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Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:29 am
by longlostposter
I think something very pivotal that has been missed in these postings, is that Jonas is now calling the shots. He went from being tied up in a chair being interrogated to deciding when and where they would go. I see a very complex plan to manipulate evolving here. He gains trust, he becomes the decision-maker. It really seems to me that this is becoming a major mind f***ing of Daniel and Bree.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:33 am
by psychobunnie
onsweetavenue wrote:Okay the ignoring game is really annoying, but f**k, bree is the most annoying person on the planet. "what? why are you still mad? I said I was sorry for contemplating murdering you, leaving you to starve, and thinking you killed my dad. I'm sorry I only didn't leave you to starve because Daniel refused to do it with me. I'm sorry I tied you up and questioned you like some prisoner of war. I SAID I WAS SORRY."

Jesus fucking christ, bitch.
amen. lol

srsly, im beginning to hate bree. it's like she's little miss know-it-all and it's bugging me beyond belief.

and whats the deal with trying to OUT jonas so much? lol.

and with the whole abbreviation thing, i doubt it has to do with organizations. i'm definately pushing towards the theory that it is infact initials to people. there are just WAY too many organizations out there and it can be abbreviations to ALOT and thousands of them.

thats all for now. lol

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:34 am
by ApotheosisAZ
Just pointing out the obvious stuff here. I'm not bright.


Looking out the driver's side window, and seeing the Pacific Ocean. That seems to indicate that our intrepid band is headed north.

Anyone recognize that stretch of highway?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:38 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Lurker wrote: A lot of us were at least partly on "Jonas' side" in the sense that we felt Bree had reacted unreasonably (if Order paraphernalia in a house was enough to indict somebody, then she's Satan's wife - or Satan himself).
:can see satan with his cherry-red skin, black goatee, blonde hair and boobs:

:shudders: now THAT'S a psw i'd pay to MISS!! quick! someone get the ajax and steel wool; I have mental images to scrub out!!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:39 am
Um....what were those initials again? On the paper...

(I mean like what do they mean?)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:40 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
michiev wrote:
Marilee wrote:haha Jonas killed me in this one :) Seriously Bree would have been kicked off the island at this point if it were me. "See ya crazy cult girl. Thanks for coming to my homes and holding me prisoner. Yo Beast, wanna play foosball?"

I love how neither of the boys have a problem with breaking and entering :)
Jonas wasn't breaking & entering. Now..why in the world would someone leave their house unattended without an alarm active in the house? & isn't it so coicidential that his aunt is away from the house?
actually, it was Bree who ASSUMED there'd even be an alarm.

I live near da ghetto and we're way too poor to get an alarm system; he coulda just put off mentioning "she doesn't even have an alarm" just to scare the fooey outta Brie.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:42 am
ApotheosisAZ wrote:Just pointing out the obvious stuff here. I'm not bright.
Don't be so self-deprecating; that's a pretty sharp observation right there.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:42 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
Visceria wrote:
I agree. I think Jonas is innocent, though; I mean, otherwise, it would be such an elaborate act, and quite hard to keep up, IMO. With Gemma, the situation was different, since she only had to communicate when she wanted via video --- which is a lot different than LIVING with people 24/7. (Well, I change my mind as to whether Jonas is innocent or not like 40 times a day, so XP).

But if he WAS working for the Order, everything he's been doing (keeping Bree safe, feeding and housing her, etc.) lines itself up pretty well with the Order's intentions. After all, they'd want someone to be there to keep her protected and what-not, since she seems pretty important to them.
again with my theory; Gemma was a terrible mistake and Jonas is Gemma 2.0.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:58 am
by subterfuge
ApotheosisAZ wrote:Just pointing out the obvious stuff here. I'm not bright.


Looking out the driver's side window, and seeing the Pacific Ocean. That seems to indicate that our intrepid band is headed north.

Anyone recognize that stretch of highway?
PCH. Malibu.

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:08 am
by longlostposter
Also, on the way to the cabin, Bree was in the front, Daniel in the back. Now, leaving the cabin, it's the reverse. I guess we can tell who is Jonas's best buddy of the moment by who is riding shotgun.


Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:10 am
by chershaytoute
Actually, that could be any one of a number of places heading north... And it could NOT be any one of a number of places... <shrug> It could be Southern OR Northern California OR Oregon OR Washington... There's just not enough there to identify...

(said with some good bit of authority as I can see Pacific-type water out my living room window)

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:16 am
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
chershaytoute wrote:Actually, that could be any one of a number of places heading north... And it could NOT be any one of a number of places... <shrug> It could be Southern OR Northern California OR Oregon OR Washington...
or Narnia!! Why is it that when I give a REASONABLE suggestion, NOOOOOOO, it's :using air quotes: "FIC-TION-AL"!

:watches as the sarcasm oozes out of everyone's monitors:

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:26 am
by chershaytoute
Fictional? Sarcasm? <purely puzzled look> I knew I missed stuff! I KNEW IT!!

<happily adds British Columbia and Narnia to the list>

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:42 am
by jeezy
Lurker wrote:
PixieSailor wrote:I verly clearly looked at both sides from all angles, and I think Jonas is innocent. At first I was certain he wasn't, but all ALL the signs point to him being innocent. He really has had thousands of chances to turn bree and danial in to the order, and everything he's done since bree went off has proven him to be innocent. Him getting angry, him running, how weary he looks in the car. The fact that he's pissed as you know what in the car.
I think saying he's been "proven innocent" is a bit strong. Granted, you're not wrong that his behavior and all the chances he would have had to screw them in any number of ways - but didn't - would suggest he isn't, but it's still not proven.

And, really, it is crazy far beyond the point of suspicion if he's claiming to have never known about the Order before watching Bree's videos when his parents were apparently their opponents to some degree. For him to have invited them to his house and put his fortune and life on the line to this extent without knowing anything is somewhat hard to believe.

Sure it's possible, but few things aren't. Given the connections the Order - or Tachyon's group, for that matter - is supposed to have and how Gemma was a plant, it's all a little supsicious.

Again, throwing out my disclaimer, I'm not saying he's bad and I don't want to think he is. I, in fact, have come to like him a lot and even trust him (he's still second to the Beast, though, for me). But to argue that there's nothing to go on to suggest he's not telling everything he knows (whether that mean he's good, bad, or somewhere inbetween) seems to be overlooking some things to me. Of course, it could turn out that he really didn't know anything and this was all one big joke by fate, but I just don't think that seems likely.
Man... you're always on top of it... Good job!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 2:43 am
by mellie3204


I have always been on the "Jonus is good" side, and I'm still sticking to my guns on that, but just to play Devil's advocate (no pun intended re prev posts :lol:)

- If he has an Aunty, why did she not become his legal guardian... why was he looked after by a nanny?

- The document they found is a little bit convenient, we have to admit... now, I'm all for coincidances and convenience when it's necessary to tell the story (eg most films and TV shows these days!), but... how do we know Jonus isn't leading them on a "hunt down and destroy the Order" mission, when what they are really doing is hunting the good guys... Bree & Daniels are just going on Jonas's word and Jonas's evidance.

I think we could do a bit of confirmation right now: why don't they contact Tachyon and Brother and tell them IMMEDIATELY what's gone down?

I guess, the other side to the above argument is maybe Jonas is already a secret agent for the good guys... and Tach already knows it.

I don't know, too many possibilities (ya creators, way to make us craaaaazy! :lol:)

But I still have a really good gut instinct about Jonas, in the way I soooo didn't about Gemma. (That and I think way too many hearts would be broken if Jonas was found to be a baddy!)