longlostposter wrote:Daniel says it's time for me to give her what she's got coming for trying to make me believe he is with her. I shall kick her ass from one end of this thread to the other (which is really saying something).
that is quite a distance!
colbertnationgirl wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
PolkadotConfederation wrote:You know....I think I prefer my grenade:
longlostposter wrote:Juli: Daniel, I'm beating the hell out of the girl that says you are hers.
Daniel: Who?
Juli: Kari, or Karina, or whatever...
Daniel: Who?
You underestimate me, Juli.
Daniel: Who is this girl?
Daniel: Baby, don't worry about those others girls. You know that DannyB yours.
colbertnationgirl wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
colbertnationgirl wrote:
I'm done fighting until Chel shows up (or not). I forfeit. Kari, you win.
Lurker wrote:Just dropping by to say I still read this thing. Which means I must be as insane as all of you.
Lurker--I can't believe you still read this! You should post in here more...
PolkadotConfederation wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:
Cloud_ax wrote:holy hell!!!
i totally understood that all.
Mmkay, dork.
*does the stargate dance*
PolkadotConfederation wrote:
longlostposter wrote:I'm bored. Has Mary come in at all? She must be going cold turkey to get off the Danielbeast...either that, or her parents read this thread.
PolkadotConfederation wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:My first TV crush that I can remember was Bart Simpson...
Chelseyrl wrote:Frickin' weirdo. That's your answer for everything.
Don't think you have to worry about it Cloud...
not happening
hahaha I can't believe you actually read that!
PolkadotConfederation wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:
PolkadotConfederation wrote:
I liked being corrupted while it lasted but...I feel like I'm becoming a mean person because of it.
I'm corrupted and sweet. 'Tis possible.
But not for me it isn't. My corruption has caused me to step over bounds several times, so now it's time to revert back to the Kassia that I used to be. It was fun Chelsey.
Chelseyrl wrote:
Lurker wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:Wtf, I thought he was an undead Penguin from Jupiter.
That was my cover story. Now it's blown ... thanks to Kassia!
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
Jo_16_2 wrote:holy f.... do you girls think that i'm a machine made only for sex or something?
I'd say "poor guy," but it would be incredibly insincere. Don't complain, you doof!
Lurker wrote:
Cloud_ax wrote:
Lurker wrote:
Rolling your eyes doesn't hide the twinkle I saw in them, Cloud. You know you're moved at the thought of it.
id rather sitck a fork in my eye.
consideration wrote:
Aithne wrote:wow! this is the first time I have been to this thread and I am the only female.
Cloud_ax wrote:
Jo_16_2 wrote:
Cloud_ax wrote:Jo, just FedEx yourself to Kassia's house. done deal.
and then her dad would go after me with the shotgun
that may be true.... well hopfully you would get there in the evening when her dad is asleep then you and her can run off to Vegas.
damn im smart.
LMAO thinking of Kassia's dad running after Jo with a shotgun.
Jo_16_2 wrote:
consideration wrote:
Jo_16_2 wrote:let's trade then, i'll hitchhike my way to cali
Bad idea! Hitchhiking is so friggen dangerous nowadays. It's not like the 60s when you could hitch all the way across the country with no problems. And cops are so mean about it. They threaten to lock you up. And call your parents. At two in the morning.
ok then, i'll WALK my way all over the country
Jo_16_2 wrote:
consideration wrote:
Jo_16_2 wrote:ok then, i'll WALK my way all over the country
I've tried that, too. Then the cops get pissed because you're out passed curfew. At two in the morning.
You know, you should probably trade places with someone who doesn't live in the midst of a wretched police force.
dammit! i'll RUN all over the country
and i'll hide from the cops
consideration wrote:I HAVE THE ANSWER!
We'll bring back the Underground Railroad and transport Jo across the country!
Cloud_ax wrote:
PolkadotConfederation wrote:
George is popular. Even though Chelsey ate him.
Chelseyrl wrote:I'm eating George again. Seriously.
PolkadotConfederation wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:
PolkadotConfederation wrote:Chelsey---I HIT YOU WITH MY GRENADE!!!Rfkjdskhgkjf dsahgfkjd!!!!!! Just kidding. Everytime you eat George, he comes back to life.
I do hope you realize what you're implying.
PolkadotConfederation wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Oh, I ate George's cousin for dinner.
WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE AND EATING GEORGE AND HIS FAMILY MEMBERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!>!?!??! tgfdskgyhfd ghfszfgkdyjszf gzdshjfgdshj Fgdhsj fgdhzks jgfdhjzfgkzbvjcrweg3iu8q463728q5475§¶¢r5^#$%#%^&$%^Zrz6& Fusdrtz~!!!!