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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:44 am
by Virginia
nakita wrote:Virginia wrote:So who's taking bets on whether this is "DaVinci Code" (as in, she's holding a great bloodline) or "Rosemary's baby" (where she is the spawn of Satan)?
Oh please Creators, let it be Da Vinci Code style... Rosemary's Baby was so utterly boring, and nothing even happened in the end!
Agreed. I read the book and then couldn't be bothered to watch the movie. I don't understand what all they hype was about.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:45 am
by bethy
nakita wrote:How could he not know Bree wasn't his natural daughter?? The only way that could happen is if his wife carried a baby to term, went to the hospital without him, and had the babies switched at birth before the father got to visit the mother
I can think of lots of ways....and all I need is Maury or Montel as inspiration.
I've had lots of fertility experience...7 years of miscarriages and premature birth of one baby, plus tons of other stuff....up to and including adopting my two boys...I can think of all kinds of scenarios. Here's one...totally off the wall (
or is it???)
Let's say Bree's mother was implanted with an embryo via IVF sans knowledge of her husband. Remember, Bree won't go to the police because the 'Order is Everywhere" -- so it's quite logical to assume that it inculdes some doctors of the fertility specialist kind...especially if they deal with biotechnology.
Bree's mother is pregnant! She delivers and they raise Bree as their own...even though genetically, she isn't related to them one bit. Bree's mother knows, but her father doesn't. They never have any more children, because it might become apparent that Bree doesn't quite look like the other kids. Therfore, The Order keeps mom on birth control...or they even fake a uterine problem at Bree's birth and sterilize her to ensure there will be no more children.
When they are taken away, her mother reveals this to her father...The Order confirms it. He gets angry and is now seen as a threat...perhaps to reveal a big conspiracy of some kind. He waits until he hears from Bree...escapes the Order long enough to tell Bree what's going on, knowing what will happen to him.
The Order kills him...but he's already told Bree all kinds of important details. However, she's still a teenager...and her emotions are all about her the man she looked up to as her father was her "real" father and now she refuses to talk to her mother because she deceived them both.
That fits with what we saw in this video.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:51 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
HenrySugar wrote:In Daniel's 'Aleister Crowley' video, he says the girl disappeared in 1943.
Supposedly Crowley had a house there and left for England shortely after the disappearance.
None of this is true as Crowley was already in England at that time and too sick to travel...or so I've been told.
So, why was this story made up? Because it ties into soemthing later on.
Of course, this Arizona girl, even if she were an infant at the time would be in her sixties by now, and a bit old to be Bree's mom.
Grandmother maybe?
I dunno, but that story's there for a reason.
Yeah, realized that when I went back to rewatch.

Totally thought we were on to something.
No character is that old yet..? Uhm maybe that's Jonas's mom? lol.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:52 am
by SharpI
turkeyfeather wrote:Why do I get the feeling that she might run away again?
Had the same feeling. "Flight risk" for sure.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:57 am
by nakita
bethy wrote:nakita wrote:How could he not know Bree wasn't his natural daughter?? The only way that could happen is if his wife carried a baby to term, went to the hospital without him, and had the babies switched at birth before the father got to visit the mother
I can think of lots of ways....and all I need is Maury or Montel as inspiration.
I've had lots of fertility experience...7 years of miscarriages and premature birth of one baby, plus tons of other stuff....up to and including adopting my two boys...I can think of all kinds of scenarios. Here's one...totally off the wall (
or is it???)
Let's say Bree's mother was implanted with an embryo via IVF sans knowledge of her husband. Remember, Bree won't go to the police because the 'Order is Everywhere" -- so it's quite logical to assume that it inculdes some doctors of the fertility specialist kind...especially if they deal with biotechnology.
Bree's mother is pregnant! She delivers and they raise Bree as their own...even though genetically, she isn't related to them one bit. Bree's mother knows, but her father doesn't. They never have any more children, because it might become apparent that Bree doesn't quite look like the other kids. Therfore, The Order keeps mom on birth control...or they even fake a uterine problem at Bree's birth and sterilize her to ensure there will be no more children.
When they are taken away, her mother reveals this to her father...The Order confirms it. He gets angry and is now seen as a threat...perhaps to reveal a big conspiracy of some kind. He waits until he hears from Bree...escapes the Order long enough to tell Bree what's going on, knowing what will happen to him.
The Order kills him...but he's already told Bree all kinds of important details. However, she's still a teenager...and her emotions are all about her the man she looked up to as her father was her "real" father and now she refuses to talk to her mother because she deceived them both.
That fits with what we saw in this video.
Wow, that totally fits

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:04 am
by SharpI
parakeet100 wrote:What if she's a direct descendent of that Crowley guy? No one's mentioned him in a while.
Or if not Crowley, someone else even more scary. An ancient bloodline, perhaps, or royalty.
I wonder if this is why the parents were taken away in the first place: once they started disobeying orders, they had to be separated from Bree lest they spill this vital fact.
People wondered from the beginning why they (the parents) seemed so young. So that finally gets explained. Jonas too seemed to pick up on it, questioning if that could really be her dad.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:06 am
by ericski
this video has certainly touched some folks here. the intensity of the portrayal of pain and despair are reflected in the personal tone of so many of the comments. good job jessica.
the struggle to come to terms with what seems incomprehensible strikes a chord of truth. this truth is what is interesting from the beginning of lonelygirl15. despite everything fantastical, this resonance is what makes the story work.
bree's parents were always over-protective, insulating even.
now that we know this about her parents, could it be said that they had been tasked with protecting her from someone/thing all along?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:13 am
by Steph1636
Well I must say, that was some pretty good acting here. I felt like Bree was actually talking to us as though we were in the room, not just talking to a camera.
I feel for ya Bree! I actually started crying when she said that her parents aren't her real parents. But now who are they?
Just a twisted theory but here is goes:
The Order wanted to create this perfect child who would have completed their ceremony. So someone volunteered to have the baby, who was unaware of the reason. Once Bree was born, she needed to me taken care of someone in the Order. And that's where her parents come in. They raise her to be a perfect little girl who is sheltered. After years of raising her, they prepare her for the ceremony. And when she decides not to do it, it wrecks the Orders entire plan for 16 years. That is the reason why they got soo angry at her parents.
Once again, it's really twisted, but whatever
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:26 am
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
i think bree and her dad were scientifically created and bree's mom was in on it.
not really but how fricken weird? yeah.
i also LOVED the acting. the way jess looked straight into the camera, like she was looking into our eyes... goooddd job.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:33 am
by breewithcrackers
eerbree wrote:I'm not sure that "adopted" is the right word to be using.
I think it's much more likely that Bree was stolen or engineered or given to them (by a young mother/couple forced to have a child in the commune, for example). I don't think she'd be so angry and upset (and unwilling to talk) if she had just found out she was adopted. I think there is much more to it than that.
thats so much like the giver haha wouldnt that be awesome for the plot?!
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:35 am
by breewithcrackers
ps....he must have told her something else about the order...esp since she would have told us the note, otherwise...
she must just be reluctant
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:41 am
by lonelyelendi
bethy wrote:nakita wrote:How could he not know Bree wasn't his natural daughter?? The only way that could happen is if his wife carried a baby to term, went to the hospital without him, and had the babies switched at birth before the father got to visit the mother
I can think of lots of ways....and all I need is Maury or Montel as inspiration.
I've had lots of fertility experience...7 years of miscarriages and premature birth of one baby, plus tons of other stuff....up to and including adopting my two boys...I can think of all kinds of scenarios. Here's one...totally off the wall (
or is it???)
Let's say Bree's mother was implanted with an embryo via IVF sans knowledge of her husband. Remember, Bree won't go to the police because the 'Order is Everywhere" -- so it's quite logical to assume that it inculdes some doctors of the fertility specialist kind...especially if they deal with biotechnology.
Bree's mother is pregnant! She delivers and they raise Bree as their own...even though genetically, she isn't related to them one bit. Bree's mother knows, but her father doesn't. They never have any more children, because it might become apparent that Bree doesn't quite look like the other kids. Therfore, The Order keeps mom on birth control...or they even fake a uterine problem at Bree's birth and sterilize her to ensure there will be no more children.
When they are taken away, her mother reveals this to her father...The Order confirms it. He gets angry and is now seen as a threat...perhaps to reveal a big conspiracy of some kind. He waits until he hears from Bree...escapes the Order long enough to tell Bree what's going on, knowing what will happen to him.
The Order kills him...but he's already told Bree all kinds of important details. However, she's still a teenager...and her emotions are all about her the man she looked up to as her father was her "real" father and now she refuses to talk to her mother because she deceived them both.
That fits with what we saw in this video.
It is highly possible that the embryo used was created using stem cells from some ancient bloodline royalty. Bree states that her dad is not her dad and her mom is not her mom, so we know that neither parent is actually related to her. That leads me to believe that her mother was implanted, through IVF, with the embryo of some ancient bloodline, perhaps even crowley...all without her father knowing.
I like to think of this as the "Jesus at 12" syndrome. As is pointed out in the movie "Dogma," the bible skips from Jesus at age 12 to Jesus at age 30. What happened during those 18 years? Well, the movie explains it as Jesus not being able to come to terms with his divinity,
a lot like Bree not being able to come to terms with what her dad told her....that is my theory so far...any comments?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:46 am
by HazelButtercup
If Bree and Jonas are brother and sister, Jonas must have known- that's why he connected with her through these videos (it would be TOO much of a coincidence if he didn't know.) If so, how did Jonas know and what is his motive to connect with her now?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:55 am
by EternalGoddess
She said that her dad isn't her real dad and her mom isn't her real mom either. So, she's adopted. Some people seem to think that only her dad isn't her real father. As for Jonas being her brother... That would be really stupid. If their is something special about Bree, it being her bloodline or something else, why would they go after Jonas as well? This isn't about not doing the ceremony, so they could just as easily try to go for Jonas, but they don't want him. With that being said, I don't think he's her brother, but the being adopted bit was a good twist.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:57 am
by Luv2Skydive
lonelyelendi wrote:
I like to think of this as the "Jesus at 12" syndrome. As is pointed out in the movie "Dogma," the bible skips from Jesus at age 12 to Jesus at age 30. What happened during those 18 years? Well, the movie explains it as Jesus not being able to come to terms with his divinity, a lot like Bree not being able to come to terms with what her dad told her....that is my theory so far...any comments?
Well, I don't know about Jesus, but I met Budweiser and his friends when I was 14 and don't remember anything from 14 to 21.....but that's just me.