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Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:27 am
by trunbuns
I voted yes because really I feel it's the only option. Living on the streets is never good and is certianly not the place for a niave pretty 17 your old. And if they go home they'll get captured, simple as that. If they go to Jonas' they MIGHT get captured. If they go home they WILL get captured. And if they stay on the streets they're gonna get killed for their laptop soon.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:36 am
by Languorous Lass
Holly, I don't think they should trust Jonas. I discussed this at length in other threads (can't find 'em now to link to -- sorry), but the tour he gave of his house made me extremely suspicious. Showing us two hallways and some doors is not a "house tour"; it simply underscored that Jonas was not willing to disclose any genuine information about who he is or what Bree and Daniel will find if they go to his house.
Plus his attitude is suspect as well -- hectoring them for not trusting him, instead of understanding their precarious situation and offering some kind of middle ground. Like many others have said, if he really wants to help, he should be willing to shore them up financially -- like, for example, offering them $$ for a hotel, or for plane tix out of California.
I've probably repeated stuff everyone else on this thread has said, but I'm under the gun at work so can't keep reading and posting.
Oh, and almost forgot -- CONGRATULATIONS on being picked. I hear that in the chat, you were clearly taking your responsibility very seriously, and from the little I've been able to read in this thread, that's definitely true. Looks like the creators picked the right fan. Yay for you! (And huggles!)
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:05 am
by Luv2Skydive
The whole idea behind LG15 was the long were people fooled before it came out that it was fake? So in keeping with that realistic idea (granted, nothing has been realistic since) we wouldn't be good people if we sent them to a stranger who's posted a few vids. If that were the case, there's a lot of people more trust worthy than you Holly! Can they come stay with you?

Send an advance man
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:08 am
by sparkyb
Is there any possibility that you could suggest sending someone (a fan) to meet Jonas first? I'd love to see a video by someone here checking out making sure everything is ok before sending B&D over. I know there's a number of folks out there who could totally make that video.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:10 am
by ForeverMourn
I Voted No. They need to go back home, so she can find her parents.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:11 am
by storyteller
Dear Holly-
While I originally felt that Jonas was a really good-looking lure into a trap, I am starting to think that perhaps he isn't (although his "lost at sea" story is bit fishy.... sorry for the pun)
Gemma is the one who is no longer making sense, and from what i can tell, it's possible that she has been attempting to guide Bree and Daniel into a bad descision. i no longer knwo waht to think.
It seems that Bree and Daniel have no other choice but to go and live with Jonas- and I don't really like that they feel that way. Truth be told, I would prefer that they did anything but go home or go live with Jonas, but it is almost christmas and we can't have our heroine living on the street and eating out of a dumpster.
So I say: send them to Jonas'. If nothing else we might get this very fishy boating story cleared up.

Re: Send an advance man
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:12 am
by storyteller
sparkyb wrote:Is there any possibility that you could suggest sending someone (a fan) to meet Jonas first? I'd love to see a video by someone here checking out making sure everything is ok before sending B&D over. I know there's a number of folks out there who could totally make that video.
Oh Oh! I like this idea- send Nikki Bower- I think she's trustworthy and she lives nearby!
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:14 am
by indianajane
It's not like they have any money for him to steal, and they do have each other, so they arent exactly alone. I voted yes, because it helps get them off the streets, if nothing else.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:15 am
by Inigo
Go to Jonas'
1. Off Character, It's in the best interest of the story that they go to Jonas'. Some interesting subplots could arise: a love triangle, conflict, mysterious house, etc.
2. With the house being watched, it's too dangerous to stay home. Although (someone has probably noted this already) one could speculate that the cameras were put in place to goad us into thinking that going to Jonas' is safer.
As I have suggested Holly, we or Daniel could make Jonas show us his parents' bedroom to see how trustworthy he is.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:27 pm
by sundayxwarningx
Like I've said before, Gemma and Bree have history. I know it's a long shot for Bree and Daniel to go to Gemmas but, don't you think it's odd that she hasn't offered? Also, we know Gemma was once involved with 'The Order' and now, it seems that she isnt.
Why doesn't Bree ask Gemma how she got away from 'The Order'?
That seems like a logical next step. Trusting some internet guy, not a good idea kids. I feel bad for you, but you don't see me opening my place to you. Nor, do you see anyone else on here doing so. If he wants to help, he'll send you money, food, clothing. This is a trap....a trap guys. Please, wise up.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:28 pm
by CherryFruitSnack
Okay, so I've been watching for a couple of weeks, now this show is my favorite obsession. I've thought about posting a lot, but Daniel's new invite to forum- ahhh- I just couldn't resist anymore. So, I voted no. I agree with most of the reasons why that everyone else has posted. But no one has noticed the obvious. If I was the Order, "I'm thinking, wow, B&D are no where to be found, and the only clues are on this internet vlog site. Wow, duh, we just can't figure out how to track them down. Oh, yeah let's masquerade as one of these 'fans' and try to get B&D to come to us willingly."
Everyone seems to think a huge empty house with cute boy, disposable income, nervous demeanor, shady stories and bogus tour is phony- why do you think that is? The order probably set up one of their Deacons residences with one of their relentless groupies to pose as a 'fan' and do their hardest to convince B&D to come. Why else won't he volunteer money, or transportation to use at their discretion? I know Bree likes him because he was modeled for that reason. Lonely - Guy! Orphaned vs. parents missing, all by himself vs. home schooled, desperate for friends vs. plays with puppets… need any more proof? Wow, its so obvious how the Order set him up to make Bree as sympathetic to him as possible. Some say we can learn from Jonas and his involvement in the Order if he is with them- uh, no. They'll just kidnap them and throw B&D into whatever dungeon that their parents are in, and then sacrifice Bree to their religious beliefs. End of story.
The point of this post is to convince you to vote no. There are a lot of other choices. My husband spent a quarter at Cal Poly 'homeless', because with tuition, he couldn't afford dorm rent. All you have to do is sleep during the day, at, say, a park, or the local university or community college lawns or cafeteria. Or recline on the patio at a café with dark sunglasses and a book in front of you and sleep for an hour or two. Then stay somewhere warm at night, like Denny's- as long as you don't have to sleep at night, you’d be surprised how much you can accomplish. You don't have to dumpster dive or live in an abandoned building. Soup kitchens are yummy, free, and anonymous. You could always swipe some fresh bread at a bakery. What about Craig's list? Hitch a ride out of town and get a job while staying at a shelter- they are free! (I like the idea of working at a Christmas tree lot. It's temporary and hard to track). After a week, you'll have some spending money to get off your feet. Ditch Gemma and Jonas, you can fend for yourself, as long as you are making an effort to get off the street. Forget all this, "just say yes, so we can further this plot line." How about some new ideas people! There is a reason they ask us to be involved…. We can write this story, we just have to give some good ideas, and motivate them to do some creative things.
hope this helps a little
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:36 pm
by kageyuki
I'm not highly in favor of Jonas. He hasn't really proven his trustworthiness to many of us; only leaving more questions. His last video is a testament to this.
I can understand not showing the parents' bedroom because they would not have wanted anyone to see that, but why was he against showing his own room or either of the rooms that he'd be lending to Bree and Daniel?
Also, that house does seem pretty big. He said that he lives alone. Which would imply that there are no other occupants in the house. Aside from his room and his parents' room, that house looks to have ample room for Daniel and Bree to have separate rooms on the same floor. Why would Daniel's room be upstairs while Bree's room be downstairs (or in the basement)?
I'm not really sure whether I really believe Jonas' recount of his parents' disappearance, either. While it might be true, it still leaves you wondering. Like I said, Jonas leaves you with more questions every time.
Still, the option Jonas gives Bree and Daniel seems to be a lot better than trying to go home, even though we are not sure if either Daniel or Bree are aware of their rooms being under surveillance by the Order. But that leaves the biggest question to light... Is Jonas with the Order or not??
Do I trust Jonas? Hay-ull no!
Would I still take him up on his offer? I'll serve up that answer with two quotes "Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer" and "Even though it may be a trap, the best way to deal with one... is to break it."
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:45 pm
by Jacktastic
I voted yes, although I don't think we can trust Jonas. I think Jonas is very untrustworthy -- but from personal experience: If you're in a horrible, dangerous situation, sometimes you have to rely on people that you normally wouldn't.
They need to be off the streets and somewhere where they can figure out a better plan and move forward. Right now, being on the streets just seems to be stunting them, for whatever reason. I think they can just be careful and keep an eye out while with Jonas, and get out of there as soon as they can.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:48 pm
by Way2Curious
I voted yes. I think that Gemma is the one who is dangerous (whether she knows it or not). I don't think that Jonas is evil, just a kid who was lucky (and rich) enough not to wind up in foster care (or on the streets) after his parents dissapeared. I think he just wants to help someone else in a kind of similar situation. Bree and Daniel need to get off of the streets, there are more dangerous things there than the order.
On another note (from real life land

), even if he is "bad" the plot can only be advanced by it. It could only add excitement. The plot could still become exciting even if he's not. I'm thinking it would start something like this:
They are at Jonas' house.
Daniel: "Hey, why'd the power go out?"
Jonas: "I don't know its never happened before. I even have back-up generators."
Bree is looking outside
Bree: "Who is that?"
Jonas: "I don't know. What is that sound?"
Daniel: "Oh god, they've found us!"
Everyone freaks out........
What? Nobody likes my idea? Thats okay, maybe it was only exciting in my head......

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:52 pm
by iamcool
i like it!!!!!!