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Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:05 am
by aideen
Melanie wrote:
He said "Don't call me beast call me...." He was referencing his new doctor tag.
I went back and listened, and yeah, he says "Don't call me Beast, (then really faintly) I'm..."
-shot of name tag-
amybagofdonuts wrote:milowent wrote:
Maybe D-Batteries was a subtle reference to Daniel Beast?
HAHAHAHAHA Excellent point!
O.M.G. That is totally perfect, especially if it was coincidental! ;P
Dyou know what really cracked me up? The way they were all alughing when they were running from security, it was like
Lol, we could go to jail if we get cought because we stole highly classified and personal documents from a goverment hospital! Ahahaha yay! Lets jump in our car and rest for a while, they're bound to be unable to see us through the completely clear windows... o_O;
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:07 am
by sparrow
amybagofdonuts wrote:PS- I don't think it was a reference to a vibrator because:
Most take AA batteries
(From Wikipedia)"The sale of vibrators and similar "novelty items" is forbidden in several states in the southern USA. In the state of Texas, the sale of devices for sexual stimulation such as vibrators and dildos is technically illegal, but many stores will sell such items provided that the customer sign a statement that the device will be used only for educational purposes"
Just saying. And, if that's what it really was a reference to, I guess they didn't do much research. I doubt if the policy is as stated above, that one would be sold to a teen.
It depends on the size. Many more powerful "toys" take D's, too.
Which seems to make Sarah's comment even better, IMHO. Not just a vibrator, but a high-powered vibe! Girl power!
And if Sarah can order offline or be a little sneaky, I'm sure she can get her paws on one. I wouldn't put stealing from sex shops past her, either.
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:09 am
by amybagofdonuts
aideen wrote:
Lol, we could go to jail if we get cought because we stole highly classified and personal documents from a goverment hospital! Ahahaha yay! Lets jump in our car and rest for a while, they're bound to be unable to see us through the completely clear windows... o_O;
Ahahaha, I thought the same thing. I wouldn't think I would be like 'YES! High five! Criminal Activity'
misty wrote:
Are you serious???
My girlfriends cousin lives in Texas and she has a vibrator. And there are tons of different kinds of vibrators, some of them use D batteries.
I never said it was absolute fact. I was just stating why
I thought it was not a direct reference to that.
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:10 am
by ApotheosisAZ
I loved this video.
Sarah is rapidly climbing the favorite character charts here. I really enjoy her sarcasm.
The Dr. Beckett plastic surgery name tag was just too much! I laughed my a$$ off!
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:15 am
by je_sais_cequisetrame
amybagofdonuts wrote:"...but many stores will sell such items provided that the customer sign a statement that the device will be used only for educational purposes"
Sort of like going to the fireworks store in Ohio and telling them you're going to Miami (or wherever they're legal.) And, coincidentally, everyone else in line is going there too.
Curious. Very curious, lol.
I can't believe they can regulate that stuff. Oh my. Texas and some of those other states frighten me every now and then. No offense to people from Texas -- that's just a strange law.
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:16 am
by MintyBeast
Jonas was using pick up lines as a joke to play around. I do not think he gets Taylors sense of humor yet. I believe she was joking back and he took it the wrong way.
Earth to Jonas, not every girl wants you.
I want more DB. This vid was better then the last few. DB brings the humor. I hearts him.
I love Sarah and yes so many lines. I shall mention one not said yet "Listen to my heart I think it's going to burst"

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:25 am
by amybagofdonuts
je_sais_cequisetrame wrote:
Sort of like going to the fireworks store in Ohio and telling them you're going to Miami (or wherever they're legal.) And, coincidentally, everyone else in line is going there too.
Curious. Very curious, lol.
I can't believe they can regulate that stuff. Oh my. Texas and some of those other states frighten me every now and then. No offense to people from Texas -- that's just a strange law.
Like I said, I got that from Wikipedia. And I was just bringing it up as a point. It just seems like if a law like that is in place to begin with, it's doubtful to me that they would sell one to a teen. BUT I don't live in Texas, and never tried to buy a 'toy' there. And, as someone else stated she could be sneaky and order one online.
I also think it's very far-reaching of them to tell you it's illegal to buy one. But, this isn't a politics forum, so I'll leave it at that :]
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:27 am
by aideen
amybagofdonuts wrote:aideen wrote:
Lol, we could go to jail if we get cought because we stole highly classified and personal documents from a goverment hospital! Ahahaha yay! Lets jump in our car and rest for a while, they're bound to be unable to see us through the completely clear windows... o_O;
Ahahaha, I thought the same thing. I wouldn't think I would be like 'YES! High five! Criminal Activity'
LOL! Exactly! Jonas was like, "Ahaha, we're running from security right now"
I want to know why Sarah said "You're really clever" and looked annoyed. I wonder what Jonas said to irritate her
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:32 am
by MintyBeast
aideen wrote:amybagofdonuts wrote:aideen wrote:
Lol, we could go to jail if we get cought because we stole highly classified and personal documents from a goverment hospital! Ahahaha yay! Lets jump in our car and rest for a while, they're bound to be unable to see us through the completely clear windows... o_O;
Ahahaha, I thought the same thing. I wouldn't think I would be like 'YES! High five! Criminal Activity'
LOL! Exactly! Jonas was like, "Ahaha, we're running from security right now"
I know a lot of people (myself included) who do and would laugh after such a thing taking place. It's hilarius and adenalin is pumping.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:35 am
by amybagofdonuts
All right all, great new vid...but I have to go to bed now. NIGHT! :]
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:46 am
by Shaneener
I want to know why Sarah said "You're really clever" and looked annoyed. I wonder what Jonas said to irritate her
I think he used a pickup line on her or hit on her or something. =P I forget now...
She is officially my favorite.
Wanna know what's sad?
I was explaining the LG15 plot to a friend. I told her the list of characters, and guess who I almost forgot?
I really want to see the Ceremony. I have since the beginning. It's so mysterious and eerie and COOL.
I can't believe the wasted all that time looking for Jules when she's not even the girl. At all.
What did they have to go on, anyway?
She has a cat.
She makes videos.
She has strict parents.
She's homeschooled and dorky.
She's in the Order.
Of course.
I want DB with Sarah, Jonas with Bree, and Taylor... Taylor can have, er, a Watcher. Yeaaahhh...
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:46 am
by robtomorrow
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:50 am
by Mikeeee
lol @ the boombox thing.
Loved this video, she might not be the new girl.
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:55 am
by je_sais_cequisetrame
LOL! Wouldn't that be marvelous, hahaha. Excellent job finding that pic! They really do look a lot alike right there. All someone has to do is photoshop some more chest on Lucy and that's pretty damn good, lol.
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 1:03 am
by robtomorrow
je_sais_cequisetrame wrote:
LOL! Wouldn't that be marvelous, hahaha. Excellent job finding that pic! They really do look a lot alike right there. All someone has to do is photoshop some more chest on Lucy and that's pretty damn good, lol.
I don't know, I thought Lucy looked pretty chesty!