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Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:42 pm
by browneyedgirl
I just don't believe that Jules is the new girl, so I don't pay much attention to videos describing her exercise routines or whatever. My vote is still on Taylor. But that's just me. I just can't take Jules seriously and until they've officially made her a part of the story I'm not even going to try. I don't understand why Bree doesn't acknowledge any of the other possible new girls, and why she is repeatedly asking for help when there's help in abundance.

But otherwise Bree was funny and cute in this video

And I'm ready for some hypnotizing now! I enjoy videos where they interact because the three of them have good chemistry together

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:47 pm
Bree's still cute, but I thought that this video was pretty lousy. I have no idea why the Creators haven't jumped ship on this Jules business...nearly nobody likes her (myself included), and it's becoming a huge deadweight on the series.

So, the first third of the video is commenting on another video series that nobody likes, the second third of the video is telling a story that would be much more effective if shown firsthand, and the last third (the "plot revelation" part) is telling us information that we already know.

I was never one to jump on the "omg the series sux without glenn" bandwagon, but the past couple of videos have been pretty darn bad.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:49 pm
by mousegirl
Please stop
She is no good
I hope they don't make her cannon.
I might have to agree with Smelltheflowers even though it sounds like such a hard thing to do.
Stop watching Lonelygirl15?
just after I did a speech about it in my speech class?
But honestly, Jules cannot act at all.
Bree, you are looking far to hard into Jules, check out the other girls PLEASE!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:50 pm
by rupaZer0
Inigo wrote:"Dark Side of the Moon"

Seems like a reference to the famous Pink Floyd Album... could it mean something?
coolgeek007 wrote:Hey guys, kevin here..aka coolgeek007

Just for the reference of “dark side of the moon”…People often refer to “the dark side of the moon”, but there is no such thing. The sun shines on all sides of it in turn. However, there is a “far side of the moon” which is never seen from the earth. Over the eons, the gravitational forces of the earth have slowed down the moon’s rotation about its axis until the rotational period exactly matches the revolution period about the earth.

Hm so maybe it can be a clue….
As Lurker said, Bree doesn't seem like a Pink Floyd fan. We do of course know that she was into astrophysics, so she is likely to know something about the far side of the moon. I like to believe that Tachyon introduced her to some cool music and as such it's a Pink Floyd reference too. After all, Tachyon used a piano rendition of, 'Can I play with Madness?' by Iron Maiden in her first video.

In any case, if you take the two possible sources of the reference together then it describes their situation in the bunker quite well - a place that is unseen, and the ugly emotional tendencies coming out in some of the charaters (Danielbeast) as was the theme of the Pink Floyd album. To be honest, I don't want to stretch the second bit too far as I don't want DannyB to go Syd Barrett on our asses.
Smelltheflowers wrote:Well, aside from my utter disgust for Jules, I visited the site Bree mentioned in this video (To see it, click Here).

Since there isn't much information on the front page, do you think one of us should attempt to contact them, maybe under the guise of being interested in joining the Hymn of One?

It might be a silly idea, I'm just throwing it out there :oops:
I did that pretty much as soon as the site was found, and I still haven't received anything. Come on, I want some of this religious babble that Bree promised me!

Come to think of it, I found what Bree said kind of confusing. She seemed to make a passing reference to the opposite of a higher power - what's a lower power? Leprechauns?
thelogicpuzzler wrote:
aerial wrote:i think the hypnotizing stuff might actually work.

what else do they have to do?
On Mythbusters, they hypnotized some cast and crew members and found that people remember more details of a traumatic events when they're hypnotized versus pure memory.
If I remember rightly, my boyfriend's mother uses this technique in her job as a post-traumatic psychotherapist. She says it works really well for coming to terms with trauma. Of course, she's highly trained and Jtko and DB are not. Ah well, it beats drinking.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:56 pm
by Susan
So... Since we're mostly in agreement, why don't we choose among the girls we do like and all of us start treating her like the new girl. We could blog her, be an intermediary between her and BDJ, and point out all the reasons why THIS girl is the one. We are a LOT of people. The combined force of all of us could move the story forward, don't you think? After all, it happened in Star Trek.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:58 pm
by ericski
higher power is left general to avoid offending sometimes. God, jehovah, goddess, earth mother, some higher power than ourselves.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:00 pm
by longlostposter
Mousegirl, you are a sweetie, and I don't mean to be nit-picky, but the proper spelling of the word is 'canon' (in this context). I can't help it; it grates on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. I guess that's because I got attacked for spelling it the proper way quite a bit early on.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:03 pm
by rupaZer0
ericski wrote:higher power is left general to avoid offending sometimes. God, jehovah, goddess, earth mother, some higher power than ourselves.
I don't think it's just about avoiding offending: loads of people refer to a higher power nowadays as an acknowledgement that all religions are expressing a common human experience. So the earth mother *is* god and vice versa.

But what's the opposite of a higher power? Please don't let it be leprechauns or underwear gnomes or the squirrels that attack vending machines.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:20 pm
by mousegirl
longlostposter wrote:Mousegirl, you are a sweetie, and I don't mean to be nit-picky, but the proper spelling of the word is 'canon' (in this context). I can't help it; it grates on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard. I guess that's because I got attacked for spelling it the proper way quite a bit early on.
I am sorry
I didn't even notice
I am the queen at typos....
I actually type things I hear, and will skip things because in my head I think it, but don't type it

I will try to catch myself next time
I am uberly embarrassed by my mistake

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:26 pm
by ericski
rupaZer0 wrote:
ericski wrote:higher power is left general to avoid offending sometimes. God, jehovah, goddess, earth mother, some higher power than ourselves.
I don't think it's just about avoiding offending: loads of people refer to a higher power nowadays as an acknowledgement that all religions are expressing a common human experience. So the earth mother *is* god and vice versa.

But what's the opposite of a higher power? Please don't let it be leprechauns or underwear gnomes or the squirrels that attack vending machines.
true, that's why i said sometimes. i figured it would be safe to say without causing a backlash. anyway... :)

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:29 pm
by watching_watchers
kellylen wrote:guysssssssss shut up and quit bitching how the series sucks. honestly I dont give a flying fizzuck and if i hear it anymore im gonna get REAL mad

take it to complaints. not in here
Obviously your the only one disagreeing.
Who made you god btw?
Jesus. -.-

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:29 pm
by mousegirl
I always feel really bad for making mistakes
I don't feel as bad now

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:31 pm
by watching_watchers
longlostposter wrote:I have only one comment at this point in time.

Where the f**k is DB?

I'm pissed.
Agreed. This sucks. I'm sick of plain blogs. Action is needed now. And Jules should be GONE. f**k. Can I say that word on here? LOL. :evil:

*edit* guess not lmao.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:40 pm
by kellylen
guys yousef is on vacation with his family in virginia i think it is so i dont think well be seeing him for awhile

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:03 pm
by Hippie
kellylen wrote:guysssssssss shut up and quit bitching how the series sucks. honestly I dont give a flying fizzuck and if i hear it anymore im gonna get REAL mad

take it to complaints. not in here
I both understand and am confused by your statement... 1st a videos comments is for people to talk about the video, and sometime that includes bitching (though I prefer ranting, bitching doesnt bring real points) True that comments could cross over to complaints, but not always...

And anyway, get mad, I am! Its just mine is about the LG downfall, and yours is about views like mine!

All i can say is Im almost wishing Glenn never came along, I would have NEVER had a high respect for the show, I watched before, but the anticipation of more came around the time he signed on, and now that hes gone, the videos are obviously (to me) suffering...

I mean even the high points since he left just havent been amazing by any means, at this point the rescue of daniel will stay the high point of LG, and im near sure it wont be topped...

On the good side though, those of you who liked the original vlogging videos should be somewhat happy by the (boring) turn of events...

ps- Im not the one to complain at these vlog videos most the time, there has to be down time, but this is too much, and since Yousef is in my state, i have a bad feeling nothing really moving will come soon, also a poster mentioned alot learned in the past 6 videos, i have to disagree, the info was given to us, YES, but really, none of it matters that much, it doesnt change the evil/good storyline but so much...