0114 "Hiding in the Bathroom" [1/13/07]

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aren't brown eyes more common ? wouldn't more girls have brown eys then blue ???
The difference between Bree and Sarah is this ....

Bree- Classicly Beautiful/sweet/ "pure"/Vogue

Sarah-Modern Day HOT/ naughty/"dirty"/Penthouse
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Post by Taig »

So what could go wrong at puberty? What would make some of the girls "go bad" at that time?
You have got to be kidding! Some go bad and when they do they are very, very good.

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Post by ForeverMourn »

Taig wrote:
So what could go wrong at puberty? What would make some of the girls "go bad" at that time?
You have got to be kidding! Some go bad and when they do they are very, very good.

(sorry Mae West paraphrase)

As perverted as thats meant, it makes so much sense.
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Post by Luminous »

LONGTIMELURKER wrote:aren't brown eyes more common ? wouldn't more girls have brown eys then blue ???
Yes. The gene for blue eyes is recessive, therefore blue eyed folk are in the minority.

Sorry for being stuck on the eye thing, :smt064 but it's what I know. Whether or not she buys tampons is much more intriguing, but alas, not my area of expertise.
Last edited by Luminous on Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CriticalThinking »

Marilee wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Ew, why wouldn't she get her period? I've never heard of a woman just NOT getting a period.. is she missing her uterus or something?
A lot of things can cause periods not to start. Diet, iron levels, stress, and other factors can make a girl not get a period.
Or what about something like Turner's syndrome? It's where girls are born with a disease that makes it so they don't grow, they only get to look about ten years old, they start their periods very late (usually about seventeen or eighteen) and go through menopause at like twenty-five.

This can't be exactly what the issue is, but maybe something.. along those lines... anyway my info may not be accurate, let me go wikipedia it.

Here's the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turner%27s_syndrome
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Post by CriticalThinking »

Found something even better in the article about Turners.


Let me do some more reading, and I'll give you guys any good details...

Amenorrhoea is a symptom with many potential causes. Primary amenorrhoea may be caused by developmental problems such as the congenital absence of the uterus, or failure of the ovary to receive or maintain egg cells. Also, delay in pubertal development will lead to primary amenorrhoea. Secondary amenorrhoea is often caused by hormonal disturbances from the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland or from premature menopause, or intrauterine scar formation.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Marilee wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Ew, why wouldn't she get her period? I've never heard of a woman just NOT getting a period.. is she missing her uterus or something?
A lot of things can cause periods not to start. Diet, iron levels, stress, and other factors can make a girl not get a period.
That's way different then just NEVER menstruating at all.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

And I know that blue eyes are recessive. But I'm saying brown eyes + a large plethora of other characteristics.

I don't really know if I'm correct. Like I said, I was JUST trying to think of differences between Gemma and Bree.
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Post by Inigo »

Just wanted to say that I don't like Bree's attitude.

Its understandable that she wants some space, and Daniel and Jonas should give it to her. But now she's being difficult and ungrateful. She says she's all alone, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Daniel practically saved her life, rescued her from the order, showed her what it's like to have a real life, and so on. And Jonas, well, he's surely spending money taking these two in, and Bree acts like she owns his house.

Few people would understand what she's going through, of course Daniel wouldnt know how she feels. But that doesnt mean he can't help her.

I just wish she'd stop shutting herself out and let daniel help her.
At least she isnt talking to that "purple rat" any more.
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Post by Luminous »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:And I know that blue eyes are recessive. But I'm saying brown eyes + a large plethora of other characteristics.

I don't really know if I'm correct. Like I said, I was JUST trying to think of differences between Gemma and Bree.
One of the differences that stands out for me is that Gemma seems to be more swayed by wanting to please forces outside of herself, where Bree seems to have a stronger will.

In other words - Bree is capable of exercising free will because she has a will to exercise freely.

Gemma seems to have very little will. She seems to be far more willing to submit her will to the control of others - the order for example.
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Post by Firefly831 »

I think we may be reading a bit to much into exactly what she says. I took it much more as characteristics such as IQ, natural curiosity, perhaps leaderships skills…. We assume that the ceremony is good right? Well I mean assuming you are with The Order.
Is it possible her mother was also a “choosen” one?
When she spoke of her mother in the video about her parents meeting it made her mom out as a very strong independent woman. Perhaps the ceremony is a stepping stone to becoming a higher up. The girls to choosen are ones who are not as smart and are more followers then leaders. They become girls like Gemma whom do what ever the order tells them too.
I also think the babies are taken from other Order families. I can kinda iagine where everyone wants their daughter to be a “special one”. Yes, it means giving up their child but doesn’t that happen a lot in religions. What about the families whom marry their 13 yr olds off to higher ups.
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Post by sidestep »

Bree is an incredibly self-centered character. There is not a lot here that makes me keep watching other than all my investment up to this point. I'd be okay if the /whatever/ took her away and made her king of the New World Order, it's 2007 not 1992 -- who cares. If the videos don't get out of the house soon this will be a fast forward of MTV's 'Real World' first eight seasons... ugh...
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Luminous wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:And I know that blue eyes are recessive. But I'm saying brown eyes + a large plethora of other characteristics.

I don't really know if I'm correct. Like I said, I was JUST trying to think of differences between Gemma and Bree.
One of the differences that stands out for me is that Gemma seems to be more swayed by wanting to please forces outside of herself, where Bree seems to have a stronger will.

In other words - Bree is capable of exercising free will because she has a will to exercise freely.

Gemma seems to have very little will. She seems to be far more willing to submit her will to the control of others - the order for example.

And IQ, purity, etc. all kind of ties into a person's will.
Maybe the characteristics needed are those that would lead to a "Free Will" of which the Order approves.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

sidestep wrote:Bree is an incredibly self-centered character. There is not a lot here that makes me keep watching other than all my investment up to this point. I'd be okay if the /whatever/ took her away and made her king of the New World Order, it's 2007 not 1992 -- who cares. If the videos don't get out of the house soon this will be a fast forward of MTV's 'Real World' first eight seasons... ugh...
I tend to agree about the self-centered thing. What has she done since the first vid EVER that has NOT been about her? What has she ever done for anyone else at a loss to herself? Sneaking out was about her, so don't say that was for Daniel!
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Post by Luminous »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Luminous wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:And I know that blue eyes are recessive. But I'm saying brown eyes + a large plethora of other characteristics.

I don't really know if I'm correct. Like I said, I was JUST trying to think of differences between Gemma and Bree.
One of the differences that stands out for me is that Gemma seems to be more swayed by wanting to please forces outside of herself, where Bree seems to have a stronger will.

In other words - Bree is capable of exercising free will because she has a will to exercise freely.

Gemma seems to have very little will. She seems to be far more willing to submit her will to the control of others - the order for example.

And IQ, purity, etc. all kind of ties into a person's will.
Maybe the characteristics needed are those that would lead to a "Free Will" of which the Order approves.
That's what I'm thinking. It also explains why the order isn't moving in on her. They can't force her into playing her role. She must choose it freely of her own accord.
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