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Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:03 pm
by itsreallyreal
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:30 pm
by horcruxes
i'm sick and tired of spineless people who elude to others by their "witty" words or phrases. oh, by this i mean namely me. have the balls to come out and use my name at least.
so i'm going to have a spine.
i don't like KTS. i try to avoid her crap, but apparently its everywhere, making it hard to avoid let alone ignore. she makes it all too fun to make fun of her. and easy too. (and i'm not the only one. i'm just the only one who admits to it) i wouldn't call it a fight, so much as i call it entertainment.
if you really
cared about this game then you wouldn't expose so much of yourself to the forums. guess what, most of the people here probably don't care about your problems. so get a blog. hey thats why i have mine!
i do care about the OpAphid part of this game, thats why we're all trying to give you the hint ;D
as for everyone else, if i love you, you know it. if i don't know you, then meh. i'm indifferent.
most of the people who have come to know me, love me for who i am. all the chaos that i bring, is just part of my charm.

"if you don't like it, ignore it":P
p.s. get a life ;D
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:32 pm
by Caslynn
horcruxes wrote:i'm sick and tired of spineless people who elude to others by their "witty" words or phrases. oh, by this i mean namely me. have the balls to come out and use my name at least.
so i'm going to have a spine.
i don't like KTS. i try to avoid her crap, but apparently its everywhere, making it hard to avoid let alone ignore. she makes it all too fun to make fun of her. and easy too. (and i'm not the only one. i'm just the only one who admits to it) i wouldn't call it a fight, so much as i call it entertainment.
if you really
cared about this game then you wouldn't expose so much of yourself to the forums. guess what, most of the people here probably don't care about your problems. so get a blog. hey thats why i have mine!
i do care about the OpAphid part of this game, thats why we're all trying to give you the hint ;D
as for everyone else, if i love you, you know it. if i don't know you, then meh. i'm indifferent.
most of the people who have come to know me, love me for who i am. all the chaos that i bring, is just part of my charm.

"if you don't like it, ignore it":P
p.s. get a life ;D
/me stands and applauds.
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:34 pm
by itsreallyreal
Lets try not to bacsh specific people in THIS thread... I don't mind bashing people directly if they want to... I just think this is more of a random rant thread.. Hence the title of the thread...
Not flaming you just asking politely..

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:35 pm
by horcruxes
itsreallyreal wrote:
Lets try not to bacsh specific people in THIS thread... I don't mind bashing people directly if they want to... I just think this is more of a random rant thread.. Hence the title of the thread...
Not flaming you just asking politely..

good thing i like pirates...otherwise you'd be in trouble.
well, i'm bashing specific people because i don't want to beat around the bush. and its not really bashing as it is telling the truth...
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:38 pm
by itsreallyreal
OK... Like I said I'm not looking to start an argument.. Just sayin' this was created so that "No One Will Take It Personally..."
Any how...
I hate when you think you are in trouble and you worry and then realize you are just being sily... I mean... What could "Trouble" really be anyhow?... LMFAI
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:46 pm
by tigerlilylynn
...I'll bite
I hate when people use their inability to read for content as an excuse to be pissy.
I hate self-proclaimed and often self-induced martyrs.
I hate being told that we're all terrible people when if anyone would do as I have repeatedly asked and actually brought complaints to me we'd have a list all of three people long.
I hate that we clean up the board only to be told both of the following at the same time:
1) but I don't want to post in a systematic way
2) but the posts aren't in a systematic order
Gee, wonder where that problem comes from.
I hate when people here are nice and awesome and welcoming and then get shit on the next week when they aren't needed any more.
I hate that people like to blame not likeing certain people on modality of converation rather than personality of said, popularly disliked, individual.
I hate that we all pay attention to when we here that we all hate "annoying poster here" but ignore the love we gave to new people like Holly, Sparky, Rub, Fall other people I'm forgetting cause I'm in 12 windows at once.
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:57 pm
by horcruxes
i hate that i can't make sense of tiger's post.
but i love tiger nonetheless

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:59 pm
by martha
I have been wanting to say something for a long time, but haven't. I could care less what most people here say about me, so flame all you want.
Everyone says they're so sick and tired of people bitching about the same old shit, well, if things change around here, people won't be bitching. How many new people complain about the way they're treated? Quite a few from what I've seen. I would take that as a hint that something needs to change. New people could easily use the search function to find answers to their questions, but everyone could be a little bit nicer when they ask questions that have been already been asked.
Horcruxes- I've got balls too, so I'll name names. So you think KTS makes it easy to mock her, but you go out of your way to start shit with her. Can't you be mature, and just let it go? In my opinion, you're ruining this experience, not just for her, but for a lot of people as well, who see you as part of the IRC "club", and are afraid to join in, because of how rude you are. When new people have ideas, questions, whatever, I see you shooting them down a lot. I understand it gets tiresome answering the same questions all the time, but it really could be done in a nicer way. How hard would it be to politely say it's been talked about before, and point them in the direction of Romy's recap or whatever. It must take more time to think of something that's as witty as "Slit your wrists. OH WAIT I'M JUST KIDDING!"
I don't participate because I don't want to be told my idea is stupid, and that happens far too often here. I understand that when you put a bunch of people together, there is absolutely no way they can all get along, but it certainly would be nice if people didn't go out of their way to be assholes.
Edit: Tiger, I think there are plenty of people who would complain, but see you as part of the club, and are afraid to.
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:03 pm
by itsreallyreal
OK guys please... This is not a FLAME thread this is a place wher people are suposed to be able to rant with out taking it personal... PLEASE don't turn this into a flame thread.. I am asking nicely because I like the original concept of this thread and I know some others did too...
That's all...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:15 pm
by Caslynn
Martha, this is something we hear all the time. A lot of people seem to have this common opinion that the kids in the IRC are all snobby, elitist jerks. A lot of people blame Horcruxes, because she's outspoken and actually says what a lot of us are thinking.
But I think it's being blown so far out of proportion, that it's just ridiculous. I joined the IRC in late November. The puzzles and drops were already in full swing. And for the most part, I was welcome with really open arms. The rest just didn't notice me. Horc definitely wasn't sweet as apple pie, but she wasn't a jerk, and if she was, it wasn't vicious, it was teasing. She just didn't know me then.
What I hate more than anything is that people are so unwilling to even give us a chance because one or two people are running around screaming that the IRC is full of jerks and snobs. I hate people who slander all of us as a group, even though they only have a problem with one or two of us. If you have a problem with one person in the IRC, rather than take it out on all of us, try talking to that person or talking to a mod about that person. Don't just assume that one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.
Also, don't assume that just because one person from the IRC is hating on someone in the forum, that person hates everyone in the forum. We're not elitists. Sometimes people just don't like each other, it has nothing to do with being snobby or being part of this "IRC club" you keep talking about, which for the record, doesn't really exist. We're not cliquey.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I hate grossly incorrect assumptions, and wish people would learn to take a joke, or handle things in a different way.
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:17 pm
by itsreallyreal
Caslynn wrote: I...wish people would learn to take a joke, or handle things in a different way.
THAT is the key to all life and happiness I think!...
We need more of this around!

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:18 pm
by Danielle
/me reslaps Ziola's ass
positive direction?
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:20 pm
by itsreallyreal

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:26 pm
by horcruxes
i hate people who jump the gun and make opinions based on other people's ideas. please get a brain for yourself.
i hate people who do things purely for attention. and that is why i don't care that i'm "ruining" their experience.
i hate being the bad apple, but loveeee it at the same time.
i hate migraines. wtf dude! /me shakes her fist at god