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Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:30 am
by augustwhispers
Whether or not Daniel was affectionate (which I think he was in his own quiet way), I'm just happy Bree has come to her senses finally.
Also, I like where the plot is swinging to.
A bit dangerous, a bit mysterious, and of course, a little lovin'.
Internet vloggin' : Daytime dramas for the techno-advanced.
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:42 am
by robtomorrow
kimmiewku wrote:Truth-in-Science wrote:Boy I do wonder about those shots, and "iron" pills that she was taking regularly. It will be interesting to see if the explaination of those things unfold. Did we ever get conclusive evidence from the vids that Bree's dad was a doctor?
I had it in my head that he was too, but I may have made that up.
Anybody wanna go back and look?
In her video How My Parents Met she said that her father was on a fellowship to study medicine when her parents met in London, I assume he became a Doctor, there has been no other confirmation that I know of.
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:43 am
by Reb
Awww when daniel said "I missed you too" my heart melted, I don't think he is a bad actor I think he portrays perfectly a teenage boy who isn't particuarly comfortable expressing emotions on camera.
Finally something that I can research! the ECHINODERM I will do a literature search when I get back tonight and see what I can up with for medical uses!!!!
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:47 am
by sovietkitsch
So glad this video was posted! I was beginning to get impatient!
A couple of things;
1. People picked up on Daniel not seeming incredibly happy to see her.
Throughout the series Daniel has been pretty much in control of his emotions. I know that in the videos he posted alone whilst he was researching Bree's religion he seemed stressed and worried, but he did manage to act maturely given his circumstances. I think he is just one of those people who tend to talk through their emotions rather than externalise them. And don't forget that this video was filmed after Daniel and Bree's big reunion. They had talked and been in eachothers company for a while, so he wouldn't start getting excited just because she turned on the camera, that would be unrealistic. Also, as he has always been the "sensible" one (save for breaking and entering

) perhaps he is worrying about the consequences of Bree telling her parents more than she is. He is happy to see her but knows they have a long long way to go before they can forget this whole thing.
2. Bree's dad being a doctor and still giving her the shots.
I agree that no doctor in their right mind would ever inject another person with an unknown substance. They would lose their licence if anything happened and its morally wrong. In my opinion this could be trying to convey a few messages to us.
It is possible that the creators have thrown this in to show us just how controlled he is by the religion, that even though it goes against what he knows to be right, he trusts them and believes that they know what is best for his daughter. They could be using it to show us just how controlled the family is, making Bree's parents appear as victims as well as Bree.
Another possible theory could be that Bree's dad does know what is in the shots but doesn't want Bree to know. This would obviously make him more of an accomplice to the religion than a victim.
Something else I thought of, is that whilst Bree's dad may have been studying medicine when he met her mother, perhaps something happened afterwards. Maybe he was a doctor, but something happened in the 'community' and he lost his licence? This might explain why they left the community in the first place, if they were so into their religion then why would they leave a community to live in a 'normal' town and let their daughter mix with other people in a normal school? If they did have to leave the community it would tie in with Gemma's videos (if she is canon) when she said that her mum is still respected by the community. This implies that perhaps her father isn't held with such high regard.
There is also the theory that the shots are actually good for Bree, and her dad is a nice honest doctor, but where's the fun in that?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:35 am
by Roselilith13
What if this video is a decoy to throw off the cult people? It sounds very strange to me that Daniel would actually agree that Bree should tell her parents that she doesn't want to go through with the ceremony, I doubt they believe that her parents would really allow her to back out at this point.
Also why was Bree filming from Daniel's friend's house instead of filming when she got home if she only had a short time with him. What if she's not leaving his company? It is obvious the creators wanted us to see him packing. I really think they may be running away together...which would be really cool in my opinion:).
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:56 am
by sovietkitsch
Maybe Daniel is going to go with her to see her parents as backup?
He would have to drive her there since he picked her up and took her to his friends house. I have a feeling they are packing in case her parents react badly, in which case they will be organised and have stuff with them if they need to hide out.
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:15 am
by DontHaveAClue
I know no one really cares, but
On the wall is a painting of Venice by Claude Monet.( Palazzo da Mula, Venice, 1908)
Does that mean they will escape on a romantic trip to Venice?????

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:20 am
by Cassies_Head
It would be pretty cool if Daniel and Bree went on the run but I want Bree to go through with the ceremony just because I want to know what it is. Maybe Bree could go on the run but the Order would find her and force her into the ceremony!
I wonder if Bree celebrates Christmas or Halloween? Hmm, random I know but I am pretty sporadic in my thoughts.
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:09 am
by rodrigogar
bree, just to let you know, you will always have a place with us and the Great Cabbage Head

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:23 am
by Kasdeja
MeNotYou wrote:Truth-in-Science wrote:I know plenty of Christians, for example, who would inject their child with something if they were told to by an authority figure from the Church, especially if they were only told: "Don't worry, it's good for them."
Just a thought that maybe to them, religion supersedes family.
REally? I sure don't.
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:28 am
by nobackspacebutton
chanda wrote:My thoughts on the video:
1) I'm glad that they are being so cute again!! (Even though you'd think Daniel would have been more excited that she was there?)
2) Why do they have to wear hats when they are being sneaky?
1) maybe he's a little nervous being around her? ya know, its only because of her that the order is following him in the first place..=P
2) hats? its cold man..bree's lil ears are chilly.
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:30 am
by Kasdeja
I wonder...just adding food for thought. Just because her dad studied medecine doesn't necessarily mean that he is a doctor. He could work in pharmaceuticals. Where I work, many have studied medecine...and are pharmaceutical scientists, etc. They wear lab coats, too.
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:31 am
by nobackspacebutton
I love this part:
Bree: So Daniel...
Daniel: Yes?
Bree: What have you been doing here?
Daniel: Nothing really.
Bree: Watch a lot of movies? Any good ones?
Daniel: Nah, not really.
Bree: I missed you.
(Daniel is a little caught off guard. He pauses and smiles.)
Daniel: Missed you too.
Anyways...It seems to me that Bree's parents know a lot more than she does. "They were so excited" when she was "chosen"--so they must know what she was chosen for.
Her Dad's excuse for the shots: "They're good for you" sounds like a common brush off response to any kids question. Its like saying "don't worry about it" while smiling like a devil inside your mind.
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:34 am
by scheidel21
Has anyone thought of an obvious possibility that ties in with packing and and telling her parents about it all? After reading the posts and watching the video I am inclined to think that the two of them are going somewhere together, like hiding out or along those lines. She can call her parents and tell them she doesnt have to go to her house to speak with them. This opens up possibilities for the story line too. She is only 16, and daniel is 18, even if she goes with him willingly heer parents can call it kidnapping, because they are responsible for her until she is 18 years old.
I base the idea that they are going somewhere together on the following
1)Daniel is packing
2)She just looks like shes ready to go on a road trip, her outfit, I don't know somehting about it looks like she going somewhere.
3)If she tells her parents in person and A) they are complicit in the plot or B)They are so brainwashed by their religion that they would do anything for it, then she would likely have no chance of not having to perform the ceremony.
Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:36 am
by nobackspacebutton
kimmiewku wrote:Mirage wrote:I just really don't understand Bree (or Daniel's) reasoning that her parents need to know everything (well except for the breaking in part)....if Daniel knows that Bree's father is injecting her with some unknown substance, doesn't he get the idea that maybe her parents dont have the same intentions as he does?
I think that he might have a bigger target on his back if the Order thinks that he's influenced Bree to drop the whole thing.
I agree with you.
I'm amazed that Bree's dad would inject his own daughter with unknown substances.
Her parents have GOT to know more than they're telling. If they don't, thats just a testament to how dedicated to listening and obeying whatever this Order tells them. They'll either be completely useless or turn her in.
I agree with the notion that Daniel will be in MORE trouble with the Order if Bree decides not to go through with the ceremony. From what I've picked up from the Gemma Videos (if they are canon) is that Bree's parents, or her mom, are very respectable authorities of some sort. Either that is true, and maybe her parents are the ones in control of everything....or if the Gemma vids are wrong, then maybe her parents are just so "happy" with her being chosen, they dare not question the authority above them. They probably believe the shots to really help prepare Bree...whether they are just vitamins of some sort or weight loss shots or anything at all.
I believe what someone else posted, saying that Daniel is packing because he is going to another friends house. Just in case that Bree is involved, maybe he is just being sure that she won't trap him again. Or, he could be going home, satisfied with the idea that Bree with drop out of the ceremony and "it all will be over".