Okay, I'm going to try to post this without having any knowledge of the previous 6 or 7 pages of comments, already... (yeah, right...)
First, Daniel-san is back home... Kinda iffy on this after keeping in mind the surveillance video posted by Op Aphid. Not sure if it's such a good thing Daniel's returned home.
beast's parents never noticed he was gone, or at a friend's house? Okay, either his parents are
really dense or don't care as much as we might think. Third option... his parents are in on the whole thing (scary thought). Does Daniel and/or his parents know that the room is being watched?
I've stated this in a different part of the forums, but what is the real purpose of having the room under surveillance? Does Daniel's presence mean that the Order will outright send operatives to capture him, or are the cameras just there to solely
watch? A
stake-out... if you will.
Again, back to the parents seemingly lack of observation. They also did not question the absence of Dan-the-man's car. This does not mean they did not '
notice' that he was without it. Maybe they could have thought that, like Dan, the car is with one of his friends.

I dunno.
Next... he bought a twinkie and a comic book... Okay, I can't ignore the rest of the forum on this one... Once again, having to refer back to my own experience with homelessness,
money is precious. When you're living on the street, any money you can get, you should hoarde for as long as you can. It's difficult enough to stretch the money used on a
twinkie and a
comic book for one person, let alone for two.
After reading a lot of the comments regarding this, it's like you think that he had ten or twenty bucks in his pocket. At the
most, a single twinkie would cost 50 cents, and it probably wasn't like he was on the market to buy a comic book, like
Amazing Spiderman #1. He was probably looking for some light reading to pass boredom.
Though, honestly, he could have used the money for the comic book a bit more frugally. I can completely understand the need to relieve boredom while on the move.
... on to the hitchhiking and "catching out" or hopping a train (without paying.) I'd tried hitchhiking before and got pretty much the same results as Daniel, so I'm not surprised about that. Could be because I'm a guy, but I don't know if women have a higher 'success rate' at hitchhiking. His account of catching out was rather interesting to me.
I wonder why Dan really felt the need to tell us that story. Dan used to be pretty quick and to the point with his videos. Now all of a sudden, he's telling us 'war stories'?
Oh, I've known people who do the two months out of the year on the road thing, too. Why do people do it? It's kinda fun. Haven't you ever wanted to get out on the open road and travel? It's kinda like that. Of course, you wouldn't want to do that for more than two months out of the year. It not like you're not going to spend
any money on this trip.
Anyway... they guy got himself cleaned up (shower and haircut) and is now trying to get his life back together. He says he still cares for Bree, and from the tone in his voice, it's actually believable. I want to believe, but it's kinda hard to figure out what's real and what's not in the Breeniverse
He says thanks to Jonas, which makes me believe more that the whole fiasco from the last video was staged. Quoting Daniel, "
She (Bree) needs a friend, right now" speaking of Jonas. It seems that Daniel trusts Jonas more than we'd all thought.
Danny-boy's cares about Bree, is sorry that he left, and he misses her. I'd be sorry about leaving, too if I cared about someone. He says he was getting burned out by living on the streets. Like a lot of you have already said, he could have resolved that by going with Jonas. Add to that, Dan would also not have to feel sorry for leaving Bree if he had gone with them... or would he? We still never saw from Bree since Dan stormed off. We never saw that she even made it to Jonas' house. Jonas said that Bree locked herself away in her room... Yet another thing that we're fed to believe. As if there weren't enough things that we're supposed to have believed, then found out otherwise.
Dan probably feels that he'd have more stability and would be able to at least try to lead a normal life again. He probably felt that he could not get that at Jonas'. True, he may have had to 'abandon' Bree to do so, but the first rule of survival is to look out for one's self. Maybe he feels that he needs to stabilize himself, otherwise he knows that he wouldn't be able to do
anything for Bree.