It was certainly no Please Mr. Postman!Luminous wrote: There was a really bad Carpenters song back in the 70's that went something like that.
I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.

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robtomorrow wrote:I would certainly want to know what the song is before I would agree to sing it eternally. What if the song sucks?
wait wait wait! when did this happen??Raven_Night wrote:I think we've established that Tachyon will not come back unfortunatelyroshy wrote:Could TCC = tachyon?
i think this is what happened:eyemeey wrote:wait wait wait! when did this happen??Raven_Night wrote:I think we've established that Tachyon will not come back unfortunatelyroshy wrote:Could TCC = tachyon?
Why do people never check the LGPedia? It's so under-used! Even when I was a n00b (which I still kinda am) I check the LGPedia before asking a question. Sorry to seem bitchy or whatevs. Just hearing "What's TAAG?" "Tachyon's dead?!?!1!1" etc, all the time gets grating. Nothing against the new users or anything. Don't get me wrong, the more the merrier. Just try looking it up first? It usually takes 2 minutes at most to find what you're looking for.pandababy wrote:i think this is what happened:eyemeey wrote:wait wait wait! when did this happen??Raven_Night wrote: I think we've established that Tachyon will not come back unfortunately
when Glenn left the team, he took the rights to Tachyon with him. The C's can't use her anymore.
although i didn't get into the whole Tachyon thing, so...