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Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:51 pm
by LesterG
wintermute wrote:LesterG wrote:I felt just a lil out of place here on the boards and when you came on I was feeling alot more relaxed cause I learned that you were a japanese/filipino as well so I didn't feel like a minority amongst the white ppl you know?
You mean you're not white?! OMG! Why didn't anyone tell me???
In all seriousness, I agree with LesterG on this. Though I differ in him in that I'm hardcore CiW-head.

But you belong just as much as the next guy. Contribute wherever you feel like contributing. And, like I said in PM, there's so much going on that it's difficult to respond to everything. It doesn't mean it's being ignored

Stick around and you'll see that it does get better. And don't worry about acceptance. From the sounds of it, you've already got it from Lester. And you should know by now that you've got it from me as well
I was a hardore CiW-head, that's what brought me here

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:00 pm
by wintermute
LesterG wrote:I was a hardore CiW-head, that's what brought me here

A ton of us wouldn't be here if not for CiW...
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:04 pm
by LesterG
wintermute wrote:LesterG wrote:I was a hardore CiW-head, that's what brought me here

A ton of us wouldn't be here if not for CiW...
amen... let's us bow our heads...
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:05 pm
by wintermute
LesterG wrote:wintermute wrote:LesterG wrote:I was a hardore CiW-head, that's what brought me here

A ton of us wouldn't be here if not for CiW...
amen... let's us bow our heads...
Screw that. I'm jacking the game

CiW lives!
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:05 pm
by LadyBugGirl
kageyuki wrote:Beckers wrote:I think you should stay....I find it hard to post myself. The topics seem to fill up sp fast it's hard to keep up. I just don't have the time. A lot of the time when I come and see there is a new video there is already 17 pages of posts! I'm not complaining but it's almost impossible to jump in at that point. So I just try and catch the important things.
Thanks, but oddly that's only a minor reason why I didn't feel that I belong... I don't really get fazed by being bombarded with topics. It's when I'm posting but getting no responses that gets to me.
nobackspacebutton wrote:Why wouldn't you belong?
If you think about it, what does belong mean?
In this instance it is meant to be taken as "fit in", BA... I'll get to explaining what I mean in a sec.
nobackspacebutton again wrote:When you come in, and there are a million topics to read..just pick the ones you want to read so you don't get overwelmed. If you can't get rid of all the yellow stickys...just hit the "mark all read" button and they will disappear. =)
Just relax and have fun. This forum is for everyone.
Like I replied to Beckers, the amount of topics doesn't bother me... If anything it kinda helps me get past my feelings of not fitting in. I know about the "marking all as read" feature, though I don't really seem to mind having all those yellow stickies around, anyway.
Now, what I meant by not feeling that I "fit in" is... a lot of the time when I reply to something, it gets unnoticed. Then again, I try to reply to as many people as I can, or at least those who had been talking to me.
Though a lot of times in the discussion forums, I tend to try to hit many points on a topic, but seem to get "passed over" a lot as people comment on other replies...
I know... I'm pretty paranoid about it. Sorry.
I just kinda feel like "why should I stick around here if no one really seems to be taking my comments seriously?" sometimes.
1. I always notice when you post and I love PMing you.
2. I think you are awesome and you should definitely stay...of course!
3. I'm sorry I was being pervy last night. I was just messing around last night because I couldn't sleep so we were just having fun (and apparentely Stuart was trying to get more posts)

I'm not like that most of the time of course. I post nice non-pervy stuff too!
4. I feel the same way sometimes. I feel like no one cares about what I have to say but I say it anyway. Hopefully someone notices but if not oh well.
5. I can't believe you forgot to add Monkey to the poll.
PLEASE STAY! You were one of the first people I actually had a good conversation with on this board!!!
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:13 pm
by LesterG
wintermute wrote:LesterG wrote:wintermute wrote:
A ton of us wouldn't be here if not for CiW...
amen... let's us bow our heads...
Screw that. I'm jacking the game

CiW lives!
oh hell yea 'mute call up cu-roi and the gang (nilla) and let's get this ball rolling again
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:13 pm
by LadyBugGirl
wintermute wrote:kageyuki,
I think that they were being read but not replied to. Hell, I still feel like I'm being ignored half the time
'mute (That's *still* not old, after all this time

...that is right on the money! I read EVERY post in a thread before making a response (not in this case because I wanted to get my thoughts on it out first). I read them but that doesn't mean I can respond to everything. Usually I try to make a summary of ideas that I saw throughout the thread and post one big post.

I talk to you all the time. I'd miss you!!
wintermute wrote:LesterG wrote:I was a hardore CiW-head, that's what brought me here

A ton of us wouldn't be here if not for CiW...
Same here. I love lonelygirl but CiW was what really started the excitement and got me to join so I could read up on all the clues etc.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:23 pm
by kageyuki
LadyBugGirl wrote:1. I always notice when you post and I love PMing you.
Is that your way of saying that you're stalking me?
2. I think you are awesome and you should definitely stay...of course!
Of course you'd need me to stay. No use in stalking someone who isn't there!
3. I'm sorry I was being pervy last night. I was just messing around last night because I couldn't sleep so we were just having fun (and apparentely Stuart was trying to get more posts)

I'm not like that most of the time of course. I post nice non-pervy stuff too!
Actually, about that... I was kinda getting a little jealous about that.

Maybe because it was you, but probably more like because that kind of stuff doesn't happen with me... Then again, I know wouldn't have a "
problem" with that if I just acted pervy... but like I'd told someone, before. "
That just isn't me... anymore."
4. I feel the same way sometimes. I feel like no one cares about what I have to say but I say it anyway. Hopefully someone notices but if not oh well.
I was telling myself that, at first, but the more I post (and subsequently, the more I get ignored,) it gets pretty old. If I wanted to talk to a wall, I wouldn't be coming here, would I?
5. I can't believe you forgot to add Monkey to the poll.
I'm sooo sooo sorry, Kurishi-san! Yurusu onegai!!!
PLEASE STAY! You were one of the first people I actually had a good conversation with on this board!!!
Like with everyone else, I'll say the same thing. Well, I don't have to say it, anymore. Just read my sig.
Just because you're one of the people I feel closest to, don't think that I give you special treatment... Though if you asked for it... it could be
arranged. (
Hey, I can still be a little pervy for some people)
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:34 pm
by LadyBugGirl
Don't be'll always have a special place in my
We were just kidding around. I think the reason you and I haven't ever done that is because we haven't been on at the same times as each other lately. It's easier to be pervy with people when the threads are slow (like in the early morning) and the responses come fast from people.
and of course I want special treatment!!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:46 pm
by kageyuki
LadyBugGirl wrote:Don't be'll always have a special place in my
We were just kidding around. I think the reason you and I haven't ever done that is because we haven't been on at the same times as each other lately. It's easier to be pervy with people when the threads are slow (like in the early morning) and the responses come fast from people.
and of course I want special treatment!!

Well, then I guess I'll have to try to get online, after work, tonight.
I was actually on, all night last night, but because I hadn't been able to get to the forums since Friday night (save for the couple hours I was able go on before work on Sunday), I was ridiculously backlogged... especially since they decided to release so many videos!
I had
tried to post a little bit, though.
Oh, if I forget to give you the
special treatment... remind me. Sometimes I need a little reminder.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:52 pm
by LadyBugGirl
oh and didn't you give me permission to stalk you??

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:04 pm
by kageyuki
LadyBugGirl wrote:... didn't you give me permission to stalk you??

Uhhh.. I don't remember that one, Kurishi-chan.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:02 pm
by cup o' noodles
Aw, you were even considering leaving?!
No, no, that will never do! I love my lil' Kage-y! You have to stick around!
Ramen-chen NEEDS you to! *huggles*
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:24 pm
by Ennovi
sorry for being pervy last night.... it was STUART'S FAULT!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 10:28 pm
by cup o' noodles
Ennovi wrote:sorry for being pervy last night.... it was STUART'S FAULT!!!!

Ya, Stuart does that to many people. But, we must forgive Stuart for his actions. I suspect that he isn't quite right.