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Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:04 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Disapointed by the Ceremony? See the shocking truth about the ceremony....what really were the results of the Ceremony..guaranteed to leave you gasping for air... ... iate/28541
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:08 pm
by asenath
She looks just fine to me. It seems as if the ceremony wasn't as harmful as people were thinking.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:17 pm
by Keevy06
lizi_2007 wrote:Did anyone else notice the weird face she made after she said "I feel great" right at the very first? Kinda drew her mouth to one side and lost eye contact. You think she's SUPPOSED to make it appear as if she's not being truthful??
And how she had that weird emphasis when she said that Lucy held her hand??? I dunno... That struck me as kinda weird.
The face after "I feel Great" was the first thing I noticed... and the Lucy held my hand thing was the next. I'm on the same page. There is something going on with that. What was happening that was so mortifying that Lucy had to hold her hand? The only time I need someone to hold my hand is when I am getting blood taken, and that is because I have a huge phobia of it.. and it's more like holding me down, not holding my hand lol. Why would she need someone to hold her hand if all she is doing is speaking enochian and remembering the steps that her and Lucy practiced? WEIRD
And the way she keeps not looking at the camera definately suggests that she feels 'icky' or unsure about herself now. Whenever I'm embarassed or feeling insecure I act like that.. but not when I am excited that something I have been working on for a while goes well!! hmmmm.... someone's pants are on fire!!??
curriguy wrote:Because I'm a fan...I want to better articulate my dissapointment.
I hope TheCreators will accidentally read this.
This is more than just "OMG This sucks! I'm sooo dissapointed there wasn't a bloody sacrifice!" I didn't expect all that. I figured oct.12th would just lead to more questions. I can forgive the anti-climatic nature of the ceremony.
the problem is...these last two videos have added Nothing in terms of narrative.
we learned nothing new. we met no new characters. we don't understand our current characters better. and we have no further developments.
everything we saw was rather obvious.
there's just no progress...not even slight progress.
In addition, there's no effort put into making the individual videos entertaining anymore. I understand that you are using the "vlog" you think it might be weird to have Bree trying to entertain us.
But if you watch real-life vlogs like TheWineKone and Paytotheorderofofof2, you'll see that real vloggers are aware of their audience...and put effort into entertaining them. They try to be funny...they have drawing contests...anything.
sure, there are subtle clues....but the subtle clues can not comprise the WHOLE of what we are watching.
I have no motivation to investigate the subtle clues...if the narrative isn't going anywhere.
You guys are talented, I know you can put out some better stuff!
Well put sir! I
completely agree..
I just wish I could spit it out as well as you can!! I'm glad someone can put their thoughts into words... mine tend to come out as strange facial expressions and high pitched squeals (both of which are not the best methods for trying to get a point across on a forum!!)
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:25 pm
by thejyav
For those that keep saying we need to wait and see. We don't really. This is entertainment and people make a mistake in thinking that the end justifies the means in serial entertainment such as this. We are looking to be entertained and if we are not what is there to keep us watching? The hope of being entertained in the future? I could find plenty of other things to entertain me that watching these videos ever acouple days for a few months before getting a pay off. They can do this kind of stuff a few times, but when everyone expects a pay off they better proved one. They have not really built up and good faith with us yet to be able to string us along.
Sure they have done some things well or we would not be here but they have yet prove they can pull off some big event. If they do that then I think people would by much more willing to believe then in future during slow times that its all leading somewhere.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:25 pm
by Blackburne
Maybe it's just me, but the way Bree is talking about feeling the "love" from everyone and all... it just sounds like she participated in some weird orgy in black robes.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:27 pm
by trainer101
Anti-climactic to say the least. I thought after the Daniel video of the ceremony that we were gonna start getting deeper into the mystery. This was more like "HoHum, nothing really happened. Just your standard everyday ceremony."
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:33 pm
by je_danse112
I must admit, at this time of night I get scared of these videos...
Could you please give me a fear factor for this video?
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:35 pm
by CDegeyter
ok what would you think if the next video was something like:
Lucy is found dead or had gone missing and Daniel (and us) must figure out if Bree was involved
or since Daniel's video wasnt mentioned,
Daniel is missing and hav to figure out where he went. (It's possible that the members found Daniel and the videocamera, Bree edited and posted it)
If something like that happened we would all be happy to follow the trail and would look back on these past two videos and see that they were an important part of the story. We could also not be certain that Bree had anything to do with either instance.
All of this is speculation on my part, but I can still see where this could be the turning point for a whole new and interesting plotline and storyarc for the series. I;m not giving up on it yet.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:37 pm
by thejyav
je_danse112 wrote:
I must admit, at this time of night I get scared of these videos...
Could you please give me a fear factor for this video?
yea lordgreystoke422's stomach is pretty scary. Hey was slightly intresting in the begining but now is slapstick
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:41 pm
by Cuddlebunni
Ok I must say this...
Alee... your rocky horror avatar made me squeel with delight
Lordgrey... that video was C L A S S I C
and I too am disappointed.. but I still have faith. I mean everything leading up the 12th.. only to have this???? No, I definently think (hope!) there is more.... Im thinking like someone else mentioned... that since the daniel vid showed the location pretty well... that we may have some sort of ARG element presented... whether it be directly from the creators or from the one who shall not be named in this section ::cough:: crazy cassie ::cough::
So I will wait... and waste more time on this thing then i should.... these past few weeks have proved to be super unproductive in the real world life of cuddlebunni......
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:42 pm
by je_danse112
thejyav wrote:je_danse112 wrote:
I must admit, at this time of night I get scared of these videos...
Could you please give me a fear factor for this video?
yea lordgreystoke422's stomach is pretty scary. Hey was slightly intresting in the begining but now is slapstick
LMAO! Hm.... frightening.
You never know though. After watching Revelations 2 late at night I was too scared to walk to my room.... I had to call my parents and they came and escorted me up the stairs. I'm a big wimp.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:09 pm
by dVant
What a dud!
Daniels video gave us nothing that we didn't already guess.
Brees video gave us nothing.
This is a show, people! The last month worth of videos spent to develop the suspense in anticipation of the mysterious occult ceremony was supposed to have a pay-off, damnit.
Hitchcock they're not.
Daniel better have something interesting to say about the ceremony... soon.
Same with cassieiswatching... something interesting better happen soon or I'm out.
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:12 pm
by Temposs
I would like to clarify something that people may have missed so far.
No, Bree is no longer watching Daniel's videos. Go to: ... l15&page=9
Notice that Daniel's "Where is She Going?" video is on there, as well as all his previous videos. Now, the next video is "Daniel Crossed The Line". Notice that there are no more Daniel videos after that(all the remaining videos are on page 10). Also, notice that Danielbeast is not listed under her channels that she's viewing.
So, it's unlikely she knows what's been going on with Daniel. I agree that she seems to be forcing what enthusiasm she has.
As usual, I think the things she asserts about herself are things she's been told by Lucy and now the elders. She never says why it was a great honor to be in the presence of the elders, nor what the incantation was for.
Ah! I remembered the other thing I wanted to say! To add to the physical aspect of her lying and holding back. It is a well-known psychological phenomenon that when someone is lying, they naturally move their eyes to the left. And that's exactly what she's doing. I'm pretty sure trained actors learn this type of thing, and the director wanted to make sure we saw it. Look here: ... 194392.php for some explanation of specific facial features during lying.
Notice the out of place tag on YouTube, "barnacle".
Hope this has been helpful

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:14 pm
by aguy
spaciegirl wrote:aguy- thanks. At least I got something from this otherwise useless board today.
There is no reason, and the truth is plain to see.

Re: bandage...
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:15 pm
by Mirage
toadlguy wrote:Mirage wrote:
*shrug* Then again, it's not like I'm paying money for this.
I think I could of bought a car for the amount of money I've lost following this (but it is fun).
I wish I had that kind of money to lose in the first place.
And honestly, people, if you think this is useless, then why are you still here? I'm not trying to start an arguement--I'm not well worded enough to hold up my own. I'm just saying.