along isn't something I think I could her accuse her of, in fact she's made her feelings very clear the other way.
How so? She kisses Daniel one night, and is very tender; and then turns around and says it meant nothing, and that he is a liar.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:11 pm
by bluejay
breewithcrackers wrote:I just really hope that daniel and jonas don't throw this back in her face and act like she's just being jealous or something. I could totally see Daniel being all like "oh so what? now that i've moved on you're jealous?" I hope they take her warning for what it is.
Yeah, i'm worried that they won't take Bree seriously, and accuse her of jumping to conclusions about Alex, just like she did about Jonas.
And yes, the photo looks suspicious, and Bree is the one who knows Lucy best so she is a good judge of it, but it’s still a picture seen for a moment in a video, and none of us can know if it’s really Lucy. Bree, Daniel and Jonas need to do some investigating first – without Alex finding out.
longlostposter wrote: The bitch doesn't want Daniel, but she doesn't want anyone else to have him either.
I have a different reading of Bree. Yes, she has definitely sent mixed messages to Daniel over time, but I recently rewatched ‘Daniel’s a Liar’ and remembered how she felt right after her dad died. Basically, she said that her dad had been killed for trying to be close to her. When she rejected Daniel after hooking up with him, it seemed like she was just scared of what would happen to him if they were together. In other words, another way to read it is that she wanted to be with Daniel, but then got very scared - about the potential consequences for Daniel's safety - and couldn't follow through.
Now, I have no idea how she feels about Daniel - wouldn't be surprised if she still wanted him for herself, but also wouldn't be surprised if she didn't.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:41 pm
by Lurker
Languorous Lass wrote:The Op videos, while they may have been retroactively made canon, are still not part of the main storyline, AFAIK.
At this point, there really isn't a peripheral storyline. The roles of Tachyon, OpAphid, and Brother are all part of the main thing these days.
longlostposter wrote:[Commentary on Bree]
Wow, you've come to dislike her as much as I ever did. I'm really hoping that we're seeing her come around now, though. I really didn't get a jealous vibe from her in this video. She seemed calm to me here, and like she had thought about things.
And I don't think even Bree would casually decide to piss Tachyon off. I know I wouldn't.
longlostposter wrote:That said, c'mon, Bree, and prove me wrong. I want to be wrong.
You just want a "Proving Juli Wroooooong" video, don't you?
I hope you're wrong too. I'm going to try to be positive.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:43 pm
by longlostposter
bluejay wrote:
longlostposter wrote: The bitch doesn't want Daniel, but she doesn't want anyone else to have him either.
I have a different reading of Bree. Yes, she has definitely sent mixed messages to Daniel over time, but I recently rewatched ‘Daniel’s a Liar’ and remembered how she felt right after her dad died. Basically, she said that her dad had been killed for trying to be close to her. When she rejected Daniel after hooking up with him, it seemed like she was just scared of what would happen to him if they were together. In other words, another way to read it is that she wanted to be with Daniel, but then got very scared - about the potential consequences for Daniel's safety - and couldn't follow through.
Now, I have no idea how she feels about Daniel - wouldn't be surprised if she still wanted him for herself, but also wouldn't be surprised if she didn't.
Here is a snippet from one of my other posts regarding this issue:
longlostposter wrote:But, I've thought for a long time that she loved Daniel, and that she didn't want to admit it because of her being "the bad news bears", as she called it. I believed she didn't want to drag him down with her dangerous life circumstances by getting him romantically involved with her. But, she's still doing it anyway, and Daniel gets continually hurt.
BTW, is that picture you? If it is, you're a handsome man.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:48 pm
by longlostposter
Lurker wrote:longlostposter wrote:That said, c'mon, Bree, and prove me wrong. I want to be wrong.
You just want a "Proving Juli Wroooooong" video, don't you?
I hope you're wrong too. I'm going to try to be positive.
Yeah, that would be, like, extremely awesome.
Creators, are you listening?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:48 pm
by newworldview
[quote="kwicherbichen"]I don't understand what you are talking about? If Daniel gets with Alex and she is part of the order, things can turn bad! I don't see how she is putting anyone down. She's being logical. Is that wrong?
It WOULD be bad id Alex is order and Daniel falls for her - he would be the way to get to Bree. I'm not at all saying that it would be bad - I'm saying that the way that Bree approaches Daniel's crush is as an insignificant, childish thing that he needs to get over, and this approach is not going to get Daniel to listen. I was just saying that when Bree treats Daniel like a child, he isn't cooperative, and so if the three of them treated one another like adults they would be a lot more effective.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:32 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Personally, I would find it perfectly reasonable if Daniel is afraid to believe Bree at first. I mean, he's so happy that a girl actually returns his feelings for once, and then it turns out she is just using him. He isn't a bad guy, what has he ever done to deserve this? Why is it so hard to believe a girl would actually like him? I'm sure those questions would be running through his mind. It's going to hurt him a lot, I'm sure. And I wouldn't be surprised if he were in denial for a bit. In fact, I'm pretty much expecting it. I feel sad for Daniel. I would bang him if he wanted me.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:38 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Lurker wrote:longlostposter wrote:[Commentary on Bree]
Wow, you've come to dislike her as much as I ever did. I'm really hoping that we're seeing her come around now, though. I really didn't get a jealous vibe from her in this video. She seemed calm to me here, and like she had thought about things.
And I don't think even Bree would casually decide to piss Tachyon off. I know I wouldn't.
I agree. My disdain for Bree has grown exponentially with each video since they first went on the run, really. Before, I would have wholeheartedly agree with llp. But I have to agree with Lurker that in this one, she didn't annoy me. I felt she was being sincere. And I hope my self-restraint and optimism pays off in the future.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:44 pm
by AM
longlostposter wrote:joygasm wrote:longlostposter wrote:I have one thing to say about this video, at this particular moment:
If Bree comes back doing anything other than proclaiming undying love for Daniel, I hope the Order
1) finds her, and pulls her finger and toenails out one by one, and
2) sets her free in the woods, only to have her tracked and attacked by their rabid dogs, and
3) lastly, burns her alive at the stake.
That is all for now.
bitter much??
It has nothing to do with being bitter. The bitch doesn't want Daniel, but she doesn't want anyone else to have him either.
f**k her.
Longlost, I am not reading Bree that way at all. I do not think she wants Daniel and I do not think she is jealous.
I think 'she just looking him out 's all'.
Look at it this way, let's say Bree cares for Daniel but realizes that she doesn't think he's hot. Let's say she's realized that the teeth are the deal breaker and she can never see him as anything more than a friend (this is just hypothetical now, mind you). We all think DBeast is the best and very hot but that doesn't mean he's right for Bree. Sure she shouldn't have kissed him and led him on but she also can't help the way she feels now.
If she's really decided (and I think she has) that they're only ever going to be just friends then she'd probably be relieved to see Daniel moving on.
It would take some of the pressure and sexual tension off of their friendship. Maybe they could finally enjoy eachother's company again.
Bree would probably be relieved to see Daniel with someone cool like random girl. But noooo, Daniel sets his sights on a spy from the order instead (a friend of Lucy's no less).
What is Bree supposed to do? Not warn him because he'll assume she's jealous? Stay shut while Alex feeds him pizza & ice cream and invites him to do spin art?
Daniel doesn't want or need Bree's undying affection unless it is sincere. He doesn't need a sympathy f****. He's hot enough that he could find someone cool, given the chance.
But he
does need a loyal friend who lets him know when she sees him walking into a trap.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:59 pm
by scheidel21
Well Daniel could hope for the best if Alex turns out to be part of the order. Maybe Alex will act like one of those evil women in old James Bond and spy movies, where she tells him that she really enjoyed her assignment because she was into him not just because he was her assignment.
On a side note regarding the fashion party videos, We hear Alex may into younger guys maybe the guy that Alex threw wine in the face of was talking about her flirting with Daniel "He's only 19" or You're letting him drink, he's only 19.
I also think that jumping to the conclusion that the picture is of Alex and Lucy is a little premature. It is not Alex's house, unless the house is Lucy's why would that picture be there. Also since the order permeates all parts of society is it possible that someone Alex works with knows or is friends with Lucy. Furthermore the picture is not completely in focus, how do we know it's alex and lucy not just a brunette and blond, and how do we know the picture was taken inside if it was outside it would be completely understandable for someone to have sunglasses on.
I do find tachyons advice to Bree to be interesting, how would she know that Alex was anti-order, and is now order. Maybe it's the other way around. Unless perhaps Alex worked with Tachyon and then betrayed her or something. But why would tachyon not inform Daniel/Bree/Jonas of this in the first place if she knew. If that picture is Alex and Lucy then is it possible that Alex has been working as a spy in the order, for the resistance, or even on her own.
As for jealousy I don't see Bree overtly portraying it in this video, But it fits her pattern of behaviour. It seems every time Daniel has an interest in another female she doesn't like it.
Just a thought -- From reading all of the forums as much as i can I start to form a picture of the story that runs like this:
You have a Drunk-Daniel (Alchoholism is a learned and genetic disease) a reformed alcoholic-Jonas (Said in a previous video he used to go to the bar all the time) and a sheltered girl-Bree (Who has to learn to grow up fast, and that the world isn't all rosey colored) against the world, at every turn they run into the order.
So I ask when are they going to run into the resistance movement, there is one we have heard about it. The only way to win is to find them and fight the evil empire.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:20 pm
by teambree
i think bree was SO awesome in this video... i really think she grew-up while spending some time with tachy. she was even willing to piss of tachy to help her friends out!!
i hope that mr beasty doesnt get all huffy with bree's vids and think that she's just jealous... i really dont think he will tho cuz bree gave tachy's opinion of the situation and i think db will definately listen to that... it seems like he respects her and trusts her. i mean who wouldnt... it's tachyon!! and maybe db will do some forum lurking and find out that we all think the same way bree does (about alex = baddy)
buttt im a little unsure as to what jonas will think... hopefully he'll believe them enough to do some investigating and find some more evidence about the disappearances and auntie alex being in the order
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:31 pm
by sweetie55
Yeah, definitely think this vid will make DB go into denial about Alex being in the order. Bree coming back to join those two right now may not be a good idea. Oh and I found it a bit creepy when Bree said "Be safe" at the end. Reminds me of "Be safe, for the sake of us all" or something.
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:49 pm
by bethy
It has nothing to do with being bitter. The bitch doesn't want Daniel, but she doesn't want anyone else to have him either.
Somebody needs to read
Pride and Prejudice.