Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 9:42 am
the garbage binds werent behind a rod on the chair, he could have easily gotten out
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
sagerbee wrote:I hope she doesn't mind me posting this, but this seemed really smart.
MissTravels Says:
March 4th, 2007 at 7:01 am
Also, I went back and watched the Interrogation: 101 and Is he out there? videos again. Did anyone ever think about DB saying he “loosened up” Jonas’ binds??? That makes no sense at all. In the video Jonas is attached to the chair via garbage bag pulls. Last time I checked those things don’t loosen up. His legs had some sort of dinky rope, but even with that loosened or even untied he would have to be really flexible and handy with his feet to get out of those garbage ties.
Also, at the very beginning of the What the Hell?!?! video DB is already running the camera with absolutely nothing to say. . . just looking out the window before Bree ever yells.
Now don’t these things seem just a little out of place to anyone else?
aideen wrote:"like when you're little and you pretend to go to sleep but keep your eyes slitted open to see if our toys come alive
PROPS to you! That was good thinking on your partAM wrote:I love when I predict things right or nearly right. Here is a link to my prediction for this video. I made the post just last night: ... 181#247181
It is in the plot discussions forum (why leave the van but take the keys? is the name of the thread). Okay, so I was a little off because he is back at the cabin and not back at the house but pretty damned close.Oh, and as long as we're predicting, IMO the next video is going to be from Jonas back at his mansion. He's going to throw open his parents bedroom and do a little digging Nikki B style to show Bree and Daniel that he is a good guy. Then he'll appear to discover something weird (perhaps a photo connecting him to Bree) but the vid will end before he reveals what it is.
Yus indeed. I am jealous of your 'skillz' with your 'brain'.LONGTIMELURKER wrote:PROPS to you! That was good thinking on your partAM wrote:I love when I predict things right or nearly right. Here is a link to my prediction for this video. I made the post just last night: ... 181#247181
It is in the plot discussions forum (why leave the van but take the keys? is the name of the thread). Okay, so I was a little off because he is back at the cabin and not back at the house but pretty damned close.Oh, and as long as we're predicting, IMO the next video is going to be from Jonas back at his mansion. He's going to throw open his parents bedroom and do a little digging Nikki B style to show Bree and Daniel that he is a good guy. Then he'll appear to discover something weird (perhaps a photo connecting him to Bree) but the vid will end before he reveals what it is.!
Luv2Skydive wrote:I think this is a photo, like a headshot or something.
but... The box with an A.
Could it 'contain' the A in Aphid?
I said something similar to this and to the video, but I just didn't want to say anything about it. If you want to see it you'll have to look at the predictions posts.LONGTIMELURKER wrote:PROPS to you! That was good thinking on your partAM wrote:I love when I predict things right or nearly right. Here is a link to my prediction for this video. I made the post just last night: ... 181#247181
It is in the plot discussions forum (why leave the van but take the keys? is the name of the thread). Okay, so I was a little off because he is back at the cabin and not back at the house but pretty damned close.Oh, and as long as we're predicting, IMO the next video is going to be from Jonas back at his mansion. He's going to throw open his parents bedroom and do a little digging Nikki B style to show Bree and Daniel that he is a good guy. Then he'll appear to discover something weird (perhaps a photo connecting him to Bree) but the vid will end before he reveals what it is.!
then the best thing was daniel let jonas look at all the room with calm...nobackspacebutton wrote:Yeah I think Daniel fake-fell-asleep just because he knew Jonas was out there...but you caught exactly what I did about something that just doesn't jive.
What if it is a "baby box" but it's not Bree's. What if it is of a girl with blond hair?RubyRed11 wrote:but... The box with an A.
Could it 'contain' the A in Aphid?
maybe its bree's baby box and her real name isnt bree its......AGNUS!oh man ive lost it
good night everyone!!