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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:24 am
by Midd
Hey guys. My name is Mike, but you can call me Midd. I, like all of you, am obsessed with this LG15 thing. Aaand I mean obsessed.

My birthday is on June 19. And I'm from New York. PM me if you'd like more info.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:47 am
by spaciegirlreturn
Way2Curious wrote:spaciegirl, thats my birthday too

We're both Scorpios, like Bree is supposed to be! I like your creepy doll avatar by the way.
we evil shall inherit the earth
Sungkoo wrote:Hi all. Been lurking for a few days, figure I'd join in. Names Mark, 24/male/Olympia, Wa
you doin'? You're dreamy!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:09 pm
by KC
I'm a hmmprtysomething year old male from the Netherlands, married with 3 kids.
Following LG15 since the end of august and intrigued by this internet phenomenon and the suspense
Spooky coincidences:
One of my sons (6y old) and Bree have about the same looks, he had a lazy
eye, his birthday is October 12th (10-12-06)
My birthday is October the 1st
I had a New Zealand girlfriend 16 years ago.
My name is 'Kees', pronounced as 'Case' or Casey (KC)
I work in the field of Physics ("Proving Science Right....")
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 7:22 pm
by Midd
Well Happy Birthday, KC!
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 6:59 am
by XashaAngel
Hey everyone. I'm Noelle, from Michigan... been watching lonelygirl pretty much since it started. Looking into the clues and stuff more now

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:34 pm
by VinWasHere12x31x91
Wellll.....I'm one of the less important revealers of stuff on this forum, had a *ahem* computer problem (Got it taken away for one day's absence? x.x). And uh......Name's Vin.....Birthday is in the name. I have to love my birthday cause people all around America are getting drunk for it

. How do you not love that, y'know?
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:44 pm
by flamencopirate
I'm Lindsay, 19 from Ottawa, Canada. I watched all the vids since the beginning, and was actually kind of disappointed when this turned out to be all scripted. I've been lurking for awhile, but finally decided to contribute. It also makes me feel that I'm not totally procrastinating on my schoolwork anf that I'm being somewhat productive in some sense or the other. Oh, I'm also a wuss and am afraid to watch the Cassie videos for fear that my overactive imagination will get the best of me... feel free to reply to my cowardliness, I'll be living vicariously through those who are braver than I am to watch the vids.
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:58 pm
by Cuddlebunni
lordgreystoke422 wrote:I am a 38 year old hurricane Katrina survivor from Metairie, Louisiana. That's basically New Orleans(we are a suburb of Nawlins).
I was born the son of a Poor black Louisiana Sharecropper..oh wait no..sorry..that's some other Jerk.
Anyway....I am..rather simple..yet complex...I am way to serious...yet I am a serious wise cracker.I talk too much yet I am a man of few words. I have a work ethic that would make you tired thinking about it..yet I am lazy..I don't drink, I don't smoke,...what do I do?
I think we should have a Cassie Watchmen convention here in Nawlins!
Notice my age on Myspace? Remember.. Myspace lies! ... d=88295178
Edit: I am SO very concerned that one of the young 20ish women that seem to dominate this site might come stalk my old ass... Ahm SKIRED!
Re-edit: Does anyone need my address?
hahaha... lordgrey.. i am so gonna be one of those women who stalk you! I will follow you around all day just so u can make me laugh.

I wish i could shrink you and put u in my pocket. Then throughout the day when i need a good laugh, you will be on call. Yes im random i know. But good idea dont ya think?
Wheres my plane ticket by the way?
Gosh theres so many people joining up on this thing! Welcome to everyone! I like coming to this section and reading about everyone. Hey all, if you havent already, post a pic of yourself in the rogues gallery.. and the leg gallery thingy lordgrey set up.... I so feel like we are all one big family now. The LG15 family.
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:06 pm
by seventeenkitties
Hello, I'm SK and I live in the middle of the desert. I spend my time avoiding scorpians, studying, and stalking Cassie, (muhahaha!)
I've been a lurker for a while, but I've just decided to open an account and go public. Not like I have a whole lot to offer, but I just like to put in my 2 cents every once in a while.

I learned about LonleyGirl once they went public, and about Cassie one night at 1:00am. Not advisable...
I couldn't figure out the fuss about LG15 until I discovered the side plots and clues, then like most of the rest of you I was hooked!
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:08 pm
by Mirage
Wow...seventeen kitties have joined the forum!
Ha, lousy joke, I know..but welcome anyways!

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:41 pm
by mousegirl
Hey everyone
My name is Elyse ((E-lease)) and I am currently 19 years old.
I looks 14 and sound 12.... but, who cares ^^;
I go to college and all that jazz, and have a part-time job as campus security at the college I go to.
My main love is anime and everything japan. I LOVE to sew also, love it to pieces!
But it is nice to meet everyone
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:45 pm
by Mirage
Uh oh...first kitties, now a mousie...
Welcome, Elyse!

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:51 pm
by mousegirl
Mirage wrote:Uh oh...first kitties, now a mousie...
Welcome, Elyse!

yup yup
Nice to meet you also!
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:33 pm
by dubbers
I'm Alli (Dub, Dubbers) 16, F, US. Looks like there aren't too many LG fans as young as I am-oh well. I'm totally addicted, I just love the mystery.
Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:13 pm
by Mirage
Hey Ali!
Dont worry 'bout the age...maybe you'll be able to understand Bree better than us old fogies (24 years old and I'm already ancient! ack.) will!