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Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:01 am
by Charles Phoenix
kellylen wrote:well they do say that sex is a stress reliever
... well masturbation at least. I assume sex is the same
sex with yourself... sex with somone... bloody hell, sex with two people if your so inclined... is still sex... does the same things mental and chemical and such, full stop.
katiej88 wrote:Sarah: "Guess where I am. (She jumps off and smacks the machine with her hand.) Done the fun here too. Umm... and not with anyone else." (from LGPedia)
not with anyone else???? what does that mean?
that would be some of that sex by yourself bit i just mentioned birdie
ApotheosisAZ wrote:*lights a cigarette*
I think she's a bit jealous of his ability to fall in love.
i think sarah does have a connection problem... which is why shes somewhat permiscuous (sp?)
*lites a fagg as well*... oy... sarahs issues
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:17 am
by Marilee
wow, I come back from Italy after a month and look at all the videos I get to watch
I really agree with whomever said that she is a lot of talk, like the girls in high school who pretend to be slutty. (sorry I can't find the post now, I'm still jet lagged and hungry.) This video just kinda screams "look at me! talk to me!" almost desperate? hmm. just a thought!
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:28 am
by pinkingrid
It was pointed out in the earlier videos that Jonas couldn't just walk into the bathroom confidently if he hasn't seen her naked...

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:40 am
by Charles Phoenix
pinkingrid wrote:It was pointed out in the earlier videos that Jonas couldn't just walk into the bathroom confidently if he hasn't seen her naked...

it was also concluded that he didnt intend on walking in until he had figured in his mind... "shes not answering, i should go see whats the matter"
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:41 am
by Particular

I'm going to read through the rest of the posts now and add the rest in a minute, but for now....
Oh my god!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:52 am
by Particular
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:57 am
by aboriginalgangster
Age of consent is not the only issue. There are also the statutory rape laws which ALSO vary state to state. There are different degrees of it, ranging from someone of age being very inappropriate with someone very young (which is just plain rape anyway) to someone barely of age doing it with someone barely not-of-age.
Most states in the US (although not ALL of them) have an age range that the older person has to be in when having sex with someone under 18 but still of consenting age to fix the 18-year-old-having-sex-with-17-year-old thing. The older person can only be a certain number of months older than the younger person, who must still be of consenting age. Most places the months amount to a couple of years, up to about 5 years in some places. I think that where I live (Washington) the age of consent is either 15 or 16 with the other party being no older than 4 years older, although I may be wrong.
Ultimately we won't know if they are technically breaking any laws until we know where they are hiding out and how old Jonas actually is.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:03 am
by Lurker
aboriginalgangster wrote:Ultimately we won't know if they are technically breaking any laws until we know where they are hiding out and how old Jonas actually is.
Jonas is supposed to be 19 and a Leo.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:14 am
by tricky-ticky-tavi
The "age of consent/statutory rape" discussions are getting tiresome. She is 17, he is 19. This is pretty much 17/19 year old behavior. At least it was when i was 17...
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:15 am
by aprilking
Wow it seems Sarah has a lot of experience. If I were Jonas I would try to get in on the action. Of course he will probaby just get mad and say she's not serious about finding Bree.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:15 am
by aboriginalgangster
Lurker wrote:aboriginalgangster wrote:Ultimately we won't know if they are technically breaking any laws until we know where they are hiding out and how old Jonas actually is.
Jonas is supposed to be 19 and a Leo.
In which case they're probably in the clear. Still won't know 100% until we know where they are.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:35 am
by Particular
Re: age of consent...
I honestly think they'd have more to worry about than statutory rape if the cops found them, things like breaking and entering, kidnapping, etc etc. Plus its not a big issue, unless they actually film it, there won't be any evidence.
By the way, US law sucks - honestly, was it really that important to "stick it" to England? (I'm not a massive Brit fan, but come on, your laws are inconsistent) Sorry about the legal rant there, just had to let off some steam.
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:42 am
by watching_watchers
They would post this right after I go to bed. *Goes to watch it*
edits post- F..U...N, Its for fun Jonas. =D
So Sarah is like the queen of this stuff so if she even thinks Bree and Jonas hooked up they probably did.
And is she saying she screwed Daniel all those places? Woo hoo.
*Goes back to sleep*
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:48 am
by Particular

What is this email notification of which you speak?
Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:49 am
by aboriginalgangster
@ Particular:
The laws are very inconsistent, but I think with good reason. The political views of the majority are also inconsistent from state to state. I live in a very liberal part of the united states, and in just the next state over there are very strong conservative views. It wouldn't be fair for either one of us to impose our laws on the other. I actually think that more state specific laws wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.
And each state changes their laws over time, some just do it at different times than the other. Just look at civil rights in the 60s and how the laws changed, but there had to be a period of transition. I believe the same thing is happening now with gay marriage. Some places have legalized it, and eventually it will be legal everywhere. If the same laws applied in EVERY state, then it wouldn't be legal ANYWHERE here at this point, and progress would be made much slower.
Just my 2 cents.
Back on topic... I do think Sarah has had her share of sex, but that's fine. So long as she's happy and doing it because it's what she WANTS and not what's expected of her, then I don't find anything wrong with it and I don't think she's being a "skank."
ETA: I reread this and I thought I'd say I'm not trying to defend US laws. A lot of them suck, and suck really bad. But at least in some cases the laws are different for a reason. It would be great if the whole country were socially progressing at the same pace, but it just isn't. At least the states that are progressing and changing laws accordingly are being allowed to.