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Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:00 pm
by autumneternal
Cherie_Sotta wrote:... and also....

HOW many times have we "predicted" that a video was plotted, that a story twist was plotted, to fool the order? And HOW many times was it true? Once and we didn't even know about it - it was too fool our beloved Daniel about Bree's Ceremony. I dunno, I'm kinda over this whole "they're trying to trick the order!" thing. The order doesn't really even seem to be around, lately. And (I can't remember if it was Daniel or Jonas... think it was Jonas...) they even said that it didn't even look like The Deacon and Lucy WANTED Bree - they wanted Bree's dad. There has been nothing that's happened that WE have seen to prove that The Order is on their tail. No Watchers, no Gemma, no Lucy, no Oppy, not even any Tachyon. So why would they want to trick the order - after living in motel rooms ALL ALONE while they WERE a hot commodity - would they chose to fake having sex NOW? Something to explore, I think.
Not to mention, I don't think that The Order even really watches the videos or knows about them.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:04 pm
by minsky
I think nothing happened and they made it all up in a hope get the Order to lose intrest in Bree.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:06 pm
by iamcool
autumneternal wrote:
Cherie_Sotta wrote:... and also....

HOW many times have we "predicted" that a video was plotted, that a story twist was plotted, to fool the order? And HOW many times was it true? Once and we didn't even know about it - it was too fool our beloved Daniel about Bree's Ceremony. I dunno, I'm kinda over this whole "they're trying to trick the order!" thing. The order doesn't really even seem to be around, lately. And (I can't remember if it was Daniel or Jonas... think it was Jonas...) they even said that it didn't even look like The Deacon and Lucy WANTED Bree - they wanted Bree's dad. There has been nothing that's happened that WE have seen to prove that The Order is on their tail. No Watchers, no Gemma, no Lucy, no Oppy, not even any Tachyon. So why would they want to trick the order - after living in motel rooms ALL ALONE while they WERE a hot commodity - would they chose to fake having sex NOW? Something to explore, I think.
Not to mention, I don't think that The Order even really watches the videos or knows about them.
unless op is brees mom :)

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:07 pm
by Luv2Skydive
minsky wrote:I think nothing happened and they made it all up in a hope get the Order to lose intrest in Bree.
Never thought of that.....interesting idea!

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:12 pm
by kayokosaeki
eeeeee! i squealed so loud. i'm at work and i squealed so loud. \:D/ he is too cute about all this.

sex or not, it's adorable. and about f-ing time.

i don't think it was to throw off the order.
just more evidence towards the whole theory of "daniel and bree were made for each other"...literally...and now they'll breed order babies
or even evidence towards this idea thrown around here that bree is trying to not be pure so the order wont want her anymore.

ahhhh! i want video of their candle light dinner :smt050
i'm pathetic, i know.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:12 pm
by islandlove
bye bye purity bond

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:15 pm
by minsky
minsky wrote:I think nothing happened and they made it all up in a hope get the Order to lose intrest in Bree.
I would also like to add that possibly Daniel acted alone in the whole set up. Maybe he thought he could help Bree by making up the story and posting it, hence him saying that he is not going to let her on the Computer to see the post.

Just my 2c.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:15 pm
by trainer101
Sex? Nah, I don't think so for two simple reasons:

1. Daniel says "It's not what you think"
2. Daniel says "The intense thing was when she hugged me"

More likely, Daniel thinks this is the beginning of "relationship" greater than their existing friendship. I'm not so sure Bree would see it exactly the same way. She needed someone/something to cling to at that moment and Daniel is all she has right know.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:15 pm
by nancymakuhari
How can Daniel kiss and tell the very next morning, before they've even talked about their new situation?! I mean, she is not herself right now given all the grief and pain she is going through. Reaching out to feel something good in all that darkness is not unexpected. I wouldn't take her actions as a serious move toward a relationship at this point. I think he is jumping the gun. :L

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:16 pm
by autumneternal
iamcool wrote:
autumneternal wrote:
Cherie_Sotta wrote:... and also....

HOW many times have we "predicted" that a video was plotted, that a story twist was plotted, to fool the order? And HOW many times was it true? Once and we didn't even know about it - it was too fool our beloved Daniel about Bree's Ceremony. I dunno, I'm kinda over this whole "they're trying to trick the order!" thing. The order doesn't really even seem to be around, lately. And (I can't remember if it was Daniel or Jonas... think it was Jonas...) they even said that it didn't even look like The Deacon and Lucy WANTED Bree - they wanted Bree's dad. There has been nothing that's happened that WE have seen to prove that The Order is on their tail. No Watchers, no Gemma, no Lucy, no Oppy, not even any Tachyon. So why would they want to trick the order - after living in motel rooms ALL ALONE while they WERE a hot commodity - would they chose to fake having sex NOW? Something to explore, I think.
Not to mention, I don't think that The Order even really watches the videos or knows about them.
unless op is brees mom :)

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:17 pm
by iamcool
thor must be pretty pissed, she just kisses him and then goes and kisses daniel?

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:20 pm
by sthrnbelle
minsky wrote:I think nothing happened and they made it all up in a hope get the Order to lose intrest in Bree.
i thought the exact same thing!!!

or maybe this was a response to all of the ideas that daniel & jonas are gay... hmm.

and i don't think they had sex. i've used the term "walk of shame" after spending the night at a guys house and doing things other than sex. it's used pretty loosely. but then again, lots of people have different opinions about what "hooking up" is... still, bree doesn't seem like someone to go have sex just cos she's upset. and i really doubt daniel would take such extreme advantage of her in such a vunerable state.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:21 pm
by Sami
Lucky, lucky Bree

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:21 pm
by girlAnachronism
Ah, cute. Bree + Daniel. *sigh* my inner romantic is terribly pleased. I hope Bree isn't using Daniel. (Bree, Daniel is cute and wonderful and cares about you. If you don't get to him first, Jonas might turn him!)

I would love this to be a trap, but, sadly, I doubt their cleverness.

Sex? Nah. Sure, that what's "hooking up" and "walk of shame" mean where I am, but I think all they did was cuddle and comfort. I think Daniel used "walk of shame" because he was ecstatic to finally get some action.

I'm most interested to see Jonas's reaction. I predict jealousy...of Bree. He wanted Daniel all to himself, and now his new friend has gone off to arms of some female and Jonas can't compete with that. :lol:

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:21 pm
by Absynth
nancymakuhari wrote: I think he is jumping the gun. :L

you mean the shark? jk:)

but i am for the theory that this was a clever ruse on the part of Daniel and/or Bree. cooked up by one/both of em to make The Order say "lets go activate a new girl, this one's no longer pure"