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Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:06 pm
by Kasdeja
I think I'm going to quit thinking on it and let people who know what they are doing keep trying, lol...that or wait on bethy's husband.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:08 pm
by Luminous
Here are a few I have tried
The last word in the phrase, forward and reversed:
8404 tranlated to letters (0=a) forward and backward
And (1=a) forward and backward
I have been trying these on the pass phrase with every combination of forward and reverse I can think of.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:37 pm
by satansgurl
Aja wrote:For reference, I've been working on finding a key for a possible vigenere chipher. Here are the keys I've tried (some are just ridiculous):
maddy, maddison, maddisonatkins, maddyatkins, adam, whiskey
finneys, fresh, fish, frenchfried, freshfish, finneysfish, fresher, freshest (basically any combo of these)
wine, winery, bottle, bottlewine
jeep, car, noarm, unarm, unarmed
drseuss, seuss, theodor, geisel, theodorgeisel, ohsaycanyousay
isthisthingon, checkone, onetwothree, microphone
hymnofone, hoo, truefreewill, tfw, mrzipp, zipp
jonas, bree, daniel, lonelygirl
nacogdoches, texas, nacogdochestexas, dontmesswithtexas
vials, water, salt, saltwater, ocean, gulfofmexico
I know I've tried more than these, but this is all I can remember right now. I'll update as I try more.
I tried elements, didn't work: honacl, h2onacl
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:51 pm
by Luminous
I have also tried shifting each section of the message by a letter shift corresponding to the numbers, for example:
The first section, Sowehws Hipn, with an 8 shift, 0=A becomes> Kgowzok Zahf
with 1=A, it becomes Lhpxapl Abig
Not even anagram material, I don't think. Oh, well.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:59 pm
by Kasdeja
Hmmm...Hopefully Whisky will help us. That's one smart weiner dog.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:45 pm
by bethy
Okay, the hubby is looking at it now...said it's a little harder than he thought it was going to be.
But he also said the first step is not to overlook the obvious. Adding, "You've got a red string, salt, water. This doesn't have anything to do with fishing, does it?"
Mind you, he doesn't know anything about the Dr. Seuss poem...I didn't tell him that part. All he's seen is the scanned image at the beginning of this thread.
He's got something turning around in his brain, but I don't know what it is.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:58 pm
by Luminous
Haha, Bethy, gettin' your hubby hooked on lonely crack, I see

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:04 pm
by bethy
I wish. He hates it.
But then, I hate when he watches the SciFi Channel on Friday nights and tries to get me involved in the story by explaining it while I just stare at him with this, "I don't give a crap"" look. We're even.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:37 pm
by lorien
Following many of us discussing how much we needed more information, Maddison entered the chat.
Two distinct points were made:
1) Maddison very much liked the idea that "hurry" is the last word. She then prodded our knowledge of ciphers in order to determine whether there is a way for us to break the code with the knowledge that hurry is the last word.
2) It was discussed that many keys had been attempted. Maddison asked which keys. I responded, "saltwater, saline, ocean, references from the Seuss poem, musical references, 'Is This Thing On Check One'". Maddison suggested we try synonyms of those.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:43 pm
by trainer101
salt + water = brine
Has anyone had the chance to try it?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:45 pm
by PhiaMonster
trainer101 wrote:salt + water = brine
Has anyone had the chance to try it?
tried it still working on it...
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:45 pm
by lorien
I've tried brine, briny, brackish, alkaline, acrid, pelagic, abyssal, tears (suggested by nowherepixie), cry, crying...
Pelagic came up with the second word being "died", but the rest was rubbish.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:51 pm
by nowherepixie
Maybe its not supposed to be seawater, maybe it's tears?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:00 pm
by lg15panda
lorien wrote:Maddison very much liked the idea that "hurry" is the last word. She then prodded our knowledge of ciphers in order to determine whether there is a way for us to break the code with the knowledge that hurry is the last word.
I hope I didn't mess up somewhere, but if "hurry" is the last word and this is a vigenere cipher, then I think we're looking for a passphrase that ends in "obill" and starts with either 3, 5, or 15 more letters before "obill." Someone check me on this?
Passphrase would then be either:
The next # up from that would be 35 (I think?), but I don't think the passphrase would be THAT long. If it is, I'm running for the hills!
Again, this is only true IF "hurry" is the last word and IF this is a vigenere cipher after all. Does this seem at all likely?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:26 pm
by Luminous
lg15panda wrote:lorien wrote:Maddison very much liked the idea that "hurry" is the last word. She then prodded our knowledge of ciphers in order to determine whether there is a way for us to break the code with the knowledge that hurry is the last word.
I hope I didn't mess up somewhere, but if "hurry" is the last word and this is a vigenere cipher, then I think we're looking for a passphrase that ends in "obill" and starts with either 3, 5, or 15 more letters before "obill." Someone check me on this?
Passphrase would then be either:
The next # up from that would be 35 (I think?), but I don't think the passphrase would be THAT long. If it is, I'm running for the hills!
Again, this is only true IF "hurry" is the last word and IF this is a vigenere cipher after all. Does this seem at all likely?
Deagol arrived at this last night, but as of yet, we have found no matching key.