106 Bree's Gone [12/26/06]

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Post by Killthesmiley »

Jonas was pissed....i want to tell him to chillax
but i thought he was saying that daniel left with her..then BOOM i hear daniels voice and i was like WTF IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!

she defiantely went to meet her dad. I guess those driving lessons that daniel gave Bree are paying off.

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Post by lonelyelendi »

Kimmi-Chan wrote:is the girl in Tachyon's videos supposed to be Tachyon though? 'Cause if she is than she looks way too young to be Bree's mother. Ah well if that theory falls apart... because I grew partial too it. :(
Could be her mother...I mean, not to sound patronizing, but I know many middle-aged women (well....thirties, and one 40ish) who can pass for 18-21. Now, I am not saying that I am 100% sure that Tachyon is her mother, but I do like the way the theory fits into my theory ^^
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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

lonelyelendi wrote:
Kimmi-Chan wrote:is the girl in Tachyon's videos supposed to be Tachyon though? 'Cause if she is than she looks way too young to be Bree's mother. Ah well if that theory falls apart... because I grew partial too it. :(
Could be her mother...I mean, not to sound patronizing, but I know many middle-aged women (well....thirties, and one 40ish) who can pass for 18-21. Now, I am not saying that I am 100% sure that Tachyon is her mother, but I do like the way the theory fits into my theory ^^
Well I hope I look that young when I'm older... right now I am that young. :D
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Post by childofmetis »

I just saw the video. Hooooo, shit.

I do think she went off to meet her dad. I hope she's okay, but I have a feeling that meeting her dad is a mistake. What if it's a code the Order knew that she'd get?

She definitely isn't planning on coming back, not if she just took the stuff.

Or, following another theory that's been around for aaaaaaages, maybe Cassie is in control now. :twisted: <- that's the Cassie face
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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

childofmetis wrote:I just saw the video. Hooooo, shit.

I do think she went off to meet her dad. I hope she's okay, but I have a feeling that meeting her dad is a mistake. What if it's a code the Order knew that she'd get?

She definitely isn't planning on coming back, not if she just took the stuff.

Or, following another theory that's been around for aaaaaaages, maybe Cassie is in control now. :twisted: <- that's the Cassie face
I really hope not, not to start any arguments, but I'm not a real fan of the Bree=Cassie theory, even though it fits so well.
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Post by joygasm »

lonelyelendi wrote:
joygasm wrote:He may not actually know. He may have recorded that thinking if she listens to this then she is more than likely ok. And, if he got a message back, then she was definitely doing well. Also, do we even know how long ago that voicemail was recorded?

It's good to see my post are finally getting acknowledged!
That is always nice lol

Anywho...it seems our difference in opinion stems from our differing views on Bree's dad...and since neither one of us can be sure as to his motives, authenticity, or history, I say we simply shake hands and agree to disagree!

I acknowledge the possiblility that Bree's dad has not in fact seen Bree's videos, but it is simply my opinion that he has, given his decision to leave her a message the way he did.
All of this is unknown to everyone. I was just throwing my ideas out there, and my reasoning behind it. There are prrobably 150 different ways to look at this.
lonelyelendi wrote:
joygasm wrote:The CUSOON message could be for Daniel and Jonas or us for that matter. This could explain why she left earlier than we would expect her too.
I also disagree with your point here, as if she was in fact trying to communicate with Daniel, she would have not known that he was coming, we know this simply because Jonas and Daniel both confirm that Daniel's coming was unknown to Bree prior to his entrance on Christmas morning. As for a communication with Jonas, since she is living with him, this is highly doubtful as well, seeing as it is fairly obvious that she would see him soon, since, well, they are living together.

Now, finally, about her communicating with us, that just doesn't make sense to me; she will not be seeing any of us soon (well, to my knowledge, at least) so she would not have been communicating with us.
I am not trying to start an arguement or anything. Just trying to explain my theory. If Daniel was there or not when she left, she knew Daniel was watching her videos (and Jonas's). She obviously was planning on leaving and not telling anyone. I am not necessarily saying it is a literal see you soon. I am just saying that may be her way of letting Daniel, Jonas, and the fans know that she is planning on returning and that she thought she would be ok. Maybe to ease their mind on the kidnapping theory.
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Post by lonelyelendi »

Anyways...back on topic...what do you guys think of the idea that Bree has been kidnapped? She really doesn't know how to drive...she barely had any time on the road before the incident in "Driving Lessons" so she would be incapable of driving...so who is behind the wheel?

Someone else theorized that OpAphid could be behind this as they tend to work silently and "coyly" I believe was the word. But I disagree: See, in "Ransacked" they were not careful, silent, nor coy, but rather straightforward and threatening.

This bring up another point though: Why was there a sudden shift in their tactics? I mean, until that point they had worked silently, and then, out of nowhere they come out in the open?

And I know this question has been asked before, but I think it applies because of the kidnapping scenario: Why has OpAphid not simply taken Bree when we know for a fact that they have been so close to her they could have grabbed her without so much as a reach?

But....when you combine that question with the sudden change in tactics of the Order, an answer becomes evident: They were about to take her. Is it now possible that they got their chance with Jonas' help? Or maybe he had nothing to do with it and the order just simply caught up with Bree? Either way, Bree is gone, and it is unlikely she is alone. At least, that is my opinion.
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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

lonelyelendi wrote:Anyways...back on topic...what do you guys think of the idea that Bree has been kidnapped? She really doesn't know how to drive...she barely had any time on the road before the incident in "Driving Lessons" so she would be incapable of driving...so who is behind the wheel?

Someone else theorized that OpAphid could be behind this as they tend to work silently and "coyly" I believe was the word. But I disagree: See, in "Ransacked" they were not careful, silent, nor coy, but rather straightforward and threatening.

This bring up another point though: Why was there a sudden shift in their tactics? I mean, until that point they had worked silently, and then, out of nowhere they come out in the open?

And I know this question has been asked before, but I think it applies because of the kidnapping scenario: Why has OpAphid not simply taken Bree when we know for a fact that they have been so close to her they could have grabbed her without so much as a reach?

But....when you combine that question with the sudden change in tactics of the Order, an answer becomes evident: They were about to take her. Is it now possible that they got their chance with Jonas' help? Or maybe he had nothing to do with it and the order just simply caught up with Bree? Either way, Bree is gone, and it is unlikely she is alone. At least, that is my opinion.
We don't know if she "barely" had anytime driving before the incident, it could have been hours, they stopped filming, remember? I know it's not much time, but it's enough to get the gist of everything. Your speed will change here and there, but you'll stay on the road and know where your pedals are. Anywho... she could have been kidnapped, but I'm not so sure of that. Not with all of these clues. Daniel said he would look back into Bree's last couple of videos for clkues for a reason, because the creators are going to make him discover what we discovered, her father's voicemail to her.

just my opinion
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Post by childofmetis »

Kimmi-Chan wrote:
childofmetis wrote:I just saw the video. Hooooo, shit.

I do think she went off to meet her dad. I hope she's okay, but I have a feeling that meeting her dad is a mistake. What if it's a code the Order knew that she'd get?

She definitely isn't planning on coming back, not if she just took the stuff.

Or, following another theory that's been around for aaaaaaages, maybe Cassie is in control now. :twisted: <- that's the Cassie face
I really hope not, not to start any arguments, but I'm not a real fan of the Bree=Cassie theory, even though it fits so well.

I'm really not either. It's been done, and it's a total copout. But I wanted to go ahead and mention it, so we can shoot it down.
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Post by lonelyelendi »

Kimmi-Chan wrote:
lonelyelendi wrote:Anyways...back on topic...what do you guys think of the idea that Bree has been kidnapped? She really doesn't know how to drive...she barely had any time on the road before the incident in "Driving Lessons" so she would be incapable of driving...so who is behind the wheel?

Someone else theorized that OpAphid could be behind this as they tend to work silently and "coyly" I believe was the word. But I disagree: See, in "Ransacked" they were not careful, silent, nor coy, but rather straightforward and threatening.

This bring up another point though: Why was there a sudden shift in their tactics? I mean, until that point they had worked silently, and then, out of nowhere they come out in the open?

And I know this question has been asked before, but I think it applies because of the kidnapping scenario: Why has OpAphid not simply taken Bree when we know for a fact that they have been so close to her they could have grabbed her without so much as a reach?

But....when you combine that question with the sudden change in tactics of the Order, an answer becomes evident: They were about to take her. Is it now possible that they got their chance with Jonas' help? Or maybe he had nothing to do with it and the order just simply caught up with Bree? Either way, Bree is gone, and it is unlikely she is alone. At least, that is my opinion.
We don't know if she "barely" had anytime driving before the incident, it could have been hours, they stopped filming, remember? I know it's not much time, but it's enough to get the gist of everything. Your speed will change here and there, but you'll stay on the road and know where your pedals are. Anywho... she could have been kidnapped, but I'm not so sure of that. Not with all of these clues. Daniel said he would look back into Bree's last couple of videos for clkues for a reason, because the creators are going to make him discover what we discovered, her father's voicemail to her.

just my opinion
Good point....I should note though...lol...I am just putting into words the many different theories that pop into my head, I do not endorse any of them xDDDDDDDDDDDD!
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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

lonelyelendi wrote: Good point....I should note though...lol...I am just putting into words the many different theories that pop into my head, I do not endorse any of them xDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Hey don't worry I'm doing the same thing! I'm just the counter-point to your point, trying to think of all possibilities.
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Post by lonelyelendi »

Kimmi-Chan wrote:
lonelyelendi wrote: Good point....I should note though...lol...I am just putting into words the many different theories that pop into my head, I do not endorse any of them xDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Hey don't worry I'm doing the same thing! I'm just the counter-point to your point, trying to think of all possibilities.
Lol thats good...I need a good slap in the face every once in a while xD
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Post by Kimmi-Chan »

lonelyelendi wrote:
Kimmi-Chan wrote:
lonelyelendi wrote: Good point....I should note though...lol...I am just putting into words the many different theories that pop into my head, I do not endorse any of them xDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Hey don't worry I'm doing the same thing! I'm just the counter-point to your point, trying to think of all possibilities.
Lol thats good...I need a good slap in the face every once in a while xD
lol, I wouldn't go so far as to slap you. now if I knew you better i might punch you, but I wouldn't slap, I'm too much of a lady.
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Post by childofmetis »

lonelyelendi wrote:
Kimmi-Chan wrote:
lonelyelendi wrote: Good point....I should note though...lol...I am just putting into words the many different theories that pop into my head, I do not endorse any of them xDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Hey don't worry I'm doing the same thing! I'm just the counter-point to your point, trying to think of all possibilities.
Lol thats good...I need a good slap in the face every once in a while xD
That's what is good to do here, because otherwise people get really stupid about their pet theories. I think it's great to get excited about theories, but sometimes it's a little frustrating when no one wants to hear anything new.
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Post by lonelyelendi »

childofmetis wrote:
lonelyelendi wrote:
Kimmi-Chan wrote: Hey don't worry I'm doing the same thing! I'm just the counter-point to your point, trying to think of all possibilities.
Lol thats good...I need a good slap in the face every once in a while xD
That's what is good to do here, because otherwise people get really stupid about their pet theories. I think it's great to get excited about theories, but sometimes it's a little frustrating when no one wants to hear anything new.
Good point, but lets get back on topic!

So, having thrown out the kidnapping theory, I am back to what I originally thought which was.....ummm......I'll edit after I read up a little xDDD
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