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Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:44 am
by sweetie55
Wow! Best vid so far I think! It has a lot of what we asked for(the good stuff that is

) I don't think she's still drugged up either. Remeber this is a "vlog" on the internet and they know people are watching this. She's probably just putting up a front. I mean I would. Nobody likes to cry in front of strangers, or at least I hope nobody does! Looks like theyre still in or close LA to me.

Now if i could only remember that area better....Maybe they're heading to Disneyland or Six Flags!

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:55 am
by Temposs
onetruegnome wrote:khjq wrote:hmm...I am begining to think that the "deacons" don't want Bree to do the "ceremony" for any religious purpose, but instead has something to do with her having the right DNA. See I think the "deacons" are really scientists and the "ceremony" is really an experiment, and the scientists have just been using this whole religion thing as a front.
ha...I know this is a wack idea...but it'd be such a twist if this was really the case.
I thought something like that too. Because if Bree's dad is a doctor as it has been so strongly hinted, I don't think he would join a Thelemic cult. What rational professional would want to become a Thelema. Aleister Crowley's writings are incoherent blathering and a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.
Umm, one of Crowley's disciples, Parsons I think, was the founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab, one of the premier scientific research centers in the world.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 7:57 am
by Sami
I'm really excited that we got to see Bree's parents.
I got the feeling Bree's dad is achemed and sad, like he feels he wasn't able to protect his wife and daughter.
- About Bree looking too happy on cam: When she is upset and crying Daniel wouldn't be filming her, he would try and comfort her.
- About Daniels Facial hair: He looks hot with it! And the glasses.
I'm glad Daniel finally got some trust from Bree's parents. After all he has been to alot for Bree's safety.
(p. s. I love you creators)
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:00 am
by Sami
ps: In my country a kid could chech in to a hotel, paying in cash, without even having to give up their name.
And does Bree and Daniel get the chanse to vote? That's my biggest question

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:04 am
by Kasdeja
Sami wrote:ps: In my country a kid could chech in to a hotel, paying in cash, without even having to give up their name.
And does Bree and Daniel get the chanse to vote? That's my biggest question

I was actually wondering why they didn't check into a hotel, too
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:44 am
by Beautiful Nightmare
In the beginning of the video Bree IS upset. Daniel says she's been crying; you can see that she is very upset.
Don't forget, it's been a couple DAYS that they've been in that car. I can't imagine that you guys are just expecting her to cry nonstop for a couple days straight? She'd go bananas.
Anyway, great video.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:50 am
by Broken Kid
I agree - great video. Way to move along the plot!
So no one has asked
why they're out driving around? I agree, they could have followed Lucy's car. Or, as some said, they could have checked into a motel or found somewhere safe in the next state to hole up, or even stayed with a friend of Daniel's.
So it really appears to me - based on the fact they're driving around - that they're just killing time. I'm guessing Bree's parents were taken to lure B&D in and make her go to the ceremony. What if B&D are just killing time until after the ceremony is supposed to take place, and then they come back, and since the date is past, the cult/religion can't do much about it?
Because we all theorized they were going to go on the road to solve some mystery, but right now they're just driving around randomly. Either they'll be given clues (perhaps Bree will try to call again?) or they'll come back when things are safe...
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:50 am
by Kasdeja
Beautiful Nightmare wrote:In the beginning of the video Bree IS upset. Daniel says she's been crying; you can see that she is very upset.
Don't forget, it's been a couple DAYS that they've been in that car. I can't imagine that you guys are just expecting her to cry nonstop for a couple days straight? She'd go bananas.
Anyway, great video.

I, sometimes people deal with thier stress and sadness differently. I'm one of those people that will allow the cry time, but then try to be silly to give my mind a break.
I am very happy with this video.
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:01 am
by sweetie55
I hope they do some sluething on the road! It'd be interesting if they did go to those places on the maps and found clues from her parents. More likely they are just wasting time until when the ceremony is over, but hey, a girl can dream right?

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:04 am
by Broken Kid
I can't believe I missed the most important issue of this whole video until now!
Where's Owen and Thor? Since Bree rescued P. Monkey, we can only assume that Owen and Thor were also abducted by the cult. Remember, Lucy closes the trunk, so she must have put some things in there, and if she's taking Bree's parents, it makes sense she'd take bree's friends too.
Forget driving around, and forget Bree's parents (they're adults, they can take care of themselves) - Bree and Daniel need to rescue Owen and Thor!! *worries*
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:12 am
by sweetie55
Broken Kid wrote:I can't believe I missed the most important issue of this whole video until now!
Where's Owen and Thor? Since Bree rescued P. Monkey, we can only assume that Owen and Thor were also abducted by the cult. Remember, Lucy closes the trunk, so she must have put some things in there, and if she's taking Bree's parents, it makes sense she'd take bree's friends too.
Forget driving around, and forget Bree's parents (they're adults, they can take care of themselves) - Bree and Daniel need to rescue Owen and Thor!! *worries*
OMG I totally forgot about them!!! Since Bree never mentions them when she finds the money in PM, the Order must have taken them with her parents!

I mean she couldn't of just left those two at home could she????
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:15 am
by Broken Kid
sweetie55 wrote:Broken Kid wrote:Where's Owen and Thor? Since Bree rescued P. Monkey, we can only assume that Owen and Thor were also abducted by the cult. Remember, Lucy closes the trunk, so she must have put some things in there, and if she's taking Bree's parents, it makes sense she'd take bree's friends too.
OMG I totally forgot about them!!! Since Bree never mentions them when she finds the money in PM, the Order must have taken them with her parents!

I mean she couldn't of just left those two at home could she????
Bree wouldn't leave her friends behind. There's plenty of room in that car, and I know Owen makes a good pillow! She needs their support now more than ever! It's no wonder she was crying, with her friends missing! (and, oh yeah, her parents too)
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:25 am
by laurenesque
I haven't read through all the pages yet; I just got up. So maybe someone can answer this or link me if it's already been covered.
When they zoom in on Bree's dad: is he wearing a hat, or was he blindfolded?
All in all, A+ video. Daniel + Bree = OTP, suspense, mystery. I got a little sad watching Bree sit on the wall.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:31 am
by omegawoman
Let's not forget that we do not know what is in the note Bree's parents left for her. They may be afraid to stop because they know something we don't.
Also, one of the vehicles they walked by in the beginning of the vid, while they are going into Bree's house- was it a black suburban? Kinda creepy, someone could be watching them.
Someone else also posted about the I spy game. Bree told Daniel he wasn't any good at it- could this be a hint that we are missing some very important clues? Is there something there we haven't seen?
As for Bree's reaction, she is scared, but she has always been naive. She hasn't ever had to deal with something like this, she could just be trying to calm herself down by playing games. Daniel did say she had been crying every couple of hours, and he is a gentleman, he wouldn't film that.
I am excited because I too suggested this idea last week. Yeah! I even emailed Yousef about it and his reply was that he thought it would be fun.
P.S.- P Monkey was in Daniel's bed!
Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:43 am
by cassieisabeyotch
laurenesque wrote:I haven't read through all the pages yet; I just got up. So maybe someone can answer this or link me if it's already been covered.
When they zoom in on Bree's dad: is he wearing a hat, or was he blindfolded?
All in all, A+ video. Daniel + Bree = OTP, suspense, mystery. I got a little sad watching Bree sit on the wall.

It appears to be a tan-colored newsboy hat type of deal he is wearing. I don't think there'd be any point in blindfolding them, they're only getting in the car.