0112 "Purple Monkey Returns" [1/9/07]

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Post by Luv2Skydive »

Saw this when Daniel walked into the living room where Bree was....just a coincidence, but it made me take a second look:

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Post by robtomorrow »

LONGTIMELURKER wrote: Ok ,but why is it in a house full of teens ??
Maybe Greg Goodfreid is a daddy :)
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Perhaps he is a daddy ,you would think they would be careful when filming ,huh ?
The difference between Bree and Sarah is this ....

Bree- Classicly Beautiful/sweet/ "pure"/Vogue

Sarah-Modern Day HOT/ naughty/"dirty"/Penthouse
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Post by HenrySugar »

Bree isn't the only victim here.
All three were witnesses to homicide.
Bree's devastaion is on a different level than Daniel or Jonas,
but it only makes sense that they're fairly traumatized by the
event as well.
Daniel and Jonas aren't necessarily trying to cheer her up as much as they're trying to cheer themselves up.
They need answers in order to sleep at night and they aren't getting any. Luckily they have each other to hug on, and even without any homo-erotic connotations, there will be a stronger bond between the two because of this.
Bree, I guess will stay lonely.
It seems she doesn't really like to show us any side of her except happiness.
Had Daniel put the camera down when she opened the door, she would have talked more...I think. But there's not much entertainment value there.
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Post by daydream183 »


Ok ,but why is it in a house full of teens ??
Maybe Jonas has super sensitive skin too?

Post by covedweller »

It's funny how we all get about needing answers, when television shows like Smallville take 3-5 years to tell us much of anything while we just enjoy the weekly series.

Bree just told us some stuff the other day. It wasn't everything, but we know a bit more. Jonas' video yesterday confirmed something and pointed out something a few of us had picked up on.

I don't think that this one entertaining video with some realistic drama will unravel the "Breeniverse." :lol:

In recent weeks we seem to be finding out more and more, and it's much more satisfying than Gemma's non-information from the library.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

covedweller wrote:It's funny how we all get about needing answers, when regular shows like Smallville take 3-5 years to tell us much of anything while we just enjoy the weekly series.
I agree that we do need some level of patience (which I lack), however, 40 minutes (taking commercials into consideration) a week of Smallville is still WAY more than what we get in a week with LG15....and that's including OpAphid and Tachyon.
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Post by Chartreuse »

Luv2Skydive wrote:Saw this when Daniel walked into the living room where Bree was....just a coincidence, but it made me take a second look:


That just about made my night.
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Post by autumneternal »

Gotta love how insistent Bree is about Daniel putting down/shutting off the camera or she'll refuse to talk, however, when the roles are reversed Daniel just gives in and lets the camera roll.

On a more serious note, I hope they don't go down the road of an eating disorder or anything like that. It'd just add another unnecessary element to all the bigger issues already going on.

I hope she breaks out of the quiet stage soon and becomes proactive.
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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Post by Yoga Bear »

Luv2Skydive wrote:Saw this when Daniel walked into the living room where Bree was....just a coincidence, but it made me take a second look:


Its the "hamster" from all the YouTube vid tags
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Post by autumneternal »

Yoga Bear wrote:
Luv2Skydive wrote:Saw this when Daniel walked into the living room where Bree was....just a coincidence, but it made me take a second look:


Its the "hamster" from all the YouTube vid tags
Perfect! Finally...some clarity as to why they always use the hamster tags! :smt110
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
He's HamsterMan, and his parents' bedroom is really the entrance to the HamsterCave.

The reference to Bruce Wayne and the hamster tags all make sense now!
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Post by ericski »

"we hug it out."
pretty funny
bree is acting so not like everyone here that has had their "dad" shot in front of them would act.

go daniel, you are still the anchor of this thing.
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Post by Merry »

Luv2Skydive wrote:Saw this when Daniel walked into the living room where Bree was....just a coincidence, but it made me take a second look:

*dies of laughter*

I think my favourite parts of the video were

1. Daniels P. Monkey voice - If I was reading too much into this (which I do) I would even say that he is voicing his feelings for Bree (HE SAID BABY! :O LIKE LOVERS DO!) through the P.

2. Bree being all upset and then taking a chocolate. Lol. I would so do that.

And now that there is that squirrel, that vid just cant be beat.


P.S - I think Jess' acting in this was really good. [/b]
Jonas:"I love you, pole. *kiss*"
Bree: *scientist voice*"Whoa, what is that?...*normal* That was strange."
Daniel: (wearing the sombrero and in a loud, high pitched voice) "Ah, ha ha ha ha ha ha haaa."

Best. Episode. EVER.
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Post by erolyn »


on the one hand, I can see where Bree's coming from. I often like to be left alone when I'm upset. And I think the boys could be better about respecting her wishes. But then...Daniel is being so cute :) and the P. Monkey thing was funny. I'm sure she'll talk to him eventually, he and Jonas just need to be patient and let her deal - everybody handles grief in their own way.

also, whoever said Jonas was a queen: that's exactly what i thought. i bet he has a total crush on Daniel, lol
Jonas: way too hot to be true.
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Post by tigxpup »

I just noticed the johnsons baby ...is actually lotion.

anyway, this is my first post...yay ^^

so... hi everybody....
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